Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Bible Study and eureka!! hahaha

good morning my sweet friends!!!!         well, it's a cold day with snow predicted to start this evening, and lots of it expected, so we'll just have to wait and see.         or as I say sometimes, "hurry up and wait!!"       this is supposed to be a very cold week for us with low's down to 4 degrees and highs up to 14 degrees during the day.         we'll see what it does.          we go from flooding to blizzard conditions in no time flat.         

I think global warming is a made up fallacy from day one.       one thing I definitely know for sure, absolutely nothing happens without God knowing about it.        absolutely nothing we can do will thwart the intentions and actions of God.         if there is something to global warming, then it's God's plan and there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING we can do to correct it!!!!!          there, I said it.        and I stand by what I said.      

a lot of people have a god complex and they think they can change the climate.          trust me, they ain't gonna change anything, if God isn't in their plans.         and most of these people have done everything they can to take God out of everything.         they will be surprised someday.         when they realize there is a God and that He is a holy God and He never lies and He is always right in what ever He does, it may be too late for them.          all these people want to do is take protein sources away from us, such as beef.       and killing millions of chickens when they aren't sick.        we have a lot of sick people in the government and I hope they get to the bottom of all this very soon.        their agenda is to destroy the farmer and to prevent us from growing our own food.        blaming global warming on the belching and passing of gas by cows is the most absurd thing I've ever heard.         

but those same  people also believe that you can be a man today and a woman tomorrow, and that it's ok for men to play in women sports, that their gender is fluid and that it's ok to be homosexual and live perverted lifestyles and push that off on everyone as being ok.         well, it's not ok and hell is real.        there, I said that too.          I make no apologies for saying it.       because God said it in His word!!!        there are sins that are abominable, and those some of those sins are.         if you don't believe me, read about Sodom and Gomorrah in your bible.         it's all there, unless you have one of those books that has been rewritten  to appease  the perverts.        there, I said  that too and I stand beside it all.        sin is sin is sin.        it has to be dealt with as such.      I'll not sugar coat anything because I don't want to be responsible for you NOT hearing the truth when I had the opportunity to tell you the truth.      

I hope as we keep going thru the bible every day, for as long I feel led to do this, that we can see that there are a lot of people, including each one of us, that have a lot of repenting to do.         we've worshiped the wrong things for far too long.        I do believe that the days ahead of this planet as we know are getting fewer with each passing day.       I do believe that Jesus will be splitting the eastern sky some day soon to gather His own and to take us to His home.         that could happen this very moment, while I'm typing, while you're reading.        are you ready?        if not, now is the time to get ready.   


time for the "giggle for the day".

Where do polar bears keep their money?

In a snowbank.



let's do another very quick "2 minutes in the kitchen with me" today.       I had a eureka moment!!!!    there are no  pictures, maybe  next time I'll take pics, this time I just wanted to get done with the project.        y'all  know I've been  working on putting  sweet potatoes and regular potatoes in the freezer.       well, I still had the last batch of sweet potatoes that I had made last week, still in the freezer in the bottom of the fridge.        and today I was going to be oven baking regular potatoes.          so I got the sweet potatoes out and I had actually been giving this some brain time over the weekend and I came up with a really good plan.        much better than just bagging them all in one big bag, I weighed them out into flip top sandwich bags in individual servings.        woohoo!!!!         this is a huge game changer!!!!!         what I'm going to do now, is get all the ones that I've previously frozen, and do the same thing with them.         since I flash froze them in the freezer before bagging them, they don't stick together and it will be easy to re-bag them and get them all fixed where there's at least 3 meals for each of us per gallon bag.      then bag them up where there is at least 3 servings of mine and 3 servings of my husbands potatoes in one bag.         it may not make sense to anyone else, but wow wee, this will be a game changer for me.        instead of bringing 2 big bags of potatoes from the freezer, I'll just have to get one bag that has 4 meals per big bag.       that's wonderful.        I hope I can keep on coming up with ways to streamline some of the things I do to help save time, energy and space in the freezer.         I also hope that this will help some of y'all too, with a good idea that you hadn't thought of before.        I weighed the sweet potatoes out in 3 oz serving per flip top sandwich bag.         for the russet potatoes for my husband, I'll weigh those out in 4 or 5 oz bags.         that should be a good serving size.         we could both eat a gallon ziplock bag at one time, they're that good!!!!!         no kidding, but we need to show a little restraint every now and again.          hahahaha          well, we do.        hahahaha           anyway, I hope this helps some of y'all.


