good morning wonderful people. it's another cold in my neck of the woods this morning. we donned our winter clothes and made our morning walk and it sure was s chilly one. so happy to be back home, warm and sipping our morning coffee. I hope I can remember to come back here this summer when it's above 100 degrees and read some of how I complained about it being so cold. oh, I'll forget all about it being cold and complain anyway. after all, I'm just a human and we've seen since Jan 1 how the people of God have a always complained. so I'm no different. but I'll try not to complain too much. I am still looking forward to getting some seeds started soon. that's what makes gardening and the thoughts of it become real to me. I hope you have something to look forward also. new life on the "deck-stead", that's what I'm looking forward too. hahahaha I think I may have just created a new word. "deck-stead", remember, you seen it here first!!!
let's go do another "2 minutes in the kitchen with me". I really love turning what I used to put in the trash, into compost. it's so easy to save everything that I would have thrown away. this batch had more egg shells in it and you can see them as the white specks in the compost and also on the side of the bucket. this pic looks really weird, like an oddball eye or something, but I took it aiming down inside the bucket and this is as good as I could get. everything looked weird.
this batch had egg shells, coffee grounds, coffee filter, paper towel, orange peels and lots of veggie scraps from getting together all the fixings for our salads. and and all scraps go in the bucket. it's such a win win for now and I'm so excited to be able to get free compost from my own kitchen scraps.
the only thing that I haven't put in it yet and I don't see me ever putting in it is meat, meat scraps or meat fat or oils of any kind. I just don't want to attract the wrong kind of critters to my garden. I don't know the meats and meat scraps would process. but I think I'll probably be making bone meal with any bones that I make bone broth with. when I make bone broth, I'll cook the bones for about 8 or 10 hours in my epc and then the bones are very soft. you can crumble them in your fingers easily.
so I don't know if this is anything that would interest you or not, but if it does, I would encourage you to go for it. I love salvaging stuff from my trash and turning it into garden gold. I love it!!!
picking up in 1 Samuel Chapter 3 and we see this is where Samuel gets the call from God to be a prophet while he was still just a boy. the books of Samuel are filled with many fascinating stories of how God provides for His people. He will not be mocked. none of the pagan gods are even a slight match for the I AM THAT I AM. we need to remember that today. the promises of God for them, still holds true for us today. when we seek to serve Him, he will bless our efforts. every time. the ark of the Lord was holy and not to be messed with. they had not handled it with the respect and the way God had told them to handle it and He killed over 50 thousand people for opening and looking into the ark. Samuel was now a grown man and serving the Lord in his prophet role and spoke to the people telling them if they were returning to the Lord with their whole heart, they needed to get rig of all the pagan gods. are we willing to get rid of our pagan gods? are we still gonna worship actors apers mimickers, singers, sports figures and politicians as our pagan gods? if so, then we will stay on the slippery down hill slide to destruction. the word Ebenezer, or rock of help, comes from Chapter 7. do a word study on it and find out just how rich and deep the word is. is God our rock, stone of help? at one point in time, during the bible reading, God told the people, "when you want a king.......". God already knew that they would want what the other countries had. they all had kings. Israel had God, but they wanted a king. God wanted to be their king. we sometime refer to Jesus as King Jesus, in my mind, that's why. He is our King. and God wanted to be the King of Israel. God reminded Samuel that they had not rejected him, but they had rejected God. the same holds true today. if you're witnessing to someone and they reject Jesus, they're rejecting you, they're rejecting King Jesus, which has far worse end results. I'd rather someone reject me and accept Christ, than to reject Christ. they're eternity is in the balance. this is what God was telling Samuel. be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.
we'll pick up in 1 Samuel Chapter 9 next time.
I hope everyone has a most glorious day today. remember that when we up, we are facing a wonderful gift to used up and spent wisely. how will you spend your day today? how will I spend my day? I pray we all make good decisions. blessings on your day!! hugs and love, patty
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