Monday, February 1, 2021

Thought for the Day....What you do matters

Good morning from my neck of the woods, Y'all!!     We got up with about a half inch of white stuff on the ground!!!   WHAT?!?!?!?!     hahahaha     Yes, we did.   Thankfully, the ground wasn't frozen, so it had even started to melt before I even seen it.    Just looked out the window a few minutes ago and it was still spitting a little.    It is gorgeous to look at, but I'm getting to the age that I don't want to ever have to get out in it again.     We used to be dare devils and had to get out in the snow and go driving, regardless how treacherous it was.     No more, I finally have good sense and don't want to act so reckless in my old age.  hahahaha 

I love looking at a fresh blanket of new snow.     There is just something so comforting about that sight.    One of the things that always pops in my mind is how scripture says that thru the shed blood of Christ, our sins can be washed as white as snow.     So, when I see a new a blanket of snow, no matter how thin the covering is, it's like the covering of Christ over us and when God looks at us, all He sees is His Son.    We must be a beautiful sight in God's eyes when He sees His Son while looking at us.     Can you even imagine the love that God must feel for His Son and in turn, He feels that same love for us.    That is something, that at just the mere thought, of the depth of our Father's love for us, it totally melts my heart.    It makes me feel ashamed sometimes of how I may feel towards another person.     I never want to withhold the love of God from another human being, even though I may think that person is not worthy of the love of God.     At one point in time, I wasn't either and I'm sure in the eyes of some, I'm still not worthy.    And to be quite honest, on my own, I'm not worthy.     I could never be worthy enough on my own.     I'm just so thankful to my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, that I don't even have to try to be worthy of the Fathers love.     Jesus IS worthy and He is my covering, just like the blanket of snow outside covering all the barrenness of winter, He covers the ugliness of my life and makes me acceptable to our Father.

I would love to know that every person that I have ever known and the multiple billions of people I won't ever know, would and could know the love that God has for them. 

Sometimes, we place ourselves in God's position as judge and jury over the world and when we do that, we are even judging the Creator of the Universe.     I don't know about you, but that's one job that I don't want or need.     I can't even handle small obligations, like being kind to someone, very well.    I don't make the wisest of decisions even on a good day.    So with all the hurt and pain that I carry around on a daily basis, I can't be judge and jury over God.    Oh, I don't mean to carry around a boat load of hurt and pain, but it seems I do.     And I'm afraid as long as I'm in this earth suit, that I'll continue to pick up the things from time to time that I have laid at the foot of the Cross.    And I don't even mean to do that, but sometimes we find ourselves going back to what has been so familiar for so long.  We go back and visit those things that brought us so much pain, hurt, discomfort, and division and sometimes we even pick them back up and drag them along behind us like a decaying corpse.     The stench precedes us.    We reek of death once more.    Not that eternal death has a grip on us again, because it doesn't!!!    We just lose sight of what God sees and when we do, we make poor decisions.

Let me say this.    We are not to go back in the past.    Anything we've lain at the foot of the Cross is no longer ours, it belongs to Jesus.    So, unless Jesus wants to take us to a point of more healing, leave the past alone and when the enemy comes knocking at your door, wanting to take you back, let Jesus get that door for you.    He can deal perfectly with the enemy, we can't.

As far as looking back and remembering where we have been and seeing how far we have come, that's a good thing.    That is how we share our testimonies.     We have to look back and see where we was to know exactly just how far we have come, through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.    That is an amazing thing to see.     It is an amazing and powerful thing to see in others also.    Just don't go back to graveyard of your sins and hang out there expecting something good to happen. Even if it is familiar, no good thing will come from it.    Remember that your direction is toward the unfamiliar things of God.    You are a part of the Kingdom of God.    Moving towards God gets us out of our comfort zone.   It stretches us to see and embrace life differently.     It forces us to acknowledge sin.    It forces us to see our own sin.    It forces us to our knees in repentance because we want to be in right relationship with our Father, thru Christ.   It forces us to get out of the safety of the familiar and get in unfamiliar territory and that's where we will find God.    With out stretched hand waiting to guide us thru the narrow path.

In scripture, we are of told of 2 different paths.   One is wide and has lots of people on it and it's a path to death and destruction.    The other path is narrow and few are the people on it.    The narrow path is the path that leads to an eternity with Christ.   And the decision is ours to make.    There will be some snares along the way on the narrow path to try to throw us off.      But when we let God hold on to our hand, knowing that under NO circumstances will He ever let go, we will make our destination on time.    Not because of anything we done, but because God held our hand.

So, with all that in mind, always remember that what you do matters.    Regardless of how small or insignificant you may think it is, it matters.    You may be the only person that said thank you to someone who was feeling under appreciated.    You may be the only person that smiled at the cashier today and that person just needed to see one friendly face to know that all hope is not lost.    You may be the person that helped someone find their vehicle in the parking lot.   Just try to be the person that you hope shows up when need a little comfort from God.    We are put here for a reason and that reason is larger than ourselves.    While we are NOT Jesus, we are to show the love of Jesus.    So, what we do matters.

Who is this for????    ME!!!!!     I have a tendency to forget all of this.     I do.     I ask the Lord to help me remember.    He does help me.     I am so thankful and appreciative for Him being in my life.    I don't like it when He shows me my sin.   I really don't.    But it's the only way to be able to acknowledge my sin, confess my sin and ask for forgiveness of my sin.   I believe that Jesus is the only answer to my sin.   I am a sinful creature.    I recognize that in myself.   So, once again, I repent of my sin and seek forgiveness.    NOT to be saved all over again.   That's once and done.    I want to always be in right standing with the Lord and for what ever I have said, thought, or acted upon, I want that covered by His blood too, so I can always go to Him and not be ashamed of what ever it is that may be standing between us.    It's like apologizing to your friend.    You want to always know that you can go to your friend with anything and being in right relationship makes that possible.    Being in right relationship with Christ all the time makes it possible to go to Him with anything.   I hope and pray that this makes some sense to just one person.

I hope and pray that you all have a blessed day today.   If you have unconfessed sin, today is a good day to take care of that.    It was for me.    Tell someone you know that Jesus loves them so much.    Tell someone that what they do matters to those around them.    hugs, love, peace and blessings be y'all's today. patty

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