Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Bible Study and odds and ends

good morning from my neck of the woods.          the sun is shining brightly, but we know in the spring time, that really doesn't mean a lot.        hahaha         I have a lot to do today.           our plans went awry yesterday when we had to make an unexpected visit to the dr.          but all's back on track this morning or seems to be anyway.           I made a trip to aldi yesterday morning and got a bunch of potatoes.        so while we was waiting for dr appt time, I got in the kitchen and got 13 or 14 lbs of potatoes peeled and done a large dice on them, about the size of a finger joint, some smaller.         I filled the containers with water and washed off a ton of starch.         I have a container of yellow potatoes and a container of sweet potatoes already ready to go this morning.          I also got a couple extra bags of radishes and I'm gonna do the same thing with them and see how they turn out as another roasted veg to have with the potatoes and eat them instead of ready made french fries.         I know the oil used and the flavorings used and nothing that shouldn't be on them.       

I wish aldi carried turnips and rutabagas, I would get some of those.         I may have to go to walmart to get some of those.          I could go to kroger, but I'm still not going to kroger, the young people at the checkouts are hateful and I don't deal with hateful too well.        I'm bad about calling them out and questioning them about their behavior.        it's clearly something their parents should have done years ago, but they didn't.        so kroger suffers as far as I'm concerned.        I treat people the way I want to be treated and not everyone does that.         

anyway, that's why I haven't tried some other types of veggies, but I will at some point.        I just love having them in the freezer, ready to toss in the airfryer along with a meat of some kind.        so, that's what's on my list today to start working on just as soon as I get this post done.       I look forward to getting them in the freezer.   

I also made a batch of homemade yogurt and I have it in the fridge straining it even as I type.       I'll save the whey as a means of making my next batch of yogurt.        my instant pot with the yogurt setting makes making yogurt really easy.        I plan on getting some homemade granola made to go along with the yogurt, but we'll see if I can get the oven freed up do that.         I could make it in the air fryer and I'll do that if necessary.

well, it looks like my day is mapped out and I'm already tired from just typing this all out.       I have my plans and now we'll just have to see if my plans are in line with what the Lord wants me to do today.      it's all up to Him, not me.        my plans are written in ink, but they can be x-ed out easily enough.        so I try to stay flexible and do as the Lord wants me to do.         and I believe that plans and preparing are in line with God's will when it's about taking of your households needs by having good food ready to put on the table.      

giggle for the day:

Q - Why did a scarecrow win a Nobel prize?

A - He was outstanding in his field!



picking up Jeremiah Chapter 6,          we see here that we have to be listening for the voice of God over our lives.          God speaks to us thru His word  and when we pray and also when we look to godly counsel.        we have to be ready to hear God.        we also see that when we have sin our lives, we are deaf to the call of God over our lives.         sin causes spiritual deafness.        and again, in the chapter we see that we must be seeking after the heart of God.        that is the something that we must be doing and we must also be sharing God's truth to those around us!!!          seeking Gods truth and sharing God's truth!!

Chapter 7,          is your worship genuine worship or is it ritualistic?         if it's ritualistic, you're wasting your time and it's pointless.         are your trying to earn your way to God?         you can't!!!        again, it's pointless.          is your heart truly devoted to God?        if you are truly devoted to God, you'll have compassion for those around you.         the widow, the fatherless, the needy, helping these is a reflection of worship.         we need to be regularly seeking God's forgiveness and building a relationship with Him instead of just going thru the rituals of worship.   

Chapter 8,           are we resisting God's guidance in our lives?         if so, we're missing out on tremendous blessings.         true peace comes from acknowledging God's truth and living our lives based on His truth.          there are lots of false assurances out there, but there is only one God.         when we are living lives based on God's truth, we will also be repentant and obedient to His truth and call.         we need to pray for our leaders and church leaders to have courage to speak the truth about sin and call it what it is.        

Chapter 9,          we should have a heart of compassion for people around us who are lost and living in sin.        we live in such a deceitful world that we should be striving to represent God and His character in our daily lives.        we should make every effort to be in God's word on a daily basis and strive to live our lives based on His truth.         thinking on the goodness, kindness, justice and righteousness of God should be a priority for us for shaping our own attitudes and actions.

we will pick up at Chapter 10 next time.


