Saturday, February 22, 2025

Bible Study and more bread, yay!!!

good morning my beautiful lovelies!!!!         after a high of 21* yesterday, we had a low 14* this morning and that's pretty cold.         I'm concerned about my garlic, but I'll not know anything about whether it even survived until it get warm enough to see if it starts growing or not.        I did get some to replace it, so I hope it starts putting out sprouts soon.        hahaha         next week, we're supposed to have a little warmer weather.       so I'm looking forward to that.       we have to take the car in next week to get the oil changed in it and the tired rotated, so that will be a chore, but it will be nice to get it done and not have to worry about it.       I'm looking forward to sunshiny day, warm days and days that we can get back out and get our walks in.        that's what I'm looking forward to.        what are you looking forward to?


well, guess what?          looks I got in some more bread making time!!!         I sure did and I'm as pleased as punch over that!!!          I made another batch of my doctored up antique white loaf bread turned into buns.        this first pic here shows how I made my dough balls by weighing out each ball.        I can't remember to get a shot of the original dough ball, it's after the fact, that I think of it.        hahaha        oh well, I did remember this much.         I put 6 of this batch in one of my muffin top pans to let them rise and bake in a little bit, after they have doubled in height.        they won't get any larger than the 4 inches in width, but I don't know yet, how tall they'll get.        we'll find out before this post is done.       each dough ball weighed 70 grams.

I think I had mentioned that put 1/2 cup of whole wheat flour in the first batch I made and also in this one too.          we just prefer a little whole wheat to plain flour.          they are in the oven right now and they are smelling really good!!

this batch made 16 also.            I used 3 of my other trays to put the rest of the rolls on.          they look funky, not really pretty, but when I thaw them out in the muffin top pan and bake them, they will be gorgeous!!!

this is what they looked like just after getting them shaped and in the muffin top pans.

this is what they looked like just before I popped them in the oven.  they rose up really good.

this is what they looked like after about 20 minutes in the oven.           next time I'll just give them about 17 minutes.           but they are beautiful and smell wonderful!!

I raised them to the edge of the pan so they won't sweat on the bottoms and make them soft and wet.    two of these will be for supper tonight when we have turkey cheese burgers.        yum yum!!!        the rest will be for my husband's breakfast each morning.          he will love them.        yay!!!         my next goal for snow day bread making is sourdough.        we'll see, I should be able to make that happen too.


it's time for todays "giggle for the day", so let's do this.       get your little giggle box turned on, ok.

Q - Why do cows wear bells?

A - Because their horns don’t work.

😂😂😂😂   I told you to get ready for it.   hahahahaha


let's see if we can finish up with Job today.         with friends like Jobs', he didn't need any enemies and sometimes that's the way we are.         we may not have the best friends.     friends that want to lead astray with our thoughts and actions.      I have to say that I have some of the best friends that I've ever had in my life and I'm so proud to be able to say that.       Job's friends had beat him  up pretty good verbally and just knew everything happened because he had sinned.         They talked through several chapters.       he finally  got tired  of addressing  his friends  and took his complaint right straight to God.       Job was in agony and pain.        at one time he was actually covered in boils and I can't imagine the pain of that and neither could his friends.       Job had come to the conclusion that God was fair and just.      but he still couldn't understand why all these bad things had happened to him, nothing made sense and he just wanted God to explain it to him.        I don't know if anyone else can relate, but I sure can.        I haven't experienced anything like Job experienced, but sometimes we just want answers as to why.       

so God visited Job in a storm and throwed a bunch of questions at him.      one of the questions that God asked Job and this is me paraphrasing, "where were you when I created everything?"          "did you put the sun, moon and stars in place?"         "would you like to have My job for one day Job?"        "do you want to take care of the weather for one day?"        "have you ever woke the sun up one single time?"

questions that I don't think anyone would ever want to try to answer, when asked by by God.        I have to admit, reading this kinda hits home for me and I did find myself wiping a few tears, and wiping them again as I type this.        who am I, in the grand scheme of things. to even think about questioning God, much less actually doing it, like Job did.        

