good morning my beautiful friends. it rained all day yesterday and most of the night. looks like we'll have a little more rain today. we needed it, so that's good. I don't know what the day will bring yet, but I'm happy to be a part of it. I hope you are too. I hope we are able to get out and get our walk in sometime today. that will perk both of us up and we need perking. hahaha I hope you all have a wonderful day.
this is what I spent the day doing the other day. let's do a "2 minutes in the kitchen with me". getting my cornbread stash built back up. if I can, I may try to get another couple of batches done tomorrow. we love having these in the freezer at all times. this is another way I get to use bread machine. I put all the ingredients in and let it do all the hard work for me.
all I have to do is take a few out and put them on a baking sheet and let them thaw and then pop them in a 350 degree oven for about 15 minutes. I just bake them till done. then when we're ready to have one with a meal, I'll pop it it in the toaster oven while I'm using the air fryer to cook or heat something else us. it works like a dream.
picking up in 1 Samuel Chapter 26, we pick up with Saul on the hunt for David once again. David knew that God would take care of Saul at the appropriate time, just like God had been taking care of David and sparing him from the wrath of Saul. David respected the fact the Saul was God's anointed king. he could have killed Saul again, but he chose not to. now Saul is looking for David again. he went searching for a medium and called for Samuel from the grave and Samuel gave him a word he didn't want to get and that was the next day Saul and his sons would be with him, dead.
we pick up in 2 Samuel Chapter 1 next time.
Saul had sinned against God and the Holy Spirit left Saul and he had evil thoughts towards David. we see where sin gets us. it's never good, although God can use what we've done or been thru for His good. if we can tell others where we've been and what we've seen and done when we was wandering in sin, then that can be used for God's glory. to show what God can do when we let Him. but this wasn't the case with Saul. Saul just couldn't get past his jealousy of David. at any rate, because of the sin that Saul had committed, God allowed him and his sons to be killed.
well, that's about all I have today. I hope and pray that you all have a wonderful day and let's keep God first place in all that we do. blessings of joy, peace and grace be ours today. hugs and love, patty
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