Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Strength for the day

good morning, long time no see, but I'm still here.        I just wanted to share something really quickly before we start our day.         there are so many distractions that take our eyes off of kingdom living.         we need to stay focused on the Lord and what He alone has, can and will do for us.        I'm reminded of what Paul said in one of Epistles, this is my phrasing, but you can find it and get it word for word.        "if I live, I live for Christ, if I die, I'll be with Christ".         what a way to live our lives.        live for Christ or be with Christ, either way, we win.         so if you find yourself full of anxiety and fear, like we all do at times, let's step back, take a breath and lean into Christ and fix our eyes on Him.   

I hope you have a blessed day today and that you can focus solely on Christ today.         that is my goal for the day.         let's do it together.          I'm so thankful that I know I don't have to do life alone and afraid.         I have a Savior that's ready and capable of helping me thru what ever comes.       

Jesus, keep us safe from all harm and help us focus on you today.        amen and amen.

always remember that God made a way for us to be in right relationship with Him thru the shed blood and death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!!!        God loves us that much!!!!

blessings on you all today and may today be a day full of kingdom living and thinking.       take refuge and strength in the strong name of Jesus.           love and hugs, patty

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