good morning beautiful friends!!!! I hope and pray that everyone is doing well today. I pray that we all have a victorious day, a great day, and day that will be filled with praise and adoration for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. yesterday was a cooler day than I expected it to be. I was hoping for a little higher temps, but we got what we got. the high was 52 degrees. it wasn't bad at all, but I was just wanting a little warmer. and.........this morning it was a spicy hot 19 degrees!!!! who knows what it will be in the morning?? but, you know me, always wanting warmer temps till I'm wanting cooler temps. hahaha well, at least I can admit it.
well, I guess it's all in a weeks work, but we'll go to the kitchen again for a quick "2 minutes in the kitchen with me". it was time to bake buns again. that time rolls around pretty quickly when we have hamburgers or turkey burgers. as a general rule, most of the buns are for my husband's breakfast. but we've been enjoying a burger or tow, so I have to bake more often. that's ok too. I put them in the muffin top pan, frozen, let them thaw, rise and bake. so good.
in the pic below, you see my breakfast jars. I make 10 at a time and let me tell you, they are delicious!!! it is time consuming, but it's worth it. peanut butter powder, old fashioned oats, ground flax, chia seeds, cranberry and citrus powder, lots of powdered ginger, a pkt of stevia, real vanilla flavoring, water to mix it all together with. then the morning I eat it, I'll put a little more ginger in it and a splash of coconut milk. stir that together really good and wow wee, it's good.
so now you know what I start my day with. hahaha but it is good. it's also good for ya too.
todays little "giggle for the day":
Q - Do you want to hear a pizza joke?
A - Nahhh, it's too cheesy!
oh now, come on, the cheesier the better, right!! hahaha
we pick up at Psalm 65 with God's favor on everything. Gods favor is on mankind as well as all the earth. God controls the mountains, the seas, and the turmoil of the nations!! God makes the sunrise and the sunset shout for joy!!!
in Psalm 66 we see the writhe proclaiming "How awesome and mighty are Your works!!!! God is in control of all things. regardless of what it looks like with human eyes, God is in control.
in Psalm 67, nations are encouraged to praise God. what a wonderful world it would be if all nations did praise God. I can't imagine what that world would be like.
in Psalm 68, we see those who hate God are fleeing from Him. the wicked will perish, but the righteous will rejoice in the Lord. the righteous will be found seeking after the heart of God. the Lord is the God who bears our burdens!!! thank You God for bearing my burdens!!!
Psalm 69, we see David once again in anguish over the guilt of his sin. he knew God to be a merciful God and he was pleading for God to rescue him from the mud, where there is no foothold. he was pleading for mercy that could only come from God.
Psalm 70 finds David asking the Lord to hurry and help him. when I read these Psalms, I am reminded once again that it's ok for us to plead with God on our own behalf. sometimes, I think we have a bit of guilt for asking on our own behalf. but God want's us to seek His help and He also wants us to be thankful for His help.
Psalm 71, the writer has taken refuge in God. what better place to refuge!!! God is our rock and our fortress and we can dwell in Him and not fear. he said his tongue would tell others of His righteousness. do we tell others of the righteousness of of our Lord and Savior? we sure should be.
Psalm 72 is a Psalm that is calling for leaders to be godly. wow, wouldn't that be awesome if all leaders were godly!!!! we have no idea what it means or what it would look like if our world leaders acknowledged God in all things and lived accordingly.
Psalm 73 is a struggle with faith and doubt. we can't look forward without thinking eternally. if just see what we see, and never look to the eternal, we are doomed. everything we do should be pointing to our eternal destiny in His presence. we see things short sighted and we should know that the wicked will eventually get their rewards.
Psalm 74 is the struggle with our faith while there is suffering and evil all around us. I don't know if anyone can relate to this, but I sure do. I can't reconcile it in mind, but I know that God is control of it all. I don't have to understand, because He does.
Psalm 75 declares God as the judge!!! there is a scripture in Genesis that says something like this, "shall not the Judge of all the do what it right!" I'll never be able to think like God, so I trust Him to what is right at all times. I may never understand it all, but I'll do the best I can, with His help, to try to understand. I will try to praise Him, even when I don't understand.
Psalm 76 is a call to celebrate God's victory and protection. as we celebrate God's victory in our lives it should cause us to fear God and also honor God. God is mighty and deserved to be praised, we could never praise Him enough for all He's done for us.
Psalm 77 is about remembering all the works of God in our lives in order to find comfort when the next troubles come along, and they will. we just have to look back on everything God has done for us in the past, to know that He will help us in the future.
Psalm 78 is a reminder that we fail, but God doesn't. we make mistakes, God doesn't. God's love is everlasting and He helps mankind thru miracles. we are to trust God and obey Him. when we keep repeating the same mistakes, we face the consequences. what are we passing on to the younger generations? we need to be passing on our faith in God, thru the shed blood of Jesus Christ. if we're not passing that on, we're failing these younger generations, miserably. I think we can look around in today's society and see that we have failed miserably in passing on our faith in a mighty God, to the younger generations. we see a sorry lot of people these days, doing abominable things and we've taught them that it's ok to go against God. we are leading these generations right straight to hell, while holding their hands. shame on us.
Psalm 79 shows us what sorrow over our sin should look like. we should be devastated by our sin, enough to turn form our sin and do better with God's help. if you're not grieving over your sin, why?
Psalm 80 is showing us what repentance looks like. we should be begging God to intervene in our lives, in our country, in our world and give us all the hearts to seek after God's heart. God, please save us from our trouble, please save us from ourselves, please save us from the ones who would do harm to Your people.
next time we pick up at Psalm 81
well, I guess we'll call it warp and close up shop today. I hope and pray that we all have a great day today and that in everything we do, we'll remember to seek after the heart of God. I pray that with my last breath, I'll be found seeking after the heart of God. sometimes I struggle with the little land mines that the enemy throws at my feet for me to stumble over. but I do try to turn it all over to God when I recognize what's going on. I know some of y'all are going thru the same thing. so we'll just pray for each other daily. blessings of favor and victory for us all today, in the name of Jesus Christ.
hugs and love, patty
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