God tells Job that we live in a dangerous, beautiful world.         danger exists and beauty exists and things don't always happen as we think it should..        we can see that, clearly, every day we are blessed with sight.       some of the danger, is more of a hidden danger.          when God was telling this to Job, He mentioned a leviathan, which I think was an ocean dwelling creature and behemoth, which I think was a land dwelling creature.       both were symbols of danger.          the world we live in is both beautiful and dangerous, but God doesn't explain why it's that way.        and by the time that God was done talking to Job, he was convinced that he couldn't understand God's explanation, even if He did try to explain it to Job.         I think that was a pretty smart conclusion on Jobs part. 

Job came to the conclusion, who was he to judge God?        we don't have knowledge or the reasoning to pass judgement of God's reasoning and actions.         my mind can't comprehend the mind of God.      we are finite and  God is infinite.         we  are limited in  our  knowledge  and  wisdom, God is all knowing.       Job finally came to the conclusion that he doesn't understand anything about God, but he will make the decision to trust Him and have faith in Him.       we still have all the unanswered questions, but we don't need the answers, we just need to trust God and have faith in Him that if He allows it, there's a reason.       I don't  have to  know all  the reasons, I  just  have to trust that God has my best interests at heart at all times.        is that easy?         when everything is going smooth, yes, it's easy.         but when the rubber meets the road, is where we have to dig deep during the struggle, the difficult, painful times, to remain faithful to God and trust that He has plan and He will see it thru.  

in the end, God restores Job and blesses him with more than he had lost.         God also puts his friends in their places and defends Jobs' character to them.        his friends was wrong to blame God and Job finally turned from listening to his friends and listened to God.

sometimes we need to get better friends.        a lot of times, those so called friends are waiting for us to fall, not so they can help us up, but so they can beat us with a stick while we're down.        I've had a lot of those friends in my lifetime.        I'll be satisfied with 2 or 3 really good friends than to have a bunch of fair weather friends who talk about me behind my back.       God was pleased with Job's humility, and honesty  in admitting  his struggle and  remaining faithful even though he didn't understand all the whys.        we'll never understand  it all, we're not capable of understanding all there is to know about God.       but we can know that He is just in all that He does.       and I believe that some of these days, when Jesus comes again, that all these questions will be answered.        till then, we'll remain faithful and trust His ways and know that everything He does is right and just.

next time we'll start in the book of Psalm.          it's a long one y'all, get ready for the ride.       again, I don't know how we'll go thru this one, but we'll do something.    


well, that'll just about wrap this one up for the day.        I hope and pray that we all have a great day and that we keep seeking after the heart of God.        there's nothing better that we can be doing.        asking God to break our heart over the things that breaks His is one of the ways we can be seeking after heart of God.        there's been a lot of pain and hurt due to weather circumstances all across the country here lately.       people are hurting, may we be found looking for ways to help these people.       may blessings of grace and wisdom be ours today.        hugs and love, patty

Friday, February 21, 2025

Bible Study and more bread making

good frosty morning from my neck of the tundra!!!        hahaha        it was a nice cool 3 degrees this morning!!!           but, right now, it's a toasty 5 degrees.         I am not ashamed to admit that I am hooked on the luxury of heat.         if the power went off on a morning like this morning, it would be difficult to deal with.         so while I'm in luxury this morning, my heart breaks for the ones who are flooded, snow covered and without electricity.          I pray that God makes a way for all of them.        it's bad enough when it's just cold, but when people have been flooded and piled up with snow and now the bitter cold, it's like 3 strikes against them.        so when I find myself complaining, I'll start praying for those folks.     ------------------------

let's do our "giggle for the day": 

What do you call a pile of cats?

