good morning my friends. yesterday started off to be VERY cold and I was totally depressed. I was. at one point, I felt so bad that I actually cried. hahaha but I got over it and finally decided I was going to get outside anyway. we did get our morning walk in and had breakfast and it was after all that, that my morning started downhill. but I just decided that I needed to be out and I went out and I actually got a ton done yesterday. I was so thrilled that the Lord blessed me and I got most of what was on my to do list done. so, I can now concentrate on some of the things that I need to get done inside. always something that needs to be done. but I feel better to do whatever your doing if you're not in physical pain. getting out and doing some of the stuff I done helped with the physical pain. anyway, I was happy that I got a lot done. there's still a lot more to do, but it will be done when it's time. getting out in nature feels good and hearing all the birds and outside noises just wakes up a part of your soul that was asleep while winter was in full force. I'm happy to be awake!!!
this is one of our favorite snacks that always hits the spot. it's quick, easy, 3 ingredients and delicious. it's hard to believe something so simple would be so good, but these are. rich, creamy and decadent!!!! not to mention, pretty healthy too. and you can make it even healthier by buying more high priced peanut butter, but I buy what we can afford.
these are so good and they definitely are much better than any alternative that I've tried.
these were smaller dates so that helps in calories, but they are good for you in a lot of ways.
when we have these as an after supper snack, the first few hours of sleep for me is the best of the night. I'll have at least 2 hours of deep sleep during the first half of the night. that means a lot to me. deep sleep is healing sleep for the body. so when we want something after supper, this is what we have. if you haven't tried this I would suggest trying it.
for each date, cut it open and take out the pit. open it up as flat as you can get it. then put a half tablespoon of peanut butter on the open date and then sprinkle about a half teaspoon of mini dark chocolate chips. press the choc chips down in the peanut butter just a little bit. you can enjoy as is or pop them in the fridge for a little bit. I usually fix 3 apiece for us. but if there happens to be some unusually large dates, I'll just fix 2 apiece. these are delicious, decadent and easy!!!! what more could we want? hahaha now, go fix some of these snacks.
let's do our giggle for the day:
Q - Why are horses so sleepy?
A - They’re always hitting the hay.
ok, ok, you gotta admit, it made you smile, I know it did!!
today we pick up with Song of Solomon Chapter 1, this is the ultimate love story between a husband and a wife. I think it's fair to say that God knew what He was doing when He created the love and desire between a man and woman to become husband and a wife. for those who are confused about whether they are make or female, this should remove all confusion. anything other than what we read about hear, between anyone other than a man and a woman is NOT designed and ordained by God, it is straight from the pits of hell.
Chapter 2, this chapter represent the woman's love for her husband, what a beautiful portrait of what that love looks like. some people have also used this as a symbol of the great love that Christ has for the church and was willing to die for His bride. the church is called the Bride of Christ. I just know that I'm thankful that Christ loved the church enough to die for us. I'm thankful to God for the wonderful husband that Has given me for all these years.
Chapter 3, she searches for him thru the streets at night with a deep longing to find him. did you ever search for Jesus with a deep longing and desire to find Him? I did and it was a glorious time when I did find Him and accept Him as my Lord and Savior.
Chapter 4 , there are no greater words than for a husband to tell his wife just how beautiful he thinks she is. even at my age, my husband will still tell me how beautiful I am to him and it's still such a tender expression of love.
Chapter 5, for what ever reason, situations arise in every marriage that causes some pain and distance and this leads to misunderstanding in the relationship. who hasn't had that?
Chapter 6, you finally realize that "I am my beloved and my beloved is mine"!! this is the realization that we all should have. if we are committed to each other, we will have this mindset.
Chapter 7, all the emotions that God has created for husband and wife is a beautiful expression of love.
Chapter 8, we see that love for each other must be a permanent and there should be complete trust for one another. trust is one of the main elements of marriage. without trust, you can't completely love each other.
next time we pick up at Isaiah 1.
I guess this is where we'll call it finished and get on with our day. I pray that we all have a beautiful day today and that we continue to seek after the heart of God with every breath we take. do something fun today. tell someone you love them and that your day isn't complete without them being a part of your day. I love you all and my day isn't complete without you being a part of my day. blessings of peace and joy be ours today.
hugs and love, patty
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