Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Bible Study and 2025 Happy New Year!!!!

good afternoon lovely Ones of God!!          I pray that your New Year is starting off well.         2025 is a good year to be alive!!!!!         I believe that!!           I hope you do too.          one thing I know for sure, is that nothing will happen this year that God isn't aware of.         we just need to lean into Him more this year and let Him deal with what ever comes our way.         that's definitely what I'm gonna try to do.

it seems like the New Year is gonna start off cold.        it's 37* in my neck of the woods and that's the high for today.         we got out and walked first thing this morning and it was 38* then.        now the temp is dropping.        I had to go out to the garage a few minutes ago and get something from the freezer and good night, it was cold!!!          I had to stick the food I was bringing to the house in the pockets of my big coat!!!         hahaha        I looked a little funny with the pockets of my coat hanging and bumping on my knees when I was walking and going up the steps.         hahaha

I don't know if you're into making resolutions each year or not.          I gave that up years ago when I realized that resolutions were meant to be broken.         maybe they weren't intended to be broken, but lets face it, most of us do.         so I just gave up on it because it's kinda depressing to say you're gonna do something and then it falls by the way side.          so, no resolutions for me.

but one thing that I will do.          my husband and I have been doing this for several years now.          and that's on the first day of the year, we'll start reading the Bible, starting with Genesis 1.         if you read at least 4 chapters a day, you'll read thru the whole Bible in a years time.        of course, you can read more than 4 chapters a day and that will give you some leeway, when you come to some of the longer chapters in the Bible.         and if you read thru the Bible in less than a year, then start over, or reread some books of the Bible that you particularly love.

one thing for sure, we can never go wrong by reading the Word of God.          every question that we have can be answered by the Word of God.          the Word of God is the measuring stick that we are to base our lives on.         do I understand everything in the Bible?          a big old honking NO, but I understand enough to know that God has the answers even if we don't know what the questions are.         when we measure what others say, against what God says, we can see a big discrepancy.         but I can tell you one thing for sure, God's Word NEVER lies to us, NEVER misleads us, or NEVER guides us wrong.     

I would advise  you to journal  just a little bit every  day about what you  learned from the  scripture you read.     it is such an awesome thing to go back and see what you gleaned from what you have read on a daily basis.         just like this morning in Genesis 3:21, where God made clothes for Adam and Eve from animal skins.          that is the first imagery of salvation.        God made the first sacrifice of animals to provide a covering in the form of clothes for Adam and Eve.          we know that when Jesus came into the world, He came as the sacrifice to provide a covering for our sin.         how many times do we put that together?          certainly not as much as we should.

I hope that if anyone of y'all wants to read the Bible, that you'll read it along with me daily.         if you have questions or observations, then share those here in the form of a comment and we'll all talk about it.      even if you don't share it here, just try to find answers to your questions.         God will always provide answers to those who are seeking Him.        just make sure that your answers come from His Word and not from someone who is trying to lead you astray.

I look forward to sharing a little every so often about my Bible journey this year.          and I hope you'll join me on this trek thru the Word.         it has the potential to be the best trek we've ever made.

I pray that we all have a glorious year, 2025 is the year for God to lead us where He wants us to go.      I'm ready to follow.          I hope you are too.         may God richly bless us all.        may you feel deeply, the love that He has for you.         blessings of grace and peace to all.       hugs and love, patty

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