Saturday, March 1, 2025

Bible Study and March-ing right along

good morning my friends.          I hope we're all doing well today and that we are ready to March right on along in this year.          it seems we have to be ready for it, whether we are or not.        hahaha        well, the quicker we get into March, the quicker we'll be able to start getting our hands in some serious dirt.       so I'm good and ready to get March-ing right along.         I have 12 tomato plants in my little sprout house and I was in the garage a little bit ago and they are looking fabulous!!!!          I' so tickled.   I had checked on my garlic in one of my grow towers on the deck and it looks like the greenery on the ones I checked has died back.        I just hope the garlic itself isn't dead.         it's ok for the greenery to die back, if it's still alive, it will come back as soon as it warms up.        but if the garlic itself froze, it will be a bust and I won't have any garlic.        I'm not going to let the weather defeat me with my garlic.        I'll just try to figure out another way.        that's the name of the game with gardening, if one thing doesn't work, try something else.        we have to stay flexible and ready to do whatever it takes, and I am determined.          what are you determined to grow?


let's go to the kitchen for a "2 minutes in the kitchen with me".            so I've been busy in the kitchen here lately trying get a few things squirreled away for later on in the spring and early summer when we get busy outside.           one of those things I'm trying to get in the freezer is lots of already oven roasted russets and sweet potatoes.

in the picture along side the turkey burgers that I recently shared is 4, 1 gallon ziplock bags with 4 fliptop sandwich bags of potatoes, 2 of each type per gallon bag.        since they are already fully cooked, they are easy to pop in the air fryer and heat them up and crisp them up.       these are so good.        as long as I can keep these in the freezer, I'll not have to buy any more french fries in the frozen section at the store.       what you are looking at is about 12 lbs before peeling.          and then I put avocado oil on them and dehydrated minced garlic and dehydrated minced onion.         that flavor combo is absolutely wonderful, even on the sweet potatoes too!!!          I hope you'll give it a try.          

I bake them in  a 400 degree oven for about 40 minutes, till they are fork tender.         then to freeze them, once the trays cool down, I'll pop them in the freezer on the trays and flash freeze them, then bag them up and put them in the ziplock bags.        they don't stick together once flash frozen.         and if they happen to stick a little, just drop the fliptop bag on the counter and they will pop right apart.         easy peasy.


 let's do our little "giggle for the day":

Q - Why were the fish’s grades bad? 

A - They were below sea level.



today we pick up Psalm 55 and  David is praying for God to take away the evil and wicked ones who are trying to kill him.           he hid from them and ran from them and he wanted to God to deal with them.         sometimes I feel the same way with all the wicked politicians that are destroying the world and getting rich off the backs of the poor.       verse 22 says to cast our burden upon the Lord and He will sustain us.          do we need hope?        yes, and this is the hope we need.         God will deal with them and we can trust God.

in Psalm 56 the writer is pleading for God's help and so thankful that he can trust God.        we too can trust God.         He sees it all.        the writer says that God has put all his tears in a bottle and they are accounted for in His book!!!         just know, that not a single tear falls that God doesn't see.        even as I type this, I wipe a few.        we can put our trust in God and not be afraid.

in Psalm 57 we see David praising God yet again.          after fleeing from Saul David said that in the shadow of God's wings he would take refuge.        how beautiful this word picture is right here.        but David knew that God was his protection.           we too, can know that God is our protection.

in Psalm 58 David is praying for the destruction of evil and wicked people.          he says that there is a God who judges the earth and there is reward for the righteous.          amen and amen!!!!

in Psalm 59, David is again praying for God to protect him from  Saul's men who are seeking to kill him.           David sings of God's strength and for being a place of refuge when he was distressed.        we can sing of God's strength too!!

here in Psalm 60, we see David asking God to save them with His right hand.          we looked at that the other day.         a hand of strength and truth and righteousness.

Psalm 61, David has confidence in the protection of God.           do we have confidence in God?        I sure hope we do.         David knew that God was his tower of strength, his rock, and his shelter.        we look at  David's  life and see that he was a sinner, but he also repented.        that gives me a lot of hope and confidence that though I'm a sinner, thru the shed blood of Jesus Christ, I too can have confidence in the protection of God.

Psalm 62 finds David yet again praying to God and recognizing that He alone is his rock and his salvation, his stronghold; and he will not be shaken.         again, he has confidence in God and God alone.

in Psalm 63 we see David declaring that God's favor is better than life itself!!!!         I have to let that sink in to realize what he is saying.         my take on this is that God's favor over my life may lead to hardship, and things that can and will eventually take my life.         but with God's favor, once this life is over, I'll be where He is.         that's favor!!!          again, this is what it means to me.      

Psalm 64 we are reminded that we have secret enemies.            those people that smile to your face and stab you in the back every chance they get.        reminds me of a bunch of politicians.          also a few real life friends I've had in the past.        I know they meant more to me than I did to them.       just be aware.         God knows about it all and He'll take care of it.

next time we'll pick up at Psalm 65.


well, I guess that's about it for today.          let's try to keep focusing of seeking after the heart of God in all we do.           there's not another better activity for us to do.         the world throws so much filth and trash at us that's it's hard to stay focused on the things of God.       but let's see if we can keep our eyes focused on Jesus and what He alone has done for us.         tell someone you know that God's favor is better than life.        blessings of God's favor and protection be ours today.     

hugs and love, patty

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