Saturday, July 27, 2024

".......Lord, I believe.......

, help my unbelief." Mark 9:24

Good morning my beautiful friends.     I pray that each of you are having a most lovely day so far.            we sure are.      it's a little milder than it has been as of late, but it's warming too quickly today. when I get out to check on my garden, it will be scalding hot and the humidity is ridiculous.          hahaha      but it is what it is and we have deal with it.

speaking of dealing with things, what are you dealing with this morning?              there is any number of things that we all can be and a lot of us are dealing with.        for instance, I have a friend who is dealing with back trouble and the unknown that this brings.               I'm praying for God to make a way and heal this situation.               I have another friend who is dealing with a job loss and I pray for God to open doors that only He can open.             I have another friend who is dealing with pancreatic cancer and we're praying for God to heal this friend.         I have another friend who is dealing with her husband having found that his cancer has spread throughout his body.           we are praying for God to intervene in a big way in this situation.

Mark 9:24 Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”

if you'll go to the bible and do a bit of reading you'll see that this father had asked the disciples to heal his son of the demon that was in him.           they couldn't heal this son.      then he wanted Jesus to heal his son. he told Jesus that he knew He could heal his son.       Jesus told the father that if he could believe, all things are possible. the man knew that if anyone could heal his son, it would be Jesus. sometimes, it's only when we are desperate for something that we can't make happen on our own, do we turn to Jesus.           this father knew where to turn and he did.      verse 24 is what the man cried out to Jesus. "Lord I believe, help my unbelief!"

you know what, that is an awesome instance of a very short prayer.           "Lord, I believe, help my unbelief!"     this is spark of belief, something that Jesus will help us with too and help that spark of belief to grow into a big flame of belief that shares with others how they had a little belief and it grew to enough belief to save the fathers son.

any one of the aforementioned situations is enough to bring us all down to our knees.         but when we're on our knees, we're in a position of humility and that right there is where Jesus will meet us.         I don't know how many times Jesus has met me on my knees and intervened into my messes and situations and worked them out for me.

we have a tendency to think that God won't help me, or that He doesn't care about me, or that this isn't a big enough situation to ask Him for healing.        sometimes we even think that He doesn't care about our loved ones.            but He does. sometimes our prayers aren't answered in the way we want them to be answered.       but they are always answered and God will always do what is right.     at no time has He not ever done the right thing.           we just don't have His mind and we don't see the big picture.    we only see the piece of the picture that we are in, in that moment.          God sees all of His grand design and the way He works out our problems are always to give Him glory. we may get angry with the end result, we may be angry with what's happening, we may even blame God for not "fixing" the situation.           but God is always right in what he does.

Genesis 18:25............Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?

go to the above scripture and read this account of Sodom and Gomorrah.        Abraham was questioning whether God would destroy the righteous with the unrighteous in Sodom and Gomorrah.      in the end, what ever God decides to do, is always right.        we will still question Him at times, and you know what, He's ok with us questioning            He is.           He knows out thoughts and ideas about everything.             He's not going to be upset with us when we question things.              especially if we are truly trying to find out more about Him.            I question God sometimes and then I feel bad that I did.           when you have a history of His faithfulness in and over your life, you really don't have to question Him.

some days I find myself saying "Lord help my unbelief!!!"        He always does. if you know Him as Lord and Savior of your life, then you too, can say "Lord, help my unbelief!!!", and He will help you.

I don't know who needs to see this, other than myself, but I pray that everyone who reads this will be able to glean some comfort from this.          it's just something that has been on my heart for a while and I needed to get it down in the form of journaling and this is it.              I pray this will help just one person in whatever you're dealing with. you don't have to go it alone.          you have a friend in Jesus.     you may not get the answers you want, but God will always give the best answers for each situation.       your loved one may leave their earth suit body, but if they know Jesus and if you know Jesus, then you'll see them in heaven some day.       with a new pain free body and all will be made right.           that is something to look forward to.              that is the Christians hope.            our hope is in the Lord and in Him alone.

blessings as we move on into our day today.              just know that God loves you all and so do I.     may you be comforted by the Lord who loves you more than you could possibly know.

hugs and love, patty

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