today we start at Esther.          "for such a time as this" is one of most notable quotes from the book of Esther.        I'm not even gonna get into what the book is about.        I'm just gonna tell you that we must, at all times, be ready for such a time as this.        Esther lived in a time when people wanted her race to be exterminated, completely.        but God!!!!!         a funny thing about the book of Esther, is that God is never mentioned.         it makes no difference, this book is full of faith in God!!!         we see it, whether we read God's name  or not, it's there.        without the  book of  Esther, there  could not have been Jesus.        had they exterminated the Jewish race, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior would not have been born.        so, it is without a doubt, the plan of God that the events in this book took place.       who would have  ever thought  a young  Jewish girl  could save the Jewish race?         God did, Mordecai did.        that's all that counts.        this is a firm reminder that one person can make a difference.        we know that this is true, one person making a difference.        and we can make a difference either for the good or the bad of the community, race, nation or world.         

for instance, one woman, back in the 60's, I believe it was, got God removed from the schools and we now see what that has done to the school system.        it opened the door for indoctrination of the worst kind.         then in the 70's,  one woman screamed rape when in reality she was having an affair with another man and became pregnant and took her case to the court system and was able to get an abortion because she was raped by  a man of color.         no she wasn't raped, she had free will sex with him and pregnancy spilled the beans.        several years later, she was saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, and repented of her sins and went to the courts and told them that it was all a lie.        roe v wade was based on a lie and she was trying to do something about it now.         too late!!!!       everyone loves that they can cheat and have extramarital affairs, have premarital sex, have sex with as many men as they wish and they can get rid of the evidence as easy as tossing a piece of paper in the trash.        only it's a human being.        after 100 million or so abortions being performed, women still stand up and scream about their right to health care.      they have the right to kill a human being under the guise health care.        how dare they!!!!      if they took the time to read up on what an abortion does to the woman body, they might not be so all fired ready to have an abortion.          they might even take a little care and keep their legs  together too, because it's not for the faint of heart.      sorry about the crassness of that, but it's the truth, for those who have something to hide.       make no mistake, it's  not about  women's health.          when I see women picketing and carrying signs it's my body and all the vile filth they say, I can say that there is nothing in them that is even remotely godly in any way, form, shape or fashion.        they do not represent me in any way imaginable as a human being.        they are filled with the devil, doing his work and they don't even know it.        a lot of women who have had abortions have been saved and repented and I know that Jesus Christ has covered their sins with His blood, just as He has covered mine with His blood.       and for the ones who have repented, we'll see them in heaven some day.       for the others, hell is waiting.     

I'm just so thankful for people like Esther.         she had a calling on her life, she had an uncle that knew she had a calling on her life and he was a man of faith.        she answered that call by saying whether I live or or whether I die, I'm going to answer the call.        God is faithful and He was with her every second of her life.         guess what, we all have a calling on our lives.          we either answer the call and live and walk in faith, knowing that God is guiding us every step of the way.         or we turn our backs on the call of God and run with the devil.         either way, we have an eternal destiny ahead of us, are we aware of that?         I pray that we are.       

next time we pick up in Job.


well, that's about all I have for today.        we'll have to see what tonight brings in the form of snow.      I don't know what tomorrows bible study will look like or if there will even be one.        we'll just have to wait and see.        we have  a lot  to do today and I don't know if we'll even get everything done.       so we'll see.   I've been praying against it, but God is in charge of it all.         if it's His will that I make a snowman, then so be it.         hahaha.       no, I can assure you I won't be out making snow men.         but.......on the slim chance we get a good snow, I might make a bite of snow cream for us.        we could go for  that, but  I could  live the rest of my life and never have a bite of snow cream again.      hahahaha          anyway, I have a couple of good bread baking days ahead of me.         snow days are good bread baking days, just because I said so.        hahaha         oh well, if I do something exciting, I'll let y'all know.       until next time, seek after the heart of God.         we won't be disappointed if we make that our life goal.      blessings of joy and grace be upon us all.         hugs and love, patty

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