A meow-ntain.


what can I say, the cold and snow is getting to me.  hahaha


let's go to the kitchen for a "2 minutes in the kitchen with me".            snow days are great for baking bread.         if you don't believe me, try it for yourself.         this morning I used a new recipe for me.      I had been wanting to try the antique white bread recipe, but I just never did.        but since eggs have gotten to be like chunks of gold, I decided this morning was the morning to try it.        I wish I had gotten a pic of the dough ball, but I didn't.        while I was getting the ingredients together, I did change the recipe a little bit.         I put some whole wheat flour in my dough and I put some vital wheat gluten and a little more yeast than the recipe calls for.        it works for me.       hahahaha         recipes are just a starting place for ones own creativity.       hahaha        you heard it here first.     

so after about 25 minutes, I took the dough ball out and weighed it in grams and then I divided that number 16.        I tried it with 20 first, but the buns would be too small.         so dividing the overall weight by 16 will give me good sized buns.

I used the same trays for these that I used yesterday to freeze my cornbread swirls.          all I could get in them was 4, but as it turned out, that was perfect.         I can't wait bake some and see how big they get and what they taste like.

this is just a closeup of some of the balls.         you can see that they are all very uniform in size.         so when I put these in my 4 inch muffin top pans, if they rise well, they only reach 4 inches across.      they will be the perfect size for the egg, cheese and sausage patties that I make for my husbands breakfast.

this is all 16 of them ready to go in the freezer to flash freeze and then I'll put them in a freezer ziplock bag and they'll be great.         I need to another batch of these made this afternoon.        I'll either make these or get a new batch of sourdough mini loaves started.       I'll do that closer to be time so the dough will ferment overnight and then divvy out the dough and out in the mini loaf pans in the morning.      anyway, winter snowy days are good for making or baking bread.       anyway, I hope you are inspired to make and or bake some bread.    

I guess that's about all we have today.         I pray that we all have a great day today and that we keep seeking after the heart of God in all that we do.         I pray that we see the situations around us thru the eyes of God.         I pray that we won't fall for the lies and trash that the enemy throws at us.       I pray that we strive to do the right things even when so called friends may be telling us not to trust God.        I pray that we seek new friends instead of hanging on to the ones that are dragging us down.       I pray that we see reality around us instead of the indoctrination that is thrown at us from every direction.      hugs and love, patty

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Bible Study, weather, and freezing unbaked bread

good morning my beautiful friends!!!!!       well, yesterday was a bust as far as snow goes.           and I'm pretty happy about that.         we ended up with about 3 inches and that was pretty nice as far as I'm concerned.      but then again, this morning we had another 2 inches of snow.      hahahaha     I know a lot of people was hoping for more, but I was praying against it.         I'm thankful that the Lord answered that prayer.         it was 17 degrees when I got up and we're in for some more bitter cold temps.         I'm ready for spring.        hahaha           if I ignore winter long enough, it will soon be gone.         hahaha         oh, I don't  hate winter, I  just don't  like how the cold makes my old lady body hurt, it's just too painful.         I'm hot natured, so the cold doesn't make me cold, so to speak, it just hurt my joints.         arthritis has shown up in both of my elbows this year.         I've never had it in my elbows before.         the pain I'm having with them makes it almost impossible to pick up some of my barely heavy appliances.        plus, I can't straighten my arms out.         that's something else that hurts, just trying to straighten them.         one of my dear friends has made me a bunch of essential oils and I've been using those.         that's  the only  thing giving me any peace right now.       so I'm grateful to my friend.          we have  a few more  days of bitter  cold and  then next week, woohoo, it's supposed to be in the 40's!!!!          it will be like having a heat wave.         hahaha         I look forward to that!!!


time for the "giggle for the day":

Q : What would bears be without bees?

A : Ears.

hahaha        well, they would.         hahaha       


join me in the kitchen for a "2 minutes in the kitchen with me".           I think I may have said that snow days are for making bread.           and that's exactly what I done.         I made 2 batches of my cornbread swirls today.         I may try to get another batch made tomorrow along with my brioche buns.        but I did find a new recipe and I may try it and make buns from it.         most people generally make a loaf bread from the recipe, but I prefer buns.              

this was batch number 1 and they look really good.            the proof will be in the rise when I thaw and bake.          hahaha           so, it's a wait and see situation.

