good morning beautiful friends. I hope you are ready for a great day. I am. it is a hefty warm morning with 39 degrees right now!!!! a-ma-zing!!!!! woop woop, I'll take it!!!! I hope I can get some containers filled with soil and be ready to plant when the time comes. with the warmer days ahead, it will be good to get my hands in some good dirt. hahaha it's been a little cooler and just plain cold over the last few days, so a warming trend is really wonderful and I'm ready for it.
let's do a big "2 minutes in the kitchen with me" today. I call this my cheese burger taco salad. I start by getting my tortillas turned into bowls. I just noticed that a couple of my pics are out of sync, but it's ok. I'll take my tortillas and use a fork on them all over to keep them from swelling up. then I'll lay the tortilla over one of the metal bowls turned up side down. next I'll the other bowl and put it on top of the tortilla already on the bottom bowl. I'll flip them, open end up, and set this down in my airfryer on 400 degrees for about 10 minutes. we love the really dark, not burned, but dark.
this is all the fixings that I use to make our salads.
this is showing how I stack the tortilla bowl makers.
this shows all the holes that I make in the tortillas before stacking them between the bowls.
this is showing the bowls upright and how I set them down in the airfryer.
this is after the bowl is taken from the airfryer and I've got the other one in there now.
this is what our salads ended up looking like. it works well with steak bites too. I like to get all the fixings ready, get the meat cooked and just have the bowls to make and then its very easy to put together. these are delicious and we love them. I hope you love them too. use any meat or any ingredients you want to make these. it will be great.
time for our little "giggle for the day":
Q - What did one ocean say to the other?
A - Nothing, they just waved.
picking up with Proverbs 11, again we see that seeking after fairness, wisdom, humility, trust, graciousness, generosity is what is always for the betterment of God's people. avoiding all wickedness at all costs is wise. a person who is wise gains souls for the kingdom. who doesn't want to gain souls for the glory of God!!
Proverbs 12, the very first verse says it all!!!! "One who loves discipline loves knowledge, But one who hates rebuke is stupid." reading thru this chapter, makes you ask yourself how can there be so many stupid people in this world.
Proverbs 13, this chapter shops us that we need discipline in every area of our lives. without discipline we lie, cheat, steal, and are lazy just to name a few. everyone will not have everything, this is where contentment comes in. are you satisfied with you have materially? if you are, there is a lot of wisdom in that mindset.
Proverbs 14, we see there are always 2 choices, wisdom and foolishness. with those choices come the consequences. every choice or decision we make will either be good or bad. wisdom will help us make good choices. a wise person is cautious and a fool is arrogant. that speaks for itself.
Proverbs 15, gentle and harsh and contrasted and the very last verse says it all. there is power in words and how we deliver those words says a lot about us. we can beat someone up with words or we can calm someone down with words. "The fear of the Lord is the instruction for wisdom, and before honor comes humility."
Proverbs 16, did you know that God examines our motives when we do something. the "why" we do what we do is more important than "what" we do. most of have that in reverse. we do what we do to be seen. if that's why we do anything, then we are a fool. there are consequences to our actions. good or bad, there are consequences.
Proverbs 17, "Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is considered prudent." I had a teacher in school tell another student one time that it was better to remain silent and let people think you're a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. I have thought many times that this must have been where he got. it was good enough that I remembered it and have used it several times myself.
Proverbs 18, there is lots of good stuff in this chapter. we are not isolate ourselves, God made us to be in relationship with others and Him. there is power in our words. being a responsible person is important. having discernment is very important. lots of wisdom in this chapter alone.
Proverbs 19, integrity and discipline are 2 things that are hard to come by and you don't want lose them once you have them. integrity is the one thing that you take with you everywhere you go and it doesn't but one second to lose your integrity. lack of discipline will put your integrity in jeopardy if you're not careful. integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching you. God always knows what we do even if human eyes doesn't see us.
Proverbs 20, this is one of those chapters that show us that how we live our lives matters. it is of the utmost importance. among other things mentioned in this chapter, how many of you know a drunkard? probably all of us knows at least one. most of us know more than one. what good does drinking do? living a good life involves working hard, being honest and maintaining integrity. those are not characteristics that you'll find in drunkards.
Proverbs 21, we usually do our thing without taking into consideration, others. but the Lord always looks at our intentions and motives of the heart. I think I said it earlier the "why" is more important than the "what". sometimes we forget that. do you the "what" just to be seen? if so, then that's foolish.
Proverbs 22, do you have a good name? oh, that's about your actual name, Bob or Sally. it's about integrity again. have you ever had someone say to you "remember who you are and who's name you have"? my dad used to tell my brothers that. remember who you are, they were his sons and he expected them to remember that in all situations. this is the way it with being a Christian. I need to remember who I am, who's I am and the name I represent, at all times.
Proverbs 23, one of the things that stands out in the chapter is being captivated by evil and wickedness. it boils down to the choices we make.
Proverbs 24, lots more just good old life lessons. don't be envious of evil people. wisdom is the key to success. don't hang out with people that are jealous of other peoples wealth, jealousy rubs off on us. help others when we have the opportunity to.
next time well pick up with Proverbs 25.
well, I guess we'll call it a wrap on this one today. I pray that we all continue to seek after the heart of God in all that we do. I pray we all have a good day today and that we'll take the time to thank God this day. may blessings of discipline and integrity be ours today. hugs and love, patty
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