good morning my beautiful friends!!!! wanna know something? the temps in my area got to 44 degrees yesterday!!!! yes they did!! and I done me a little happy dance. that was the first time in almost a week that the temps had been above freezing. I hope warmer temps are in the near future us in my neck of the woods. we'll just have to wait and see. but for now, the temps was back down to 20 degrees this morning. I hope wherever you are that it's nice and pleasant and sunshiny today. our plans was to go see my Momma yesterday but that didn't work out, so I think today may be the day. I hope so anyway. what kind of plans do you have today? make it a good day for sure.
so today is making more compost day. let's do a "2 minutes in the kitchen with me". I don't like throwing food away. I don't like not using what I buy. but sometimes it doesn't last as long as it should. case in point with a bag of snacking bell peppers I recently bought. I picked out the best bag I could find and it wasn't all that great. but I used the worst ones that was usable first and worked on using the rest of them. the rest of the bag just turned to soup in the bag. well, any other time I would I would have tossed them in the garbage. not now, I tossed them in my counter top composter. along with orange peels and coffee grounds and a coffee filter or two. also some bits and pieces where I cleaned up produce and got it ready for salads. all the bits and pieces cut from that produce went in the bin. it was full!!! I started it and then we decided to leave the house for a few minutes and I stopped it. that's something that I don't think I'll let run during the night or when we're away from home. when we got back I opened the lid and there was a lot of water that had oozed from the bell peppers. yes, I said oozed. hahahaha
I just want to run my fingers thru it and smell of it. this stuff smells great!!!
the pic below has this batch and 3 other batches of compost in it. I've done filled one jug this size and already about 3 or 4 inches up on this just.
I never knew I had so much kitchen waste until I got this composter. it's so easy to just store in a little bin and then when it gets full, just dump it in the bucket of the composter. I use egg shells and any kitchen refuse other than meats and fat. i just don't want stuff like that in my compost. I don't want to attract unwanted vermin and varmints or all kinds to my garden. it's bad enough with birds and squirrels, much less some of the other critters that hang around. and it's bad enough with insects. so I'll still toss fat and meat scraps. nothing like avocado pits either. if it's really hard, you don't want to put it in the composter. no peach pits or stone fruit pits either. just stuff that you could eat. I'll also put in a paper towel every once in a while. just tear it up into smaller pieces. I also tear up the coffee filters, just so there won't be big pieces.
if you haven't tried a kitchen composter, it might be a fun investment, especially if you have a lot of kitchen scraps. you might be like me and find that you have way more than you ever imagined. now I can make something useful from those scraps. woopee!!!!
we are at Joshua Chapter 1 and Moses has died. Joshua had been commissioned by God to lead the Israelites once Moses was gone. Moses had told him the be strong and of good courage. Now, God is speaking to Joshua and telling him to be strong and of good courage. God told him that no less than 2 times in first few verses. God told him that He would be with him, just to stay the course and not to turn to the left or the right, stay the course. and to do according to the book of Law that God had given them. and God will remind him again, and again. just like God reminds us today thru His word that we are to stay strong and of good courage. if God is for us, what do we have to fear? Joshua was getting ready to take on the task that God set before him. Joshua was having success doing as God had instructed until the people rebelled again and the Israelites was in serious trouble and Joshua even questioned God. God told Joshua that the people had sinned and that needed to be addressed because they had violated the covenant of the Lord. Joshua dealt with the sin and God blessed them. every battle that Joshua faced, when he faced those battles with God, he had success. even when he was tricked, it still worked out for the Israelites good. God was with Joshua. Joshua even told the sun to stand still and it did, because God made the sun stand still at Joshua's word. Joshua done as the Lord directed him to do and he was successful at taking the land. God kept telling Joshua not to be afraid, because God was with him and Joshua did as the Lord told him to do. Joshua remained faithful to God and God gave the Israelites the land that He promised to them. the land had been divided up between the tribes of Israel and Joshua was getting old. Joshua warns the people against worshiping the idols just as Moses had warned them. then Joshua tells them once again of the strong history of the Lord guiding them. after serving the Lord, Joshua died. Joshua left a legacy of serving the Lord and the people serving and following Joshua. what kind of legacy will you or I leave when the Lord calls us home. I pray that we leave a legacy of serving the Lord till our final breath. I pray that we can have a lasting legacy of leading others to follow Christ and to take a stand, even if we stand alone. we live in uncertain days with lots of problems. I pray that we can stand in the midst of chaos, or fall to our knees and call on God to defeat the enemy. "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord". may this be our motto in these times of uncertainty.
next we pick up in Judges.
I pray that you have a wonderful day and that we all thank God for allowing us to be a part of it. may we strong and of good courage in all our days. strength and courage served Joshua well and I believe it will serve us well too. blessings of peace, strength and courage be ours today and every day. hugs and love, patty
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