good morning wonderful friends. we had a good day yesterday and plan on today being good one today as well. God made it, so it will have to be a good day. yesterday, we went to Lowes and I finally got some more container soil, so I'll be working on getting some of my containers filled and ready to plant seeds in or set my starts in when the right time rolls around. the wind has howled and it's rained some. it was a really windy night and this morning is starting to be windy also. lots of trees came down in the county last night, taking out electricity across the county. so I don't know what all else it will do, but I just hope it calms down today. we got our walk in yesterday morning early and while we was walking, there was wood pecker that was really making a lot noise trying to get at his early morning snack. I'm always hearing them and mentioning them, but I do love hearing a wood pecker. when we still lived in another state, there was a metal grain bin in the far back corner of where the yard and the farm started, and the crazy wood peckers would land on that grain bin and sit there pecking on it for hours at a time!!!! I wish I could have taken a recording of it, but I didn't think about it at the time. but if you ever hear it, it's hilarious. I'll tell you what I'd love to hear tonight. an owl. we used to have 2 pairs of owls that hung out in the trees close by, and it was an awesome sound to hear them calling to each other. the 2 pairs of owls were different. so their calls to each other were different sounding and it was such an awesome experience to hear their calls to one another. I love the sounds of nature and birds. it just seems they help to make all the turmoil going on around us all the time, a little more bearable.
so, lets do "2 minutes in the kitchen with me" and we'll talk tomatoes. so I had started tomatoes in one of my Dak Ride hydroponic systems I had gotten form amazon last year. I started these on Feb 3rd. I took them from the hydro unit on Feb 26th and put them in solo cups with holes in the bottom so the seed starter soil can soak up water. to do this, I have to keep the tomatoes very wet for the first week or so, to transition them from water to soil. these are my small ones, mini, dwarfs, and tom thumb types. they won't get very large at all, but they will produce like nobody's business.
I got all of my tomatoes out in the sprout house in the garage with the grow lights and heat mats and everything is set. I hope it's enough to protect them from any severe cold that we may have coming up before spring arrives.
starting at Psalm 120, have you ever cried for deliverance? false accusations, lying tongues, deceitful people are ruthless and relentless, but God hears our cries and He answers those who call out to Him.
Psalm 121, this is one of my absolute favorites. kjv says "I will lift mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help!!" help comes from no one but the Lord!!!! such a beautiful psalm and we should be confident that God will do what He has said He'll do!!! He is our help!!!
Psalm 122, there is joy in worshiping God together with others of like minded faith. when we gather with others and worship God, we share in the unity among brothers and sisters in Christ.
Psalm 123, praying to God is always the best place to start when in a time of trouble. when we keep our eyes on God, we're looking in the right place. we can be encouraged when we call on God because we know He hears us.
Psalm 124, guess what, makes no difference how strong we may be, were if not for the Lord on our side, we will not be successful!! it's always God's victory, not ours.
Psalm 125, we need to remember that wicked people will only be around for while. their rule is temporary and we will not affected by them forever. they will meet their demise. God is our protector.
Psalm 126, we can rest assured that God will restore everything that the enemy has taken from us. God is the one turns tears to joy!! I need to remember this.
Psalm 127, this psalm shows us just how dependent on God we actually are. unless God is in what ever you may be doing, it's all useless and a waste of time.
Psalm 128, do we fear the Lord? do we walk in His ways? are loving our families and neighbors and good citizens of the community in which we live? if so, then we are living our lives based on how important God is to us. we are living a life that honors God.
Psalm 129, are you excited when problems come your way? probably not, but need to remember and have confidence that the justice of God will set things straight.
Psalm 130, in the Lord and only in the Lord, we will find redemption!!!!! Praise God!!!!
Psalm 131, trusting in God will soothe the soul, just like a loving Momma can soothe a child. such a beautiful picture of the presence of God in our lives.
Psalm 132, we can trust God to fulfill the promises that He has made to His people!!! our hope is in the Lord and Him alone!!
Psalm 133, we can worship God in unity. unity among God's people is something that He will bless in a mighty way.
Psalm 134, may we serve the Lord regardless of any circumstances and may we ask the Lord to bless others, even while we're in difficult times ourselves.
Psalm 135, in this psalm we see it all. God is good. God is great. God is faithful. God is greatly to be praised!!!!
Psalm 136, do you ever wonder about the goodness of God? if so, this is the psalm for you. it's definitely a favorite!!! His faithfulness is everlasting!!!!
Psalm 137, this world is not our home. we're just passing thru. if you ever feel like you're not at home in this world, guess what, you're not. our salvation and safety and our home is with the Lord!!
Psalm 138, our thanks, praises and worship is given to God because of His mercy and faithfulness, even in the midst of troubles and trials.
Psalm139, where can go to get away from God? absolutely no where!! we are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator of all things, God!!! there is nothing He doesn't know about us. He knows it all, praise Him!!!
Psalm 140, we all need to rescued and protected from the wicked people around us. God is who will give us that protection.
Psalm 141, do you ever feel like you need a guard over your mouth and your heart protected? we all do and God the is One we call on!!!
Psalm 142, when we are living in fear, we can call out to God for His help!!! do you ever feel afraid and alone? David knew that feeling and he cried out to God.
Psalm 143,sometimes we need to meditate on all that God done for us and ask Him to teach us His ways.
Psalm 144, rock, fortress, stronghold, shield, a new song to sing........ what a mighty God we serve!!!!
Psalm 145, great is the Lord and greatly to be praised!!!!!! we can never praise Him enough for all He has done for us.
Psalm 146, Praise the Lord, O my soul!!!!! God is the only One we can trust!!!!!
Psalm 147, God is creator of all and in Him is redemption. praise God!!!
Psalm 148, all of creation is called on to praise the Lord!!!
Psalm 149, sing praises to God, sing new songs, make music on the tambourines, praise God in all circumstances!!!
Psalm 150, do you want to know when and where to praise God. at all times and where ever you are. anywhere and everywhere and at all times is the perfect time and place to praise God!!!
well, we made a whirlwind trip thru the Psalms. next time we'll start on Proverbs.
well, that's a wrap for today. if you're in harms way of weather rolling thru your area, stay alert and stay safe. I pray that we will praise God at all times and that we continue to be seeking after the heart of God in all that we do. I pray that we all have a great day today and that we remember to be thankful to God for it. blessings of peace and mercy be ours today.
hugs and love, patty
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