I guess we'll call it a wrap for now.          I pray that we all have a great day today and that we will be seeking after the heart of God in all we do.          we all know hurting people around us.         we know people who need help.          let us focus on some of these ways that we can serve God today.         I hope you'll come back here real soon and join me again for some more time to look at the word of God.      blessings of peace and integrity be ours today in all we do.

hugs and love, patty

Monday, March 24, 2025

Bible Study

good morning from my neck of the woods.         it looks like it might be a great day today.          I thought yesterday was gonna be a fine day, but it got all dark and dreary and rained some and we were under a tornado warning, so welcome to spring.          but regardless of what it looks like on the outside, the Son still shines on the inside.        woohoo!!!         so today will be a great day too.        I have a lot to do this week and I look forward to doing it.         one thing on my agenda is to get some yellow potato and sweet potato bites made for the freezer.         I'm telling you, we go thru those things like nobody's business.          they are so good.        I wish I could come up more veggies that I could do that way to have a variety.        the other day, just on a whim, I took a can of cut green beans and drained them and then rinsed them and let them dry a little.        I put them in a zip lock sandwich bag and sprayed some avocado oil on them then sprinkled some greek seasoning and onion powder on them.        sealed the bag and worked them around in the zip lock bag till everything was evenly coated and then dumped them in one half of my 8 quart air fryer.        I put some of my sweet potato bites and hubby's yellow potato bites along with 2 apple chicken sausages laying between the green beans and and the potatoes.        set the air fryer for 400 degrees for 15 minutes and I'm telling you, those green beans were fantastic!!!         so I know I'll be growing as many green beans as possible this year.         I take the whole ones that I grow and do the same thing and air fry them too.       it's wonderful and I suggest you give them a try.        you can season them any way you like, of course.         I just love being able to fix a whole meal in the air fryer at one time.        what are some things that you like to air fry?


giggle for thee day:

Q - Why don't the circus lions eat the clowns?

A -  Because they taste funny!



I found this and thought it was beautiful and I wanted to share it with us all.         May we find ourselves in one of these and claim it over our day!!!

What do you tell yourself every morning as you start the day?
★Moses would say "Lord if you don't go with us or before us we ain't going nowhere"
★Abraham will say "The Lord will provide."
★Jacob would say "I won't let go of you unless you bless me."
★Joshua would say: "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord"
★Samuel would say: "Speak Lord for thy servant is listening."
★Nehemiah would say: The joy of the Lord is my strength"
★David would say "The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want" and "this is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it."
★Solomon would say "Trust in the Lord oh my soul and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path"
★Isaiah would say "Arise and shine for your glory has come." And "No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper"
★Jeremiah would say "The Lord has plans to prosper me and not to harm or fail me."
★Jabez would say "Oh that you may bless me and extend my horizon."
★Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego would say "We will not bow down to any image but will serve the Lord."
★Ezekiel would say " Any dry bones in my life, live again."
★Peter would say: "I will cast my cares upon the Lord for He cares."
Adopt your morning statement of faith and speak it and meditate on it daily.
Have blessed and fruitful day ....

