good morning from my soggy, soaked, snow covered neck of the woods. you know what they say, if you don't like the weather, wait a couple of minutes and it will change. first we get flooding and next we get snow and who knows what it will be before the day is over, I sure don't, but I'm happy to be a part of this awesome day. I hope everyone has a most lovely day and that we thank God for it.
I finally got some pics of the just about the whole process of making my eggs, cheese and sausage patties for my husband's breakfast. he loves these and I have to say that I do too.
the first thing is the cheese. I'll fold each slice of cheese in half on top of itself and then I'll take my scissors and cut 3 stack of 2 in each well on my little baking thingies. once I get all 3 slices of cheese cut and in the little wells, I'll separate each little stack of 2 cheese slices and spread them evenly over the bottom. while I'm doing that, I 'll have the sausage links in the mircowave, thawing them out. once they are thawed, I'll make 4 long sticks out of each sausage link.
once I get them all cut, I'll start putting 6 sticks in each well, directly over the cheese. and by the way, I got these silicone baking pans from amazon. these are the 4 inch ones. they are also the ones that I use to bake my brioche buns in and that them from rising too much and getting large then my patties.
you can put them in there however you want to, I just try to get good spacing and go back and adjust as necessary.
once I get the sausages in, it's time to crack and beat the eggs. I'll use 3 eggs per tray and also about 3 to 4 tablespoons of water to beat the eggs with. then I'll pour as evenly as possible in each well.
this is both trays baked and finished. once they cool, I'll take them out and put them in fliptop sandwich bags and then I'll put 2 of those in my freezer zip top bags.
this will make 12 breakfasts for my husband or less if we use them as a quick and easy meal sometimes when we've been busy. however we use them, they are delicious and paired with one of my homemade brioche buns, it's a great meal. once you get your routine down pat for making these, it goes pretty quickly. I can get these done in about 30 minutes. when the first tray is in the oven baking, I'm finishing up on the second tray getting it ready to go in when the first tray is done. I bake them for 25 minutes each tray at 350*. while the first tray is in the oven, it takes me about 5 minutes to get the second tray finished up and sitting by the oven, waiting to go in. by the time the first one is done, I've already got the kitchen cleaned up and moved on to the next project, while the second one bakes. I hope this gives you some ideas on quick and easy breakfasts.
time for the "giggle for the day":
why was Cinderella so bad at soccer?
she kept running away from the ball!
starting in Nehemiah today, we see that one person can make a difference. we see what restoration looks like. we live in such an intimidating world these days and everyone has an opinion, whether you asked for it or not, you'll get it and in a most hateful and vulgar way. one person who serves a mighty God, can and will make a difference. one person, who serves a might God and who stresses the importance of prayer can and will make a difference. Nehemiah led by example. Nehemiah was a leader with perseverance, who faced intimidating opposition. he faced all kinds of opposition while leading the efforts to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. the walls were for protection, but some people have a tendency to think walls are a bad idea. maybe, maybe not. any good wall will have an equally good door in it. walls keep the unwanted out, and doors will let wanted in. it all depends on the who. Nehemiah identified the need and that was rebuilding the wall and then he sought the help of God. Nehemiah set himself up for success in those ways. identifying the need and seeking God's help. Nehemiah wanted to bring order, stability and proper focus on God. that sounds like a dream plan for today, doesn't it.
what a world it would be to bring order, stability and proper focus on God back. we've kicked God out of so many places, even our churches are missing God, because He's not welcome there anymore. one thing we see is the faithfulness of God in protecting His people and He wants their faithfulness in their worship. I can assure you, that God wants our faithfulness in worship. I challenge us all to remain faithful the calling that God has on our lives and to face opposition with courage, knowing that no matter happens, it's God ordained and He's with us. Nehemiah was a man of prayer who led the people of Israel to prayer. are we a people of prayer? are we dedicated to leading other people to be a people of prayer? Nehemiah called the people to people to unity. how many of us live in a country that is unified? not many of us do. there are so many people in every country on this planet who are here for one reason and one reason only, and that is make sure there is NO unity!!! we all know this is true, we see it every time we watch the news. it's fair to say that if there was unity anywhere on the face of the planet, the media wouldn't share it and if they did, they would lie about it, so there's that. but Nehemiah was about unity. just as I was typing this, "unity in the community" come to mind. look at the last 5 letters in the word community, it's unity. I wonder if that has any significance? maybe, maybe not. it would be nice if there was unity in doing the Lord's work, but these days, that's not possible. simply because of all the sin and heinous activities that has been brought into the church, not by God, but by the godless heathen that have control over the churches today. if you go to church, you know what I mean. the church doors have been flung wide open to all the homosexuals and they're now behind the pulpit of a lot of churches. if it's not homosexuals, it's women behind the pulpits, that's another disgrace altogether. we have missed the mark for so many years now, that I don't know if the church will ever be more than a glorified saloon or dance hall or the next great social club. there's very little worship that goes on and shame on us!!! what will we do about it?
we'll pick back up in Nehemiah next time.
well, I guess we'll call it good for today and hopefully we all have a wonderful day. let's remember to seek the heart of God in all we do. it will make a difference in how act and react to the situations that arise. have a great day. hugs and love, patty
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