30 minutes later, this is batch number 2.           I would have made another batch this morning, but I didn't have room in the freezer to flash freeze another batch.         darn it!!!         so, I'll took these out of the freezer and got them bagged up and the room in the freezer for my next bread making session.   

I was done with them, and had them in the freezer and the kitchen cleaned up by 9:40 am.        that's a pretty good work time.          it felt good to get that done and that made time for me to get my batch of chicken corn chowder in the instant pot.       it's so good with those cornbread swirls.       we love them both.

they are now off of the trays that they were on and now back in the cozy frozen tundra for the freezer.    I always put a little bit of cornmeal in the freezer bag and shake them all around to get them coated in cornmeal.         it's awesome when they are cooked, but it also helps to keep them from sticking together.         that's very important.          but if they do accidentally stick together for some reason, I just drop the bag on the counter and just like that, they are unstuck.      there is 49 cornbread swirls in those 2 bags.         today will be another bread baking day.        awesome!!!


picking back up in Job today we see that God had allowed satan to take Jobs wealth and jobs children from him.         Job questioned God.         I see from this encounter, that it's ok if we question God, but I think it's how we go about it.        Job remained respectful of God.         guess what, his friends couldn't stand it.          do you have friends like that?          we all do!!!         even Job's wife was upset at Job.     I think she's the one who said curse God and die.         Jobs friends tried really hard to wear Job down.      they all had their own ideas of why God allowed this stuff to happen to Job.         maybe because of hidden sin in his life.           maybe because that's just how God operates, if you're a good person, He'll be good to you, if you're a bad person, He'll let bad stuff happen to you.         Job had to defend his integrity with the people who knew him best.        they argue and debate for most of this book.      they just knew Job had done something terrible and he wasn't telling them.         Job finally goes to God with agony and despair and he actually accuse God of being responsible for all the bad stuff in the world.      he finally realize that he can't be right.         that God is a just, fair and an all-powerful God.        one friend doesn't know why Job is suffering, but he does know that Job isn't qualified to judge God.       are you qualified to judge God?        I know I'm not either.         I know that before I came to know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I hated God.        I didn't want anything to do with Him.        all the time I spent hating God, He was still working on me and loving me.         and just a few years ago I come to realize that I didn't hate God at all, I just wanted to know why some of the things that happened, happened.         after reading the book of Job, I realized that none of it was God's fault.       I'm a part of humanity and it's not pretty a lot of the time.        but what I was shown, was that I have never been alone a single second in my life.         He has been beside me, in front of me, behind me, making a way for me.         making a way for me to give praise and honor to my God and my Lord and Savior!!!      He allowed me to have a heart that seeks after the heart of God.         God is so good and we all have so much more in this life than we could ever even begin to deserve.        it's not about how wretched we are, but it's all about how merciful and mighty He is.         His mercy and grace covers us all, when we accept Him as the Lord and Savior of our lives!!!         Job is not qualified to judge God, are you?    next time we'll see how God responds to Job.


well, I guess I'll wrap it up for now and hopefully I can get some more unbaked buns in the freezer today.        I love baking bread when it's snowy and cold outside.        there may not be much to do, but I can always do that.        as long as I don't run out of flour.        hahaha        such a scary thought!!!        I hope we all have a blessed day today and the we keep seeking after the heart of God.        blessings of mercy and grace be ours today.        hugs and love, patty

