Monday, March 3, 2025

Bible Study and Grated Cheese

good morning beautiful ones.           I hope you are doing well this fine morning.        I don't know what the week bring but we'll praise God thru it.          does that sound like a plan, I think it does.        I must say that I'm still looking forward to spring and getting my garden growing.        we had some nice warm days last week and I'm telling ya, just that little taste spoiled me big time.        hahaha       because it turned cold again.        it sure did.        we walked yesterday morning with a temp of 22 degrees.      this morning is the same, 22 degrees.     we had had a few mornings of 45 degrees and then getting way up in the upper 70's.        so yeah, I got a little spoiled.         hahaha        well, we'll just have to take what we get and be thankful for it.        I do know that God is in control  and while I don't have any idea what I'm doing, He knows what He's doing.       so we'll go with that.


you know the drill.         let's go to the kitchen for our daily episode of "2 minutes in the kitchen with me".           I shared an oxo chopper the other day, today I want to share my oxo grater.        it's simple and it's self contained.         I love that!!!!          the top of the grater when everything is together, becomes the base for the grater when using it.         once you're done with it, wash the pieces used and put it back together and it's out of sight till the next time I need to use it.   

I grate my cheese and put it in a vac seal box and it stays fresh and good till the last little bit is gone.

here it is, the cheese grated, the half block of cheese is vac sealed and ready to go back in the fridge.    I use my ziploc vac sealer on the handi vac bags.         it works fine on those.

this is a close up of the cheese using the large grater blade.

this is the cheese in the vac seal box with the little vac sealer for this set of boxes laying on it.

sometime, I'll share all the blades that come with this compact oxo grater, slicer, and shredder.        it's a neat set.        it takes up very little space and very cost effective.

well, let's do our little "giggle for the day":

Q - What did the buffalo say when his son left? 
A - Bison!

aw, come on now, you know got a little giggle outta that!!!      well, I did anyway.       hahaha

today we'll pick back up with Psalm 81.        sing, shout, raise a song, blow a trumpet!!!!!        what do all of these represent?         praise and worship of the might God that we serve.        praise and worship of the mighty God that protects us and keeps us and lavishes blessing after blessing upon us, even after we disobey Him.      do we really praise and worship God?         do we know how to?         I pray that while going thru these Psalms that we learn how to praise God in a real way.     God will meet our needs, we just need to be obedient to call of God on our lives.      

Psalm 82 tells us that God will bring justice for the weak, fatherless, needy, afflicted, and destitute.       He will save them all from the wicked.         God is the judge of all and He is just.

Psalm 83 finds the writer asking God intervene in the plans to destroy Israel, asking God to deliver just punishment on pagan nations and to give Israel victory, so that they would know that God is Lord and reigns over all the earth.        

Psalm 84 is such a beautiful song of praise to God.        the Lord gives grace and glory.        such a beautiful Psalm to sing God.      He withholds no good thing from those who walk in integrity.      sometimes I wonder if people even know what integrity is these days.          we serve a mighty God!!!

Psalm 85, do you need hope?     if so, this the Psalm for you, and me.        graciousness and truth, righteousness and peace abound.   God will give what is good to His people.

Psalm 86, have you ever pleaded with God?        David did.       this is one of those time that David spilled his guts so to speak and pleaded with God  for protection and for mercy and he had lost his joy and he even pleaded for his joy.       do you even tell God exactly what want?        David did.    David knew that God was great.         and he was so grateful to God for all He had done for him.    

Psalm 87, do you need an identity?        if you and I can find our identity right here, as citizens of Zion. 

Psalm 88 shows us that life is not always roses, sometimes there are bad endings to our life.      that in no way means we should stop praising and worshiping God.       it's easy to praise God in good times, how easy is it to praise God in hard times?        praise Him anyway.       this is for me!!!      praise Him anyway!!!        may I remember this.

Psalm 89 shows us that God's love stands forever and that God is mighty.      praise God that He loves us with an everlasting love.

Psalm 90 shows us that God is just in His judgements and that we are guilty of our sins.      we are guilty, but God is just to forgive.      the only way our lives have meaning is by doing God's work.        everything else is useless.        when we serve the Lord, we will have an eternal home with Him.

Psalm 91   "I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!”"       this is one of my favorite verses right here.      thank you God for being faithful and trustworthy.      we can trust Him in times of trouble.    

Psalm 92  celebrates the faithfulness of God.        it also encourages us to live a life of gratitude to God for all He's for us.         may we live a life of gratitude. 

Psalm 93 is proclaiming God as creator and sustainer over all the earth!!!         Praise Him!!!!

Psalm 94 shows us that God is our only hope in this life.       without Him, we would have no hope.      God has already won over evil and wickedness.      

Psalm 95 tells us of joy, thanksgiving, and praise to a great and mighty God.  

Psalm 96 did you know that when we belong to God, He gives us a new song to sing to Him.        He changes all the old stuff about us to completely new and we have a new song to sing.         God is a fair and righteous judge and deserves to be worshiped.

Psalm 97 says that if we love the Lord we will hate evil.         ask yourself, "do I hate evil?"       if you support the things that God has called abominable, you do not hate evil.       and you do not love God.    to love God means we have to hate evil.      there are no gray areas.        if God calls it wicked, evil, abominable, then we must hate those things or we hate God.  

Psalm 98 shows us that God alone has done all this.         He has done nothing with your help or with my help, because He doesn't need our help.         He alone has sustained the earth since He spoke it into existence and He alone will continue to sustain the earth and all things.       we saved from death and hell by what Christ has done for us thru His shed blood on the cross.

Psalm 99 teaches us how to worship!!!   Exalt Him!!!!    praise Him!!!  

Psalm 100 shows us that we need to praise God with joy!!!     in sight of just the first few words of this Psalm, a form of joy is mentioned 3 times.     may we praise Him always with exuberant joy!!

Psalm 101, how easy is it to live a godly life in this world we live in?         it's tough and God knows it's tough for us.         that's why we can call on Him to help us.         we can NOT live a godly life without His help.       so we sing of His mercy and justice.        keep it in our minds at all times.

next time we'll pick up at Psalm 102. 

well, that's about all I have today.       let's all have a good day and be thankful and grateful for it.     let's   pray for the ones who are hurting.    I pray that we will be seeking after the heart of God in all that we do.        let's remember how mighty our God is.      may we all be blessed with His mercy and justice.  

hugs and love, patty   

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