so, which one is your favorite? I love them all!!
today we start in Jeremiah chapter 1,         never forget, that there is someone who knows you better than you know yourself.         your Creator!!!         He knew us even before He formed us.          He designed what our lives would be even before we were born.        when we follow God, He is with us and nothing can prevail against us!!!         God will save us!!
Jeremiah 2,          this chapter shows us God's unfailing, unwavering love for His people!!!         it also shows our ungratefulness for His ever presence in our lives.          how easy it is for us to trust the world and not trust God, when He is faithful to us.           we need to remain faithful to God and repent and keep our relationship with God strong.        God is with us, He is for us and He is forgiving.        yet, we keep on forgetting Him and His ways.        God continues to deliver us from sin but we still turn away from Him.
Jeremiah 3,          here we see that, unlike the world, God does NOT abandon us.         He waits for us to turn around and head back to Him, then He comes running to us.        despite unfaithfulness, God wants us to repent and come back to Him.     in this chapter we see forgiveness, restoration and hope.        these are only found in God, thru the shed blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Jeremiah 4,         what areas of your life do you give to God that is in need of forgiveness and restoration?        this question is where the rubber meets the road and it's very humbling.       there is consequences for sin, but mercy and grace of God will take care of it when we repent.       and once we repent and get back in relationship with God, then we pray for others for to repent also.
Jeremiah 5,          Jeremiah couldn't find a single righteous person in Jerusalem!!!         how many righteous persons can be found our churches this morning all across this globe?          I dare say, not many.         it's always the religious folks that don't know God.         it's always been the religious folks that don't God because they are all about the man made rituals and not about the commandments that God, Himself gave to man.        we think we know better than God.         we don't!!          I keep saying for us to keep seeking after the heart of God and this is why.        if we are not actively and purposefully  seeking after the heart of we'll never get close to Him.        God's judgement will happen, but He keeps giving us day after day, for a while at least, to know His heart and do His will.
next time we will pick up with Chapter 6.
well, I guess we'll leave it right here for the time being.          I pray that we all have a wonderful day today and that we get a lot done.         I hope that we remember to keep seeking after the heart of God in all we do.        we'll never fail or go wrong when we are actively seeking God.      blessings of hope and restoration be ours today.
hugs and love, patty

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Bible Study

good morning my friends.          I hope and pray that all is well in your neck of the woods today.          the sun is shining nicely and it looks like it will be a stellar day today.         I heard the train go quickly by in the distance.          it won't be long till that will be maybe a slight murmur in the background when all the trees get their full raiment for the year.         now the engineer is blowing the horn and the wind is wafting the sound this way.        the birds are out in full force this regaling us with their songs this morning and I love it.        I'm happy that spring seems to be well on the way.          I know the calendar says it's spring, but the thermometer says a little different some mornings.         hahahaha       oh my, who do we believe?          hahaha         I'm hoping to get some gardening going this week.        I've been saying it for weeks and something stops me.          I guess maybe the weather, huh.         I had wanted to get some strawberries started from seeds, but I think that may not be feasible at the time.         my best bet may be to take the dollar tree stackables I was gonna use for those and put some green peas in them and let them do their thing.       and do the strawberries later.        I just don't know.          it seems like this  year,  my  garden is  gonna  be  all  haphazard  just  like  me.         I  almost  can't wait  till I can start sticking seeds in my containers and growing from seeds and not trying to start everything from starts.        I got a few tomatoes and peppers started with my hydro units, but for some reason, they're not working as well as they did last season.        it makes no sense.        so I'm already a little put out by my garden experience.         oh well, I'll do what I know to do.        that's plant and pray and let God do the rest.         that's best plan I got and it always works.        so there you have it, my garden plan.       


 giggle for the day:

Q - How do you stay warm in any room? 

A- Go to the corner — it’s always 90 degrees. 



picking up at Isaiah 63,         this chapter is telling us that there will be a day when the enemies of God and His people will face judgement.        it will happen.        just as God has been and is and will continue top be faithful with His promises for His people, the same can be said about His promises for His enemies.       their days are numbered.          faithfulness and compassion are 2 great characteristics of our God!!!           we continue to pray for His mercy and intervention in our lives every day.

Isaiah 64,            we are unworthy before God.          nothing WE can do will remove the unworthiness, we're as filthy rags even with the best of intentions and righteousness.           He is the potter and we are the clay.        make us into something desirable and useable in Your hands.         we wait on You and trust Your sovereignty even in the difficult situations!!

Isaiah 65,           God is frustrated with our idolatry and disobedience and all this will be judged.        but God promises that a remnant will be saved  and redeemed, showing that God's love and grace is still available to anyone who turns to Him.         those who don't turn to Him will be judged.           at some point there will be a new heaven and a new earth and that's what we want to be a part of!!          God is a God of mercy and patience, waiting for us to choose Him.         we need to faithful and obedient to the call that God has placed over our lives.         we will be a part of His new creation when we chose Him.

Isaiah 65,           for too many years the churches have been filled with useless rituals and practices and not of true worship of outrLord and Savior.       we have ignored moral and spiritual devotion.        a lot of people say they are spiritual, but that has nothing to do with Holy Spirit living in them.          the very presence of God fills the universe!!!            the wicked will be judged and God's people will be delivered from the tyranny of evil people.           all of mankind will come together to worship God !!!!          what a grand time that will be!!!!

next time we will pick up at Jeremiah 1.


