good morning one and all. it looks like it's shaping up to be a beautiful day. I think today is a good day to have a good day. hahahaha that was the tag of a lady in an online group that I used to be in. I liked it then and I still like it now. because it's true. it implies that we are in charge of our actions and reactions that will determine if it's a good day or not. we can't control the weather, but can control how we act or react to it. so I'm still looking forward to spring. I'll probably get some plants started friday or saturday in my hydroponics. I'm really looking forward to that.
this has gotten to be one of our favorite fast food meals. join me in the kitchen for another "2 minutes in the kitchen with me" and I'll share this with you. it just might become your favorite too.
what you see are the ingredients in this quick to put together and quick to cook meal. all of it came from aldi except the cavanders greek seasoning. I'll get out 4 of the whole wheat tortillas and put about a half tablespoon of hone mustard sauce on the front half of the tortilla closest to me. then I'll sprinkle a dab of greek seasoning, put down my 2 slices of roasted chicken lunch meat and a slice of sharp cheddar cheese that has been broken in two.
I'll bet it all carefully rolled up, ending with the seam on the bottom side and putting it in the air fryer with that overlap on the bottom.
I'll get all four in the air fryer and set it to 400 degrees for 15 minutes and the outside is perfectly crunchy and the cheese is melted and running from the ends. just perfect!!
then when they get done, I try to remember to take a pic before I get the plates fixed, but I forgot. so I put 2 back in and took a pic. hahaha I keep trying to get everything right, right off the the bat. but I forget to get pics. I keep trying though, so that should count for something. hahahaha
we absolutely love these. we'll have a few potato chips and 2 of these and it's a great, easy, fast meal. and easy cleanup. all I have to do is toss the air fryer liner. the natural oils cooks out of the cheese. and that's what you see on the air fryer liner. these are a big help. I get them from amazon and the price is pretty good. even before I started getting these, I would use parchment paper in my air fryer. you just want to make sure that what ever you're cooking will hold it down. if it flies up and get's caught in the burner, it could start a fire. so be careful with stuff like that. but these were heavy enough that they was ok. I hope you give these a try sometime. your taste buds will thank you.
picking up in 1 Samuel Chapter 9, we meet Saul. he was handsome and head and shoulders taller than anyone else. Saul was the chosen one to be king. when the people seen him, they said long live the king. they seen with their eyes and not their heart. they wanted a king, God wanted to be their king, but they didn't want God. so, God gave them what they wanted. be careful of what you ask for. Samuel once again reminds them of God's faithfulness in bringing them out from egypt and being with them to that very moment. he reminded them of the many times that they worshiped the gods of the pagans and now wanted a king and Saul was to be anointed king over them. Samuel reminded them the Lord their God was their king, but they wanted a king like the pagans had. so God has given them what they wanted. Samuel is warning them against rebelling, which they have been famous for in the past.
why do we rebel, even when we get what we want? because we don't know what's good for us. ever rebel against your parent when they said no to something they knew was harmful to you, or could be harmful. I'll bet every one of us did at some time or another and then we lived with the consequences. I'll have to say that I'm so thankful to God for His watch care and protection even when I didn't know He was caring for me. He spared me lots of heartache and I can see that now, from my perspective of looking back over my life. I don't know why He chose to love me like He did, but I'm so thankful He did.
Samuel showed them that they had done an evil and wicked thing by asking for a king. when they seen the power of God, they wanted Samuel to pray for them, that the Lord would not kill them. Samuel told them to fear the Lord and serve Him in truth with all their heart. I would have to say that this sounds like a great plan for our lives from this moment on.
it's not long till their king takes Samuels roll into his own hands and offers a burnt offering, sinning greatly against God. Samuel told Saul how foolishly he acted. we do act foolishly at times especially when we think more highly of ourselves than we should. king or no king, God had not given him the position of prophet. Saul continues to disobey the Lord and He regrets making Saul king. Samuel keeps intervening between God and Samuel. Samuel told Saul that Lord is more pleased with obedience than He is with sacrifices. same holds true today. our obedience to the Lord is much more important that any of the works that we can do. sometimes, our obedience may involve us working, but obedience always comes first. our works are as filthy rags compared to our obedience. when we accept Christ as our Savior, that is obedience. staying so busy in our lives that we don't hear the call of the Lord over the busyness, that's works, or sacrifices. Christ is the ONLY sacrifice that matters!!! Saul had sinned greatly and he had fallen out of favor. Samuel continued to pray for Saul.
next we pick up at 1 Samuel Chapter 16.
I hope and pray that we all have a blessed day today. I pray that everything we do represents God in every way. I pray that we can get rid of the idols in our lives, whatever they may be. Christ is who we should be worshiping. no other people, no things, just Christ. live a set apart life and don't do as the culture does. culture changes, God doesn't. blessings of strength to stand firm, peace and mercy be ours today. hugs and love, patty
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