Sunday, January 26, 2025

Bible Study and pork loin in the epc

good morning my friends, from my thawed out neck of the woods.         woohoo!!!!         yesterday it got up to 52 degrees!!!!!           that's the warmest it's been all year!!      I hope that's a new trend for us for a little bit anyway.        it's still very much winter, but those nice days give us a taste of what can be and hopefully, will be in the near future.        I was bust in the kitchen of the day yesterday and you will be reading all about it at some point in time.        I hope that I can maintain the pace of posting daily, at least for the foreseeable future.       it's been hard to keep the pace up, but I'll try to keep at it.       it's been good for me to get back in to my blog like I have.        and I do believe that commenting about my Bible Study is what's helping to stay the course, for now anyway.       we'll see, but for now I am enjoying it and I hope y'all are too.      


so yesterday was aldi day.          I made my weekly pilgrimage to aldi and got the necessities and while I'm it, I always like pick up something that's not quite a necessity, if the money is available.          so join me for a quick "2 minutes in the kitchen with me" and I'll tell you about it.        one of the thing I like to pick up if I'm not in need of a lot of usual stuff is a pkg of meat.        

this time I got a pkg of pork loin.        it had 2 good sized pieces in the pkg.         so I diced and an onion and put a a couple of tablespoons of garlic in the electric pressure cooker (epc), added the 2 pieces of pork loin and last but not least, I opened my can of cranberry sauce and just slid it in along with about a quarter cup of water.         I set the epc for an hour and 30 minutes and forgot about it.

before I put the pork loin in the epc, I did trim all the fat and hard connective tissue from the meat.        I just didn't want that to deal with after the rest of it was fall apart tender.

once it was done, I let it cool off before I tried to handle it because I knew it was fall apart tender.      once it was cool enough, I scooped out the 2 pieces of pork loin and put them in my largest lock and lock container, along with all the gravy that was made and popped them in the fridge for the night.

today, I got it from the fridge and started portioning it out to put in the freezer for quick meals later on and I couldn't be more pleased.            the pics is of what it looked like once it was cooked and divvied up this morning.       I just didn't think to get pics before and during, only after.         one of these days, I'll remember what I need to remember and get pics, start to finish of something.

when I started divvying the meat up, I would take a chunk with tongs and then use my kitchen shears to cut it up.          we don't like long pieces of stringy meat, no matter how tender it is.        so I cut this up and it will be perfect for however I decide to use it.          you can see 3 of those containers have the broth/gravy over them and 1 of them doesn't.          the 3 with the broth/gravy went to freezer camp and the other one went on our salads for lunch and it was a meal fit for the golden age we now live in.        if ya know ya know.         but it really was great on the salad.         so, if you see pork loins and have a can of cranberry sauce, you to can make this and enjoy some now and some later.         I love having this in the freezer for pretty quick meals.          I know one batch will be put over rice.        if you try something like this, I sure would love to know about it.          I love having some quick freezer meals ready and waiting and I know you would too.


today we pick up at Judges Chapter 9.        we see nothing, if we don't see that Israel has fallen away from God again.        sometimes we see that it's easy to make the wrong decision.         I hope and pray that I never make the wrong decision that costs 70 people their lives.        some people are just evil and wicked to the bone and Abimelech was.         but he didn't get away with it, God always exacts revenge and He did with Abimelech.          the Israelites was eager to serve every god in the land except the One True God!!!         why is that?        I guess that's the age old question.        judge after judge came and died and after each ones death, they served other gods.          then the anger of the Lord burns against them and He lets them be sold into slavery.         they cry out to God and said they had sinned by serving other gods and God told them to cry out to the gods they had been worshiping and let them save you.   they cried out once again and said that we have sinned, do to us what ever you please, just save us.      they got rid of all the foreign gods and God could no longer look upon their misery.       time and time again, we see that the Israelites done evil in the sight of the Lord.        this particular time He turned them over to the Philistines for 40 years.        then along comes Samson.        Samson was deceived by his wife.       with that deception came great destruction.         then there's Micah.        one of the questions that remains for me, is why is it so hard for us to remain faithful to the One has forever been faithful to His people?          why are we so eager to turn out backs on the Lord?        

I'm no better than they are, truly I'm not.         because I do the same thing!!!!         I do!!!!        we all do, we all have, and we will all continue to betray the Lord at every turn because the devil is cunning, sly and wicked and he knows we are weak.        Lord, help me to be strong and trust in You only!!!!        fight the devil for me Lord, because I can't fight him, but I know You can!!!       I want to serve You wholeheartedly, that is my desire.       please help me Lord!!!


I hope and pray that you have a blessed day today and that you know that God is the reason, the only reason you got to be a part of this day.       blessings of joy, peace and mercy be yours today.         hugs and love, patty

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