good morning wonderful people. it's a nice and cool 46 degrees here in my neck of the woods. I was hoping for a little warmer temps, but I think it's supposed to warm back up around Saturday. we'll have to wait and see about that. we do have more rain in the forecast, but rain is better than snow. hahaha I just want a little more sunshine again. I did get both of my hydroponic units planted day before yesterday. one of them has pepper seeds in it and the other one has tomato seeds in it. I also got 4 medium sized pots planted with carrots, beets, parsnips, and radishes day before yesterday too. I'll hit the tops of them with a spritz of water today. if it does get to the 70's on saturday, I may plant some lettuce seeds in one of my covered raised beds on legs. I hope to get some of that done. anyway, we'll see how the Lord blesses with good weather and good use of time. I've got to get in the kitchen in a little bit and get some potaotes peeled, russets and sweet potatoes, cut and baked and then in the freezer for easy meal prep. it's always a good day when I'm prepping good food for us.
so this will be a pretty long "2 minutes in the kitchen with me". for once, I remembered to have my cell phone and snapped away during the process. so this is my cuisinart griddler. the [lates will flip over and make a flat griddle surface.
this is one of my loaves of homemade sourdough. I love the size of the loaves, they're perfect for this.
as much as I enjoy this piece of machinery, I don't enjoy cleaning it all the time. it's not hard to clean, I just don't enjoy having to clean it after each use. I know, lazy right. hahaha so I dug out a piece of parchment paper on a whim, just to see if it would work.
I got my bread spread on the sides that will touch the griddle with mayonnaise to help the bread brown evenly. I also got my lunch meat and cheese prepared too.
once the griddler got hot, I put everything on it, in proper order and shut the lid and guess what? it worked better than I could have imagined it to work.
the folded in half parchment worked perfectly to cover the top of the sandwiches too. I lowered the lid and let it do it's magic.
here it is, with the lid closed and you can see the parchment paper over the edge and it's just doing it's thing.
here they are finished and you can see the oozing of the cheese, but that's ok, because there's still plenty on the sandwiches.
and the last picture is how I slice them. I do this about once a week and we do love them. it's a really great change of pace for us.
I guess I could have shown you our empty plates. hahahaha they were really good and they hit the spot when you want something different. and one of the best things about this, easy cleanup!!!!! I'm all over that and I sure do appreciate the fact that it's so easy. now, I don't have to take the plates and soak them in the sink. I just wad the parchment paper up and toss in the garbage. done and done. yay!!!!!!! I hope you enjoyed seeing this and that maybe you got some ideas.
picking up in 1 Kings Chapter 12, we remember Solomon is dead and his son, is next in line as king. sometimes it best to take some good advice, especially from people that can say "been there, done that". Rehoboam was king over Judah and he wasn't one to take advice of the elders.
he took advice from the young people. just like people today want to take advice from young people that haven't even gotten out of pampers yet. but people that don't want to serve the Lord will do anything. we see that when people out picketing for the right to kill babies. they don't want to responsible human beings, they want to do what they want to do and have no consequences to deal with. having forgotten that they will answer to God someday for it.
Jeroboam also became ruler over Israel and he sinned greatly against God. not only did Jeroboam make 1 golden calf to be worshiped, but he made 2. they knew about the golden calf that Aaron had made and now this king makes 2. and the people did sin and worship it and not only that, but came up with his own feasts and he appointed priests. he sinned greatly in Gods eyes.
it matters not, who is king, they all sinned and sinned greatly. up to this point anyway. it just shows me that it's human nature for people to evil and wicked. for me, even as a Christian, I have to fight hard, with the help of the Lord, to keep the old ways and thoughts from taking over completely, so I can't imagine having the weight of king on my shoulders. the position of king for Israel was a God ordained, appointed position. God had told them early on, back in Genesis, that one day they would demand a king, just like all the pagan countries around them. we can see why God wanted to be their king. as a Christian, Jesus Christ is my King. is He yours?
battles against kings and wars keep going on. but in Chapter 17 we see Elijah, a man of God, a prophet who believes in the power of God. praise God for men like Elijah. God gives us hope, even today, in a hopeless situation. God will always have someone as His spokes person. we have to have the ears to hear and the heart and mind to know the truth. I've heard a lot of preachers telling what they want to tell. but what they're telling is nowhere to be found in scripture. if someone is telling you something and it can't be found in scripture, they are a false teacher and they are NOT to be believed, trusted, listened to in any way. the preachers preaching the true word of God, won't be really popular with the message they have. but truth isn't popular. we live in a culture that doesn't have the mind or the capability to recognize truth when and if they hear it. most would rather believe the lies than to believe the truth any day.
ask God for discernment and wisdom. those are 2 gifts that God is eager to give to us. those 2 gifts can mean the difference in where we spend eternity. that's how important they are.
next time we pick up in Chapter17 with more about Elijah.
well, I guess I'll wrap it up today and get busy. I hope I can manage to get some stuff done today, I'll try to remember and share what I manage to get done. I hope that we remember to keep God first place with our actions and plans today. I pray we all have a good day today. blessings of peace and mercy be ours today. hugs and love, patty
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