good morning my lovelies. first off, I don't know who prayed for me to have a good night's sleep and rest, but I appreciate it!!!! thank you so much!!!!! it looks like we're in for a wild ride this week. we got 7 inches of rain over the weekend, lots of flooding and now, possibly 4 to 6 inches of snow or more. well, God is in control so I'll let Him decide what's gonna happen. and in the mean time, I'll try not to worry about, and just let Him take care of it. please do pray for the families that have lost loved ones due to flooding. it's so heartbreaking. on a different note, I have 3 baby pepper plants that just sprang forth over the last 2 or 3 days. I'm quite excited about that. I have 12 tomato plants too. the tomatoes are doing really good. I planted 12 seeds and all of them were good ones. yay!!! I don't know if all my peppers will come up or not. I'm using my 2 hydroponic units from amazon and they each hold 12 seed pods. so getting 12 out of 12 tomatoes, is fantastic. but I don't think the peppers are gonna be that prolific because it takes a lot longer for them to sprout and I think some of my pods already have mold growing in them. so I may have to toss the pods and start more. I really don't want to do that, but I'll keep hanging with them for another few days and see what happens.
let's have the "giggle for the day":
what do you call an angry carrot?
a steamed veggie!
let's do a quick "2 minutes in the kitchen with me" again. I needed to get more sweet potatoes in the freezer, so I got out my "starfrit" peeler from amazon and used it on my sweet potatoes. it does a fantastic job on sweet potatoes that are still nice and plump. but if the peel is the least bit wrinkled, it want's to kick the blade down the potato and skips the peeling. these were good, non wrinkled potatoes. hahaha plus the peel is good to just drop in my composter and make compost.
so as I'm peeling, I'm dropping them in a bowl of water to help keep them from turning dark. and it also washes them. once done with all that, I start dicing to about the size of my thumb joint. some are a little smaller just because of the size of the potatoes. once I get them all diced, I put them in a bowl and put about 2 tablespoons of avocado oil, depending on the amt of sweet potatoes. then I put a bit of salt and pepper, then my dehydrated minced onion and garlic. once I get them all coated nicely with oil and seasonings, I'll put them on a sheet tray lined with parchment paper and try to make a single layer. I had so many this time that I had to make 2 trays of sweet potatoes. so I bake them at 350* for 45 to 50 minutes. these are about as close to candy as you can get.
I hope to get several more bags of these in the freezer before the spring garden push sets in. I'm also doing regular potatoes for my husband. I do them the same way. as a matter of fact, I have another 5 lb bag of each to get done this coming week and get them in the freezer. I just put them in the freezer, on the baking sheet, to freeze. then when I take them off the baking sheets and put them in the zip lock freezer bags, they won't be frozen in a big hard ball. they be easy to get a serving out and seal back up. there will probably be between 7 or 8 servings per bag of frozen potatoes, of both kinds. when I get read to use them, I'll drop them in the air fryer along with what ever meat we're having and crisp them up and get some color on them. wowzers, they are good. I hope you give it a try.
picking back up in Nehemiah today. when I was thinking about what all I've read this go around when doing my bible reading for the year and my bible study, I'm thinking about where Jesus is in the Old Testament and about the sinful nature of God's chosen people, then and now. at one point in time, in the book of 1 Chronicles, we see Jabez and he prayed for God to enlarge his territory so that there would be more people for him to have a good influence on. Jabez isn't talked about much in the bible, but he made a request of God that God honored and answered. he made a request that was seeking the heart of God. he wanted to have a good influence on those who need help. he just had a heart that was seeking God. Nehemiah had that same heart that was seeking the heart of God. that has become a theme for me. it really hit me hard this time around while reading thru the bible. I've been a Christian for many years, 47 years this year, and I praise Jesus Christ for His sacrifice that covered my sins. now, I have had to re-evaluate if I am seeking after the heart of God. I see some semi strong areas in my life, but I also see a lot of weaker areas in my life that I will need to address. I hope while you're doing your own study, that you're asking God to show you where your weaknesses are and He will show to you in His word, while you're reading it, if you're serious about it. we want to be able to boldly come to God with our requests, like Jabez and Nehemiah did. I don't know what your service to the Lord will look like any more than I know what mine will look like, but God does. and regardless of the ridicule we get from those around us, like the ridicule that Nehemiah got, we need to stay strong. we can't stay strong in our own strength, but we can if we rely on and call on God for each breath we take. I said earlier about looking for Jesus in the book of Nehemiah. well we see Jesus all over this book. Nehemiah was all about restoring the temple and getting the people back to worshiping God. it is thru worship that we find redemption. Jesus is all about restoration and redemption. that's what the book of Nehemiah is all about and that's what Jesus is all about. I truly believe that's what we should be all about too. we may be the only Jesus that some will ever see. that's why it's important for us to always be seeking the heart of God. I need to be more aware of the needs around me. I need to show more compassion over the needs I see. Lord help me to be the woman that you designed me to be!!
and be very aware, that when you do start seeking the heart of God, the devil will be all over you at every turn, with every breath just about. he will be using his scare tactics on you. he will be doing everything he can to destroy your testimony and scare you and make you weak. stay strong and stay in the word. just like the Israelites, we can worship our holy God in a holy way.
next time we start in Esther.
well, that's just about I have for today. let's seek the heart of God in all we do. let's praise and worship God for all He does for us. I pray we all have a great day today and we will tell someone that God loves them and wants to be in right relationship with them thru the shed blood of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. blessings of peace and strength be ours today. hugs and love, patty
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