good morning beautiful friends. I think this morning I am missing my one hour of sleep because we sprang ahead sometime last night. I'm not a fan of losing my hour of sleep, but I'd gladly let whoever keep it, if we could just stay one or the other and not be changing 2 times a year. I'm so over it, now all the clocks all have to be changed. the clocks in the vehicles have to be changed and I'm over it. ok, so who do I tell "stop it"? I'll certainly tell them to stop it the next time I see them, if I just knew who. hahaha so if you can stop it, please do. well, I guess we're stuck with it. I may just rebel and not reset my clocks and just declare my home and myself and my husband not changing our time!!! reckon that would work? probably not, but I may try. I'll let you know if we're successful. hahaha
so, let's do a quick "2 minutes in the garden with me" this time. this is a recent pic of my tomatoes that I got up-potted from my indoor hydroponic system a week or so ago. they are doing great so far. an below the tomatoes, you can also see my peppers that I got up-potted too.
the tomatoes in the round container are all really small varieties. the plants themselves shouldn't be any larger than maybe a foot tall when they reach maturity. and they all should pump out a ton of tomatoes.
these are the regular sized tomatoes, sun gold variety and I can't remember off the top of my head what the other variety is. they will be large plants that just keep growing and growing in height.
giggle for the day:
Q - Why did the scarecrow win an award?
A - Because he was outstanding in his field.
today we pick up with Ecclesiastes 1, futility, all is futile. what is important. where does God fit into our lives? we live and we die. where is God in our lives? is our efforts worth the effort? do we waste time chasing after what ever we're chasing after? all is meaningless and useless. is that so? this book will ultimately show us that unless we are focusing on God, everything we do is meaningless!!!!!
Ecclesiastes 2, Solomon tried to find meaning in pleasure and things. he didn't find meaning in those things. he tried to find meaning in wisdom, but he didn't find meaning. he tried to find meaning in working, but it wasn't found in work.
Ecclesiastes 3, there is a time for everything in our lives and that the seasons of our lives are changing. the best we can do is accept the changes as part of God's grand plan. we should trust in God's plan for our lives, He knows it all, we don't.
Ecclesiastes 4, envy and jealousy are futile. he says that work with another person is better than work done by just one person. if there is 2 and one falls, one can help the other one up. having friends and neighbors is good.
Ecclesiastes 5, fear God and don't love riches.
Ecclesiastes 6, wealth is futile. so what if you have wealth and don't enjoy it. there is such a thing as too much materialistic things, and they don't bring happiness.
Ecclesiastes 7, wisdom and foolishness, neither brings happiness. be humble, compassionate and righteous. these attributes are pleasing to God.
Ecclesiastes 8, God will punish the wicked and He will take care of the righteous.
next time we will pick up at Ecclesiastes 9.
I guess this is where we will call is a wrap. I hope and pray the we will all continue to search after the heart of God in all that we do. this is one that is NOT futile. this is something that will lead to eternal glory. I hope and pray that we all have a great day today and that we thank God that we get to be a part of it for a little while. blessings of humility and grace be ours today.
hugs and love, patty
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