Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Bible Study and Oxo Brand Slicer, Grater and Shredder

good morning beautiful friends.          I pray that we are ready to have a great day today.        we are under a threat of bad weather here today and tomorrow, with rain and possibly tornadoes.        so we would appreciate prayers of safety for our area.       while we was out getting our walk in for the day, we heard a woodpecker working on getting his next snack.        hahaha         I'm happy they have hard heads.          having said that, people might say that I could be a woodpecker.         I sure don't have beak, so it must be the other "thang", you know, hard headed.         hahahaha       well,  I hope to get more container soil in a few days and start filling some of my containers that doesn't have any soil in them.          if I can get them ready, then when the time is right, I can start planting!!!         woohoo!!!

so I had shared about my oxo brand grater and I thought I would show you the whole thing today.        it came from amazon, so if you're interested, just type something like "oxo slicer, grater, shredder and you should see something exactly like this pop up.        this is all the pieces it comes with.           the white part is the base that everything else sits in.        the clear thing in the base with the black spot on it is the gripper that you use when slicing, to keep your fingers safe. 

this is the brand emblem on the clear top of the whole thing and every piece has a small oxo imprinted on it.           it's a really nice collection in one easy store piece.

this is the shredding blade.         I keep the blue tape on the blade when I'm not using it.         once I get it washed and dried, the blue tape goes back on it.     

this is the slicing blade and it also has the blue tape on it.          as with the shredder, when I'm done with the slicer, the blue tape goes back on it.        I don't like getting cut and scraped when I'm getting the blade that I want to use, taken from the base, so I use the blue tape.

this is how it all fit together.            it has a very small foot print, so it doesn't take up much space in storage.     

it's also large enough that I have a couple of other non essential items in the box, I just didn't want to  toss the items yet, but probably will at some point.          I just looked it up on amazon and it's about a $23 item.          I didn't give that much when I got, but I certainly would now, knowing how good it actually is.         
it's time for our little "giggle for the day":

Q - What do you call a cold dog? 
A - A chili dog.


now that's something to howl at!!!


picking up at Psalm 102 we the psalmist pleading with God.         he is suffering, but he also knows that God is in control of all things.        where do we turn to when we are suffering?         the world doesn't offer much hope, but the Lord does.        the psalmist also wants future generations to know the goodness of God.        the only way they'll know is if we share it thru scripture and thru what God has done for us in our lives.

Psalm 103, what a praise song!!!!!!         sing this back to God and thank Him for mercy and protection over our lives.       this is one of the most powerful praise Psalms and one of the most beautiful.       "bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name!!!"         as far as the east is from the west, that's how far He puts our sins aways from us!!!!!       thank You God for your mercy!!!!

Psalm 104, do you ever wonder if God cares for His creation?         well, this is proof that He does.      He cares for the animals, the mountains, the streams, the heavens and us, His most prized creation.      He is merciful and loving.      "I will sing to the Lord as long as I live, I will sing to my God while I have my being!!"

Psalm 105, this Psalm goes back and tells of all the times that God kept His promises to Israel.       we count of God to keep His promises and we need to remember to praise God and worship Him for all of His faithfulness.      

Psalm 106, this is a reminder that we all sin and we all need forgiveness.        it's hard to praise God when we actively participating in sin.       we need to repent and then we can praise God.        we serve a merciful God who wants to forgive us.       I know, for myself, personally, when I've needed forgiveness, at the first movement that I make trying to get back to where I belong in my relationship with God, the instant I start moving forward towards Him, He's right there.       I don't have to turn from my sin and walk thru the desert of shame for a month hoping to find Him.         absolutely not, I turn around and He's right there.        I can't help but cry a little bit, at just knowing how faithful He is to me and how unfaithful I am to Him, yet He loves me and always wants me back.         that's my God!!!!       thank You God for being so faithful, loving and merciful to someone so undeserving!!!!        

Psalm 107, who makes a way for you when there is no way?       God does!!!        are we grateful to God for all that He does for us?         we surely should be.        we are considered wise if we pay attention to the mercy of the Lord.        if we are thankful, our lives should reflect that.       if our lives doesn't reflect what God has done for us, maybe we're not very wise.   

Psalm 108, we find that it is only with God and through God that we will have victory!!!         we will never have victory by ourselves, it is only with and through God that our enemies are overthrown.      praise God for His victorious deliverance.

Psalm 109,  I found it interesting that this is one of the strongest Psalms where curses are actually called down upon the enemies of David.          he is begging God to curse his enemies.        he is also praying for God to deliver him from his enemies, because of God's mercy.  

Psalm 110, this Psalm is the most quoted psalm in the New Testament.         it is a prophetic psalm pointing directly to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, our Messiah!!!         praise God!!!!!

Psalm 111, this is a beautiful hymn of praise, thanking God for all His great works.       "Great are the works of the Lord!!"        "I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart!!"        this should be our song of praise and thanksgiving to God!!

Psalm 112, "blessed is the person who fears the Lord!!"          when we have proper fear, awe, and respect for the Lord, we'll not have fear of anything that this world has to offer.       I have to repent from time to time, because I let things of this world cause me fear and that's not what God wants.       He wants me to trust Him.  

Psalm 113, we are to praise the Lord at all times for everything, especially for caring for the poor and needy.         who are the poor and needy, all of us!!!!!!!        we are to praise Him and let out lives reflect that God cares for us, we should care for others.

Psalm 114, God is our rescuer!!!         the presence of God makes nature act in magnificent ways.       the verbal picture is absolutely beautiful.

Psalm 115, where is the god of the heathen?       our God is in heaven, He is our trust and shield!!!      

Psalm 116, gracious, righteous and compassionate is our Lord!!!!       this psalm shows us what gratitude to God should look like.       "Praise the Lord!!"

Psalm 117, simple and short, praise the Lord, all nations!!!      sing His praises because of His mercy and truth!!

Psalm 118, this psalm is one that can help us to remain faithful to God even during hard times.         give thanks to the Lord, for His mercy is everlasting.        give God our gratitude!!!

Psalm 119, the character of God is seen in every stanza of this psalm.        God is good, gracious, honest, trustworthy, merciful, strong,  and we can walk in God's path.     we can trust God with everything, from aleph to tav.

next time we pick up with Psalm 120.
 well, I guess we'll call it a wrap on todays post.         I hope and pray that we will all keep seeking after the heart of God.         we have seen just how mighty our God is, and He is worthy for us the be seeking after His heart.         let us praise God with every breath we take.         let's keep focused on God as the world around us swirls with wickedness.          God is in control, let us never forget that.        we will turn our agony over to God and let Him have victory over all our enemies.        blessings of strength and mercy be ours.      

hugs and love, patty

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