good morning from the frozen arctic tundra of the south!! hahaha oh well, it is what it is and it's cold. it's gonna warm up though, so that will be awesome. we're gonna make a quick run to visit with my Momma in a bit, so I hope every one has a great day.
back in the year of 2024, hahaha a long time ago, I grew some stevia. let's get into another "2 minutes in the kitchen with me". so I wanted to make my own stevia powder. just to see what I could actually do. I ended up with almost a gallon of loose leaves. I really have no idea how one would go about weighing them to know exactly how much one would have. hahaha well, in grams of course, but wow wee, I don't have any idea how to convert that to gallons. anyway, I just got sidetracked, chasing a rabbit, or as they say, "squirrel". hahaha if ya know, ya know.
I used a pint jar that was full to the brim with stevia leaves. but the jar above is a 24 oz jar that's full too. I just emptied the pint jar and got it powdered before I remembered I needed to take a pic. so I used the pint and a half jar for my pic.
I got out my little grinder and put the leaves in it, being careful as I mashed them down, not to get my fingers in the blades of that little grinder. don't want to lose my finger tips and also don't want to lose my stevia. but I ground it and ground it and ground it and all that stevia powdered down to about 2 tablespoons.
I used a mini measuring spoon and put about a 1/4 tsp in each of my breakfast bowls. in all honesty, it's not enough to really even taste, but I did want to work my way up to tasting it in my breakfast. it's really earthy, so if I can work my way up to it, I may be able to use it and not miss the taste of any of the other stevia products I use. but, we'll see. even if I can't use it in my breakfast bowls, I'll try to keep growing it and working on using it and getting used to the flavor of it. it is sweet, but it's very earthy tasting. hahaha if you want to know what earthy is like, grab a hand full of dirt and eat it. hahahaha no, no no, don't do that. just smell the earth and imagine what it would taste like. kinda like some of the earthiness of beets. but stevia is sweet. ok, so after chasing another rabbit, I'll call "squirrel" again and move on from stevia, until I have more to tell about my escapades with it.
if you haven't grown it, I would suggest giving it a try. it's hard to get starts from seeds, but last year when lowes finally got it in, I got a small pot of it that had 8 plants in it!!!! if I can't get any started this year, I'll do the same thing and look for a pot that has as many as I can find already started in it. I love getting my moneys worth. hahaha
as we pick back up in Deuteronomy at Chapter 18 , Moses is telling the people how God has been their protector, provider, and I AM THAT I AM, ever since sending Moses to bring them out of egypt. even with all their failures, God has still provided and been faithful to them. when we can truly remember all that God has done for us, then we can move forward in the unseen with confidence. is that easy to do? no, it's not. but it's whole lot easier when we remember all of His faithfulness and provisions in the past. as they get ready to cross the Jordan, Moses is wanting them to have the memories of the presence of God fresh on their minds and in their hearts. it's going to be a tough journey, but Moses is telling them that God will be with them. they just need to remember all the statutes and commandments that He has given them to keep them from worshiping the gods of the pagans in the land they are about to go into. they are not to add anything to or take anything away from what God has told them. they will be going into a land full of idol worship and sorcery and God has forbidden that at every turn. what are some of the idols that we worship and what is some of the sorcery that we turn to today? again, Moses is going back over all the statutes and laws that God has given them to follow. trying to get it to stick in their minds. did you know that it's against the law to move or remove boundary markers? well, God established that law, before it was a law of the land. and the saying, life for a life, eye for an eye and tooth for tooth can be found right here in this scripture. lots and lots of many other laws that God had spoken to Moses, and Moses is sharing them again. lessons to live by. Moses reminds them that God has chosen for them to be His people, personal possession and they are to keep His commandments. He has placed them above the other nations and they shall be a consecrated people, set aside to serve Him. this is where Moses told the people that he was old and that he could not cross with them, so he commissioned Joshua in front of the people. Joshua was to be the new leader of God's chosen people. Moses warns them again that all he had said was a matter of life and death for them. and they needed to be very serious about the way they live. Moses laid his hands on Joshua and he was filled with the spirit of wisdom and Joshua is ready to fulfill the commission from God by Moses.
next time we pick up at Joshua Chapter 1.
that's about all I have today. let's live the lives we have been called to live, in spite of the complaining and grumbling going on around us. God is with us, who can be against us. let's be strong in our conviction that God is with is and He will provide!!!
blessings of mercy, grace and warmth be ours today!! hugs and love, patty
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