I guess this is where we'll call it a morning and get on with our day.          let us be found seeking after the heart of God today and every day.           as we have seen in the book of Isaiah, we have a BIG reason to seek after the heart of God.           to be a part of the new heaven, renewed, redeemed, obedient and able to praise God!!!         what a day that will be!!!!!!          I pray we all have a great day today.      blessings of faithfulness and compassion be ours today.

hugs and love, patty

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Bible Study

good morning beautiful friends!!!!!           the sun is shining brightly, the birds are happily singing and it's enough to make a heart joyful.        I'm ready for some sunshine outside.          I try real hard to keep Sonshine in my soul and it looks like today I'll have sunshine and Sonshine!!!        what a day!!        I hope we all have a good one and that we keep God a part of it and thank Him for this glorious start. 


I did get in the kitchen on friday and done a little bit.          I had a pkg of eye of round steaks from aldi and I trimmed them up, cut the fat and hard stuff off of them and then cut the steaks in little strips about the width of my little finger and then I cut little bites.         once I got them all cut, I got our the McCormick grill masters applewood rub and put a lot on the eye of round bites and stirred it around real good to get everything coated real good.

this is another shot of the eye of round coated really well in the applewood rub.           when I get ready to fix this, I'll throw it in the air fryer for a few minutes and it is almost as good as candy!!!         meat candy, who knew!!!           hahahaha

then I opened a pk of lamb chops from aldi too.            I wish I could better at remembering to take pics, it would be so nice if I could remember.            the pkg had 4 lamb chops in it.         I took them out and put them in parchment paper lined glass baking dish and sprinkled salt, pepper onion powder and garlic powder on both sides of the chops and put foil over the top.           I put them in the oven at 400 degrees for 90 minutes and than added about another 20 minutes to it.         once they were as done as I wanted, I picked the bones out and set them aside and I poured the broth and fat off and saved the bones to put in the freezer and make lamb broth when I get enough bones saved.

we both enjoyed these a whole lot!!!!           we had a chop a piece for friday lunch and I shredded one for each of us and put them both on parchment paper in the air fryer and put some bbq sauce on them  and then put our yellow potato bites and sweet potato bites in with the chops and turned it one for 15 minutes and that was some of the best meat I've ever eaten and my husband agreed!!!!!          it was so tender.         I've never had meat as tender as the lamb chops were.          I don't know if all lamb is that tender or if it was fluke, but wowzers, it was good.

then I didn't get a pic of this, but once all that was done, I cooked an instant pot full of black beans and rice.         that's gonna be some really good meals too.          when I taking them from the instant pot, I put enough for a bowl apiece in a bowl to go in the freezer.          this is a good way to have some emergency food.         it came in handy during my back episode and not doing much.         so think of ways you can set yourself up for success if you're not feeling well.         I need to get more rolls and hot dog buns and cornbread swirls made and in the freezer for such a time too.        


giggle for the day:

Q - Why did the chicken cross the playground?

A - To get to the other slide! 



picking up with Isaiah 59,          sin separates us from God, but God has the power to save.      there has to be repentance.         without repentance there will be judgement and darkness.      a lot of people go looking for sin.       sin makes us live in darkness.          we live in a time where there is no real justice and no truth.         God is truth!!!       God gives redemption.          Jesus Christ is the redeemer and we see that Gods words will be on the people lips and passed on to their children.        Praise God!!!

Isaiah 60,         this  chapter  shows us looking to the time of hope and restoration, only with Jesus Christ.          when God's glory shows up, darkness goes running.         the power of God is transforming.          nations and kings will be drawn to God.          God's people will be light and blessing to the world.       

Isaiah 61,           Jesus has come to bind up the brokenhearted and to set the captives free!!!!!!         this is freedom, this is God's blessing!!!           this is the new era of righteousness and plenty and joyful people.          what a day and time that will be!        beauty for ashes!!!

