good morning from my neck of the woods. the sun is shining brightly, but we know in the spring time, that really doesn't mean a lot. hahaha I have a lot to do today. our plans went awry yesterday when we had to make an unexpected visit to the dr. but all's back on track this morning or seems to be anyway. I made a trip to aldi yesterday morning and got a bunch of potatoes. so while we was waiting for dr appt time, I got in the kitchen and got 13 or 14 lbs of potatoes peeled and done a large dice on them, about the size of a finger joint, some smaller. I filled the containers with water and washed off a ton of starch. I have a container of yellow potatoes and a container of sweet potatoes already ready to go this morning. I also got a couple extra bags of radishes and I'm gonna do the same thing with them and see how they turn out as another roasted veg to have with the potatoes and eat them instead of ready made french fries. I know the oil used and the flavorings used and nothing that shouldn't be on them.
I wish aldi carried turnips and rutabagas, I would get some of those. I may have to go to walmart to get some of those. I could go to kroger, but I'm still not going to kroger, the young people at the checkouts are hateful and I don't deal with hateful too well. I'm bad about calling them out and questioning them about their behavior. it's clearly something their parents should have done years ago, but they didn't. so kroger suffers as far as I'm concerned. I treat people the way I want to be treated and not everyone does that.
anyway, that's why I haven't tried some other types of veggies, but I will at some point. I just love having them in the freezer, ready to toss in the airfryer along with a meat of some kind. so, that's what's on my list today to start working on just as soon as I get this post done. I look forward to getting them in the freezer.
I also made a batch of homemade yogurt and I have it in the fridge straining it even as I type. I'll save the whey as a means of making my next batch of yogurt. my instant pot with the yogurt setting makes making yogurt really easy. I plan on getting some homemade granola made to go along with the yogurt, but we'll see if I can get the oven freed up do that. I could make it in the air fryer and I'll do that if necessary.
well, it looks like my day is mapped out and I'm already tired from just typing this all out. I have my plans and now we'll just have to see if my plans are in line with what the Lord wants me to do today. it's all up to Him, not me. my plans are written in ink, but they can be x-ed out easily enough. so I try to stay flexible and do as the Lord wants me to do. and I believe that plans and preparing are in line with God's will when it's about taking of your households needs by having good food ready to put on the table.
giggle for the day:
Q - Why did a scarecrow win a Nobel prize?
A - He was outstanding in his field!
picking up Jeremiah Chapter 6, we see here that we have to be listening for the voice of God over our lives. God speaks to us thru His word and when we pray and also when we look to godly counsel. we have to be ready to hear God. we also see that when we have sin our lives, we are deaf to the call of God over our lives. sin causes spiritual deafness. and again, in the chapter we see that we must be seeking after the heart of God. that is the something that we must be doing and we must also be sharing God's truth to those around us!!! seeking Gods truth and sharing God's truth!!
Chapter 7, is your worship genuine worship or is it ritualistic? if it's ritualistic, you're wasting your time and it's pointless. are your trying to earn your way to God? you can't!!! again, it's pointless. is your heart truly devoted to God? if you are truly devoted to God, you'll have compassion for those around you. the widow, the fatherless, the needy, helping these is a reflection of worship. we need to be regularly seeking God's forgiveness and building a relationship with Him instead of just going thru the rituals of worship.
Chapter 8, are we resisting God's guidance in our lives? if so, we're missing out on tremendous blessings. true peace comes from acknowledging God's truth and living our lives based on His truth. there are lots of false assurances out there, but there is only one God. when we are living lives based on God's truth, we will also be repentant and obedient to His truth and call. we need to pray for our leaders and church leaders to have courage to speak the truth about sin and call it what it is.
Chapter 9, we should have a heart of compassion for people around us who are lost and living in sin. we live in such a deceitful world that we should be striving to represent God and His character in our daily lives. we should make every effort to be in God's word on a daily basis and strive to live our lives based on His truth. thinking on the goodness, kindness, justice and righteousness of God should be a priority for us for shaping our own attitudes and actions.
we will pick up at Chapter 10 next time.
I guess we'll call it a wrap for now. I pray that we all have a great day today and that we will be seeking after the heart of God in all we do. we all know hurting people around us. we know people who need help. let us focus on some of these ways that we can serve God today. I hope you'll come back here real soon and join me again for some more time to look at the word of God. blessings of peace and integrity be ours today in all we do.
hugs and love, patty