Just wanted to share a picture this morning. it never gets old sharing it. I think it's the first time I've shared it on my blog. it's the last family picture that we had made together. it's my favorite ever. this was made in the local Nursing Home up in the area where the rest of my family live. some of the local churches take turns having church services for the patients and families.
this particular sunday, the lady whose church was to have service let my family have their time slot so we could all get together and have what turned out to be the last family celebration with everyone present. that one act of kindness and generosity resulted in this picture. for that, I/we will forever be grateful to that lady and her church.
the people at nursing home had decorated the cafeteria so beautifully and it was just such a special day. my husband took this picture and I'm thankful for him that he wanted to take the time to do that for us. it's hard to get a good picture when there are so many of us and so many others taking pictures also, but he did get a good picture for us.
this picture was taken on Dec. 25th 2011, Daddy went home to be the Lord on Jan. 23rd 2012 and we had his funeral on Jan 25th 2012. things have changed a lot since then, but what is amazing is the rest of us are still here.
I'm so amazed at God's blessings on my family. while there will forever be an empty seat at our table for now, we all are very thankful that the table is still as full as it is. God is good all the time. people have said it's a picture that only a Momma could love, and I have to tell you, she sure does love her family.
we all love her too. we are blessed and highly favored and we don't take it for granted. this was good day.
just to add a little more about this picture. I've always tried to share Jesus with y'all and be real about it. I try to remember to tell y'all to pray for the lost too. my daddy was one of those lost souls up until about 2 months before this picture was taken. he was building contractor for many years and had built many houses in the local area. no other contractors could hold a candle to him and his work. a house he built was a good house!!!!! he built houses for people that knew he didn't know the Lord. everyone that knew him prayed for him. his family prayed for him too.
a lady that he had built a house for many years ago was at the nursing home visiting family and she stopped in to visit my dad. as it was relayed to me she asked him if he knew the Lord and he said no. right then and there she led him to the Lord!!!!! talking about singing in heaven and joy in heaven over one lost soul, there was that night!!!!!
I'm here to tell you, that's why we NEVER stop praying for the lost. and we're to always obedient to call that God placed in our lives. if God puts someone on your heart, pray for them!!!! it's that simple. this lady could have left without visiting daddy, but she didn't. she answered the call on her life in that moment in time and about 3 months later, he went to home to Glory!!!!!!
can you imagine what would have happened if this lady hadn't been faithful to the call to spend time with my daddy? his funeral, 3 months later, would have been much different than it was.
as we celebrate Christmas today, the day we traditionally celebrate the birth of Christ, who do you need to take the time to visit with? if God has put someone on your heart, let today be the day that they really have something to celebrate. who knows, you may be that person that God has decided to use to lead that person to Christ.
every day is a new opportunity to share Jesus with others. I hope and pray that as we continue to celebrate this day, y'all will have a wonderful day and step out in faith, if called on by God. you may be the broken vessel that God uses to advance His kingdom.
Merry Christmas!!!!!
Happy Birthday Jesus!!!!!
I pray that if we claim to know You, that our lives reflect You. if our lives reflect the culture of the day, then it's very doubtful that we actually know You. more than likely, we're wolves in sheeps clothing seeking whom we may devour. please, never let that be said of us, if we are truly Yours. but for the real wolves in sheeps clothing, please Lord, expose them for who they are and give us spiritual eyes and spiritual understanding to see and know them for what and who they are.
spiritual discernment comes only from You. that's what's lacking in todays culture and society. we see what we want to see with our human eyes. if we seek to see the culture and society with spiritual eyes, I can promise you that God's own people would be wiping tears from our eyes 24-7!!!! I think there is still a remnant that truly sees what going on.
and something else, while I'm at it. I was raised to not have favorites when it came to grandparents or uncles and aunts or cousins. that's just how I was raised. they were all different and all to be loved for who they were. I never showed partiality towards one grandparent over another. I loved them all and still do miss them all. I have wonderful memories of all of them. more memories of my dad's parents than of my momma's parents. but I don't think more of one set of grandparents without thinking of the other set. that's not so today. I see people posting pics all the time about missing a grandparent. well, they actually have 2 grandparents that they should be missing. so, I'm done with this for now. hahaha
where is the Christmas Spirit in this? I don't know, but it's all I got this morning.
just love others as Christ has loved you. share about what Jesus has done for you every chance you get. be the hands, feet and mouth of Jesus every chance you get. try to live like every day is Christmas. if we can do that, then we can celebrate every day. and we should celebrate everyday.
my husband asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I told him last night what I want for Christmas is the breath of life for both of us to enjoy today and every day for as long as God allows. if we wake up, it's a day to celebrate. so let's celebrate today. celebrate Jesus, our Savior and Lord!!
blessings of joy, peace and love be yours today!!! hugs, patty
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