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Bible Study and weather

good morning from my neck of the woods.           we had been busy getting ready for what was coming in the form of snow.         we got just about 3 inches, I'm thankful it wasn't any more.        we've had about 10 inches of rain in the last week and a half and now snow.      I'm not one for getting out in the snow anymore, so I kinda had to plan ahead for meals and make sure I had whatever I may need in the house and not in the garage.          this would be the perfect time to have an attached garage.         hahaha         but I guess I got everything we'll need for a day or two anyway.         we'll see if I got enough.          if I need anything, I'll don my garb and boots and make the trek to the garage.          we worked just about all day yesterday getting a big piece of machinery boxed back up and ready to ship back to the company after it being a big honking dud.        we had to strap it back down to the pallet that it was on and that pallet was ready for the junk hole, long before it made it to our house.         but we got it done and ready for it to be gone and ready to get our money back.       that's the dangers of ordering something.         it was supposed to be free delivery, but we had to go out town and get it put in the bed of our truck and then we had to get it out of the truck.        it was a fun and funny sight for 2 old people wrestling with this piece of machinery and then another fun and funny episode for these same 2 old people getting it boxed back up.          we're tired to the bone.         we're too old for this kind of work.        hahaha           but we got and it's strapped to the pallet and waiting to be picked up on Monday.          would have been sooner, but with snow, that's not happening.        maybe we can get our garage back.         I'll be putting some of my baby plants out in my little grow house in the garage in a week or two.          all 12 of my tomatoes have come up and they're about 3 to 4 inches tall now.         I also have 5 of my pepper plants up.         I'm thinking I may have to reseed some of the peppers.       I'll give it enough time, but I really ought to be soaking some seeds right now getting ready because they all should have been up by now.          anyway, that's in the near future.         for today, I'll have my bread machine  out and gonna make about 4 batches of bread to get put in my freezer, ready to bake as needed.            that's one of my favorite things to do.


let's have our  "giggle for the day", ok:

How do you make an egg roll?

You push it!


yeah, it's corny, but I'll bet you smiled a little bit.


today we start in the book of Job.           I don't know how I'll do this.          I'll let you all read it and I'll just share what I get from it.          I had started early on going almost chapter by chapter, but that's too much like teaching a class and that's not what this is.          this is just me sharing what I glean from the Word of God while reading it.            so, we'll see what this gonna look like.

Job is portrayed right out of the gate as being an upright man.           Job was a wealthy man of upright standing in his community.            satan sticks his nose in and says that Job is only upright because of God's goodness to him and he wants to strip Job of everything that matters to him.          his children and his wealth.         God allows him to do whatever he wants to do to Job, he just can't take his life.

you know what, satan is still in that same business today.          do you ever feel under the attack of satan?          sure, you probably do and I know I do.        so far, God hasn't allowed satan to attack me any more than can I can deal with, with God's help.        satan figured that God would see Job's true nature if he had to suffer.         I pray that if I ever have suffer as Job suffered, that I can pass the test of remaining an upright person who trusts God.          God knew Job well enough to know that Job would continue to live a faith filled life.        would I?          would you?

why would God allow a good person suffer.          there are a lot of questions.        I don't know if we'll answer them all or not.          I don't know what God is going to show me thru this study.          I don't know what He'll show you.            one thing up front to remember is that good things happen to to bad people and bad things happen to good people.           we've all seen this, we see it every day.        that doesn't make God unjust at all.          absolutely nothing happens without Him knowing it and permitting it to happen, for whatever  reason.           I think we will see that Job was a man seeking the heart of God in all things.         I pray that in all things, I will be a woman seeking the heart of God.

we will pick up back up in Job again next time.


well, that's about it for this morning.            I pray that we all have a great day and that we will continue to seek after the heart of God in all we do.            if we do that, it will be a near perfect day.        blessings of grace and mercy be ours today.         hugs and love, patty

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Bible Study and eureka!! hahaha

good morning my sweet friends!!!!         well, it's a cold day with snow predicted to start this evening, and lots of it expected, so we'll just have to wait and see.         or as I say sometimes, "hurry up and wait!!"       this is supposed to be a very cold week for us with low's down to 4 degrees and highs up to 14 degrees during the day.         we'll see what it does.          we go from flooding to blizzard conditions in no time flat.         