Isaiah 62,           this chapter point to a time when we'll no longer be forsaken, but we'll have a renewed covenant and God's love!!         God's love for His people will be as a bridegrooms love for his bride!!   God's people will be called Holy people!!

next time we'll pick up at Isaiah 63.


well, I guess this is where we'll jump off today.           I pray that we will keep seeking after the heart of God.           I hope we never get tired of hearing that or doing that.       have a wonderful day and thank God for being a part of this great day!!!       blessings of hope and restoration for all of us.

hugs and love, patty

Friday, March 21, 2025

Bible Study and Sourdough Y'all!!

good friday morning!!!          I woke up to a brrrrr, cold, chili, 20 degrees!!!!!!         yes, I did!!!!!        mr winter, get on outta here!!!         I'm sick and and tired of you !!!!!          go on, git on outta here, shoo, scat, get away!!!!        ok, now I got that outta my system.          hahahahaha          I'm ready to do some gardening though.        if you can get your hands in your soil, please leave them in the soil just a second or two longer just for me.           well, you guessed it, we're still shredding, but we've slowed down some.    I don't know when of if we'll get it all done, but we'll keep at it.         wednesday night I got sourdough bread starter going and I shared my process below.         at least as much of as I remembered to take pics of.        if you like sourdough, this may be for you.        I need to get in the kitchen today and get some real cooking done.         having been down in my back for almost 2 weeks and then shredding, it has put a hold on the good stuff coming from my kitchen.        hahahaha    well, I guess we'll get on with the rest of the post.


giggle for the day:

Q - Why did the frog take the bus to work? 

A - His car got toad.

ribbit, ribbit 😂😂😂😂😂😂


so, thurs morning I got up and made a quick batch of sourdough.        on wed night, I took out about a half cup of starter from my big jar.        I didn't want to feed the whole big batch of starter, so I took what I needed.         I put the starter in a the bowl that I always mix my bread in.         I fed it and covered it with a bowl cover and let that ferment over night.        when I got the starter fed, I got out a bowl and put all my dry ingredients in it and a measuring cup with my wet ingredients.          I covered it all with a floursack towel for the night.         when I got up thurs morning and took out a half cup of the freshly fed starter and put the rest back in the big starter container in the fridge.          I dumped in all my wet ingredients with the fed and fermented starter and then all my dry ingredients.         in less than 5 minutes I had that dough mixed and ready to let double in size.          that was at 7:05 thurs morning, then by 9:30 it had tripled in size and I worked it down and weighed the dough ball, divided that weight by 3 and  made my 3 mini loaves of sourdough bread.         I set those aside until they had doubled in size again.          for these little bread tins, I just let the bread reach the top of the pan and then I bake it and that's what I done this time.           by the time it rises to the top of the pan, it's doubled in size.        so, I popped them in the oven about 11:30 and baked them and Boom, just like that, sourdough bread.

making sourdough doesn't have to be complicated.          I get so sick of people with their rules and you have to do this and you have to do that.         NO, you don't have to.        don't over complicate anything, it takes the joy out of whatever you're doing.        figure out a way that works for you and just do it.       I had  someone  tell me that there's no way my haphazard way of slapping together a sourdough will ever work.           well, it does work and I'm not a slave to my sourdough.         it works when I need it, or it's outta my house.         and I'll assure you that anything I make is just as delicious as what everyone else makes that follows all the "rules".         stick to those rules and 3 or 4 days to making a batch of bread.    I'll make mine and be eating in way less than 24 hours.          I'm good with that.       

I wish I had gotten a pic of the amt of starter I left in this bowl.           I didn't measure it at all, I just eyeballed what a half cup would be and put the rest back in my big jar of starter.        then I mixed all the ingredients together and got the dough ball made and let it double in size, that's what in the pic.       

then I punched it down and weighed it and divided it equally among the loaf tins and made the 3 loaves.

it has risen for a little over two and half hours and it ready to go in the oven.

they are freshly baked and out of the oven and smelling mighty fine.

