good morning beautiful friends. Happy February 1st!!!!! do you feel like me and wonder where January went? well, I know for a fact that I experienced every day of January because I have proof of it right here on my blog. hahahaha I hope you had a restful night of sleep and that you hit the floor with a bounce in your step and ready to make the most of a good day. it looks like it could be another wet day today, but we'll see. yesterday our temps reached 65 degrees. woohoo, happy dance, short sleeves, flip flops...........well, maybe not just yet, but someday soon. hahahaha I always get a little carried away. it would have been a good day to work outside for a bit, but I still had a lot to do in the house, so I was in and out every once in a while, but you know what, it still felt cool. but it felt so good. just a hint of good stuff to come for sure.
today we start at 2 Samuel Chapter 1. David learns of Saul and Jonathans deaths. Sauls family made war with Davids family. the fighting continued as David got stronger and Sauls family got weaker. after much fighting and warring and killing, David was finally made king over all of Israel. sometimes, it may take a while for God's plan to unfold where we can see fully what's happening, just as it did with David. God wanted David as His servant and him anointed with oil at an early age and it took years for him to finally be in the position of king. David finally got the Ark home. David wanted to build a house for the Ark, but the Lord said a descendent of Davids would build the house for the Ark. every army that David fought, God gave David victory. David showed compassion to Jonathans disabled son and he ate at the kings table regularly. David continually found favor in the eyes of God. he was successful in all his battles. God was with David. we can be sure that God will continue to be us too. He hasn't called us to be David or any other bible figure we read about in scripture. He has called us to be us, and to trust Him and let Him guide us in our life long journey. sometimes it's hard. most of the time it's hard, but I just keep praying that God will continue to help me along my journey and He has never failed me yet. praise His holy name!!!!!!!
sometimes we need a different perspective on how to view things. a few years ago I was having a particularly tough time. I had started to question everything I thought I knew and understood about just about everything. looking back was hard to do, looking forward was even harder to do. at times I thought the sin of yesterday is where I would rather be, than in the unknown of today. I wasn't good enough for the days in which I was living. so I kept looking back and longing for the "familiar known". I didn't feel like I had a place in the "unfamiliar unknown". it was a difficult spot to be in. I couldn't go backward and I couldn't move forward. I finally decided I needed to spend a lot of time in prayer and I did just that.
it was during that time that I realized going back to yesterday was not an option. going back to the egypt of my sin was not an option. it took a while for that to sink in. as I was dealing with all this, one of my friends told me to write myself a short note or a letter. and tell myself anything that I wanted to tell myself and to be prayerful about the letter to myself. I thought, easy peasy. well, it wasn't.
we was out driving around one day in the country and I seen a cow that was straining for some grass on the other side of the fence. that was just a split second image, but it resonated with me, big time!!!
as I prayed about that image in my head, I asked God what the significance of that image was. about that time, I was doing my bible reading and was reading about how Moses had led God's people out of egypt and at every turn, they were wanting to go back to egypt, to the sin they knew, instead of blazing trails thru the unknown that lay ahead of them. they didn't trust God, they wanted to return to egypt.
as I studied about that and prayed about that, I realized that was exactly what I had been doing. I was ready to go back to egypt. it was known and easier. after coming to grips with all this, I finally said ok, Lord, help me write a note or letter to me that will be a reminder that looking back and desiring what is behind me is not an option. because I've been called out and set apart for something better than the past. and sometimes we don't see things how they really were or are. we have to take the step of faith and look thru the eyes of God. it was then, that I wrote this letter to me. it has been a reminder for me the last 15 to 20 years, that looking back is not an option. face forward, shoulders back, marching boots on, I push thru with God making the way thru the "unfamiliar unknown" that lay ahead of me.
well, that wasn't easy to write at all, but it was worth it. sometimes I forget and need to remember that yesterday is just that, yesterday. all I have is right now, in the moment and why would I want to waste a fresh day by wanting to revisit the very thing that kept me from God? I hope and pray that with the prompting of the Holy spirit, we can see that the future is good. anywhere God is, that's where I want to be. I hope you want to be where God is too. let's give all those old desires to God and ask Him to replace them with the fresh new desire to follow Him into this new day, praising Him for it. blessings of faith, peace and hope be yours today. hugs and love, patty
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