I think global warming is a made up fallacy from day one.       one thing I definitely know for sure, absolutely nothing happens without God knowing about it.        absolutely nothing we can do will thwart the intentions and actions of God.         if there is something to global warming, then it's God's plan and there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING we can do to correct it!!!!!          there, I said it.        and I stand by what I said.      

a lot of people have a god complex and they think they can change the climate.          trust me, they ain't gonna change anything, if God isn't in their plans.         and most of these people have done everything they can to take God out of everything.         they will be surprised someday.         when they realize there is a God and that He is a holy God and He never lies and He is always right in what ever He does, it may be too late for them.          all these people want to do is take protein sources away from us, such as beef.       and killing millions of chickens when they aren't sick.        we have a lot of sick people in the government and I hope they get to the bottom of all this very soon.        their agenda is to destroy the farmer and to prevent us from growing our own food.        blaming global warming on the belching and passing of gas by cows is the most absurd thing I've ever heard.         

but those same  people also believe that you can be a man today and a woman tomorrow, and that it's ok for men to play in women sports, that their gender is fluid and that it's ok to be homosexual and live perverted lifestyles and push that off on everyone as being ok.         well, it's not ok and hell is real.        there, I said that too.          I make no apologies for saying it.       because God said it in His word!!!        there are sins that are abominable, and those some of those sins are.         if you don't believe me, read about Sodom and Gomorrah in your bible.         it's all there, unless you have one of those books that has been rewritten  to appease  the perverts.        there, I said  that too and I stand beside it all.        sin is sin is sin.        it has to be dealt with as such.      I'll not sugar coat anything because I don't want to be responsible for you NOT hearing the truth when I had the opportunity to tell you the truth.      

I hope as we keep going thru the bible every day, for as long I feel led to do this, that we can see that there are a lot of people, including each one of us, that have a lot of repenting to do.         we've worshiped the wrong things for far too long.        I do believe that the days ahead of this planet as we know are getting fewer with each passing day.       I do believe that Jesus will be splitting the eastern sky some day soon to gather His own and to take us to His home.         that could happen this very moment, while I'm typing, while you're reading.        are you ready?        if not, now is the time to get ready.   


time for the "giggle for the day".

Where do polar bears keep their money?

In a snowbank.



let's do another very quick "2 minutes in the kitchen with me" today.       I had a eureka moment!!!!    there are no  pictures, maybe  next time I'll take pics, this time I just wanted to get done with the project.        y'all  know I've been  working on putting  sweet potatoes and regular potatoes in the freezer.       well, I still had the last batch of sweet potatoes that I had made last week, still in the freezer in the bottom of the fridge.        and today I was going to be oven baking regular potatoes.          so I got the sweet potatoes out and I had actually been giving this some brain time over the weekend and I came up with a really good plan.        much better than just bagging them all in one big bag, I weighed them out into flip top sandwich bags in individual servings.        woohoo!!!!         this is a huge game changer!!!!!         what I'm going to do now, is get all the ones that I've previously frozen, and do the same thing with them.         since I flash froze them in the freezer before bagging them, they don't stick together and it will be easy to re-bag them and get them all fixed where there's at least 3 meals for each of us per gallon bag.      then bag them up where there is at least 3 servings of mine and 3 servings of my husbands potatoes in one bag.         it may not make sense to anyone else, but wow wee, this will be a game changer for me.        instead of bringing 2 big bags of potatoes from the freezer, I'll just have to get one bag that has 4 meals per big bag.       that's wonderful.        I hope I can keep on coming up with ways to streamline some of the things I do to help save time, energy and space in the freezer.         I also hope that this will help some of y'all too, with a good idea that you hadn't thought of before.        I weighed the sweet potatoes out in 3 oz serving per flip top sandwich bag.         for the russet potatoes for my husband, I'll weigh those out in 4 or 5 oz bags.         that should be a good serving size.         we could both eat a gallon ziplock bag at one time, they're that good!!!!!         no kidding, but we need to show a little restraint every now and again.          hahahaha          well, we do.        hahahaha           anyway, I hope this helps some of y'all.