they are now out of the pans and sitting to cool off before I put them in a zip lock bag and on in the fridge.          oh yeah, and that's another pet peeve of mine.          people saying you can't store  bread in the fridge.        well, I'm not cutting anyone any slack or giving grace on this one because I've been storing my bread in the fridge when I decided I no longer wanted throw away my homemade bread because it got stale.        "they" say you can't store bread in the fridge.        that's a LIE!!!!!         I've been doing it for about 40 years now and guess how much bread I've thrown away.         go ahead and guess.    zilch, nada, none, not one single slice!!!!         so the next idiot that tells you, you can't store your bread in the fridge, tell them to tell it to someone who wants to hear them yap their traps.       this is where I said I'm not cutting anyone any slack or giving anyone grace on this one.        stupid is as stupid does.     this is one woman that ain't stupid when it comes to the bread she makes, and most other things she does in the kitchen!!!           so, you do what you want to do, but you have been told by someone who has been doing it this way for 40 years and then some!!!         try it for yourself sometime.


picking up with Isaiah 54,           do you want a powerful message of Gods unwavering love for His people and His church, well, this is it.         trust in God even in the hard times.          it's easy to trust God when everything is going well, but during the hardships is when the rubber meets the road.      trust God  for His peace and protection.         has God ever abandoned you?         no He hasn't and He's not about to.         what about this, no weapon formed against you will prosper!!!!        whether it's the weapon of someone speaking against you or someone using a physical weapon on you.        we can rely on God's promises  and trust His protection.

Isaiah 55,          how much does the mercy, grace and forgiveness of God cost?          absolutely nothing!!!!!!!          it's been paid for graciously by the shed blood of the Suffering Servant!!!        we have to repent.        God promises us eternal prosperity!!!!!         we may not have 2 pennies to rub together in this life, but we have eternal prosperity and security.       this life is fleeting, eternity is forever.         repentance and obedience is the key to eternal prosperity.        God's word is powerful, because God is powerful. 

Isaiah 56,             we can see the rewards for being obedient to God.         if you feel like an outcast, you're in good company.          because a lot of God's people feel like outcasts.        if you don't support all the perverted ideas of today, you're an outcast.         most churches today have a perverted ideology of who God is.        if you are any kind of leader in your church and you're spreading filth and not clinging to the true word of God, you are in grave danger.        anyone who perverts the word of God, risks the wrath of God.

Isaiah 57,             at some point in time, idolatry and evil and wicked leaders that push the filth will be rebuked!!!          it can't happen soon enough.         when did foul language become the norm in every day conversation.        men and women dropping curse bombs just in normal conversation.        that's just evil and wicked and what's worse, the more we hear it, the easier it gets to take part in some of that stuff!!!           that's where we have to keep searching after the heart of God in all things.        it's not just foul language, but adultery and every form of sexual sin and all things that goes against the moral compass of God.          there is no peace for the wicked.        those are God's words.

Isaiah 58,            God is calling for true worship from His people.         do you know what true worship is?         I can tell you that it's not singing some of the songs that's sung in churches today for the soul purpose of  looking  like a rock concert with songs that are not meaningful in any way to a real christian.           too many churches have shut their doors to Christ and He's not even welcome.         they either don't know or don't care.         and if you're a true christian, in one of these churches, it's up to you to leave that church as fast as your feet can carry.      how can you be seeking after the heart of God if you have no idea what He's about in the first place.       I hope that as you're going thru these scriptures that you're learning just how incredible our God is and He deserves to be worshiped  and held in high esteem and praised with our words and actions and thoughts.      what are some of the things that God wants from us as true followers?      break the yoke of slavery to sin, share food with the hungry, clothe the naked,  not neglecting the needs of others.        these are just some of the things that seeking after the heart of God will look like.

next time we'll pick up with Chapter 59.


I pray that what ever we do today, we keep seeking after the heart of God.          that has turned into my theme for the year and I think its a pretty good one.        at one point yesterday, I got upset about something, really upset, physical pain can help one reach their breaking point and I realize that's not an excuse.        so when I got upset and got over it, I realized that there was no seeking after the heart of God in that moment.         it broke my heart.        so, that's just how easy it is to take our focus off the right and holy, and go quickly to unholy and blasphemous behavior.         I've said this a time or two in a fun  manner  about other  stuff, "do  as I say, not as I do".        for  this, I'll just say, "do better than I did."        I never want to not be seeking after the heart of God, even in my own home.        blessings of  eternal prosperity and eternal security be ours.

hugs and love, patty