today we start at Esther.          "for such a time as this" is one of most notable quotes from the book of Esther.        I'm not even gonna get into what the book is about.        I'm just gonna tell you that we must, at all times, be ready for such a time as this.        Esther lived in a time when people wanted her race to be exterminated, completely.        but God!!!!!         a funny thing about the book of Esther, is that God is never mentioned.         it makes no difference, this book is full of faith in God!!!         we see it, whether we read God's name  or not, it's there.        without the  book of  Esther, there  could not have been Jesus.        had they exterminated the Jewish race, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior would not have been born.        so, it is without a doubt, the plan of God that the events in this book took place.       who would have  ever thought  a young  Jewish girl  could save the Jewish race?         God did, Mordecai did.        that's all that counts.        this is a firm reminder that one person can make a difference.        we know that this is true, one person making a difference.        and we can make a difference either for the good or the bad of the community, race, nation or world.         

for instance, one woman, back in the 60's, I believe it was, got God removed from the schools and we now see what that has done to the school system.        it opened the door for indoctrination of the worst kind.         then in the 70's,  one woman screamed rape when in reality she was having an affair with another man and became pregnant and took her case to the court system and was able to get an abortion because she was raped by  a man of color.         no she wasn't raped, she had free will sex with him and pregnancy spilled the beans.        several years later, she was saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, and repented of her sins and went to the courts and told them that it was all a lie.        roe v wade was based on a lie and she was trying to do something about it now.         too late!!!!       everyone loves that they can cheat and have extramarital affairs, have premarital sex, have sex with as many men as they wish and they can get rid of the evidence as easy as tossing a piece of paper in the trash.        only it's a human being.        after 100 million or so abortions being performed, women still stand up and scream about their right to health care.      they have the right to kill a human being under the guise health care.        how dare they!!!!      if they took the time to read up on what an abortion does to the woman body, they might not be so all fired ready to have an abortion.          they might even take a little care and keep their legs  together too, because it's not for the faint of heart.      sorry about the crassness of that, but it's the truth, for those who have something to hide.       make no mistake, it's  not about  women's health.          when I see women picketing and carrying signs it's my body and all the vile filth they say, I can say that there is nothing in them that is even remotely godly in any way, form, shape or fashion.        they do not represent me in any way imaginable as a human being.        they are filled with the devil, doing his work and they don't even know it.        a lot of women who have had abortions have been saved and repented and I know that Jesus Christ has covered their sins with His blood, just as He has covered mine with His blood.       and for the ones who have repented, we'll see them in heaven some day.       for the others, hell is waiting.     

I'm just so thankful for people like Esther.         she had a calling on her life, she had an uncle that knew she had a calling on her life and he was a man of faith.        she answered that call by saying whether I live or or whether I die, I'm going to answer the call.        God is faithful and He was with her every second of her life.         guess what, we all have a calling on our lives.          we either answer the call and live and walk in faith, knowing that God is guiding us every step of the way.         or we turn our backs on the call of God and run with the devil.         either way, we have an eternal destiny ahead of us, are we aware of that?         I pray that we are.       

next time we pick up in Job.


well, that's about all I have for today.        we'll have to see what tonight brings in the form of snow.      I don't know what tomorrows bible study will look like or if there will even be one.        we'll just have to wait and see.        we have  a lot  to do today and I don't know if we'll even get everything done.       so we'll see.   I've been praying against it, but God is in charge of it all.         if it's His will that I make a snowman, then so be it.         hahaha.       no, I can assure you I won't be out making snow men.         but.......on the slim chance we get a good snow, I might make a bite of snow cream for us.        we could go for  that, but  I could  live the rest of my life and never have a bite of snow cream again.      hahahaha          anyway, I have a couple of good bread baking days ahead of me.         snow days are good bread baking days, just because I said so.        hahaha         oh well, if I do something exciting, I'll let y'all know.       until next time, seek after the heart of God.         we won't be disappointed if we make that our life goal.      blessings of joy and grace be upon us all.         hugs and love, patty