Saturday, March 8, 2025

Bible Study and Cornbread Wedges

good morning from my neck of the woods.          yesterday was a good day.        we are hoping for an equally good day today.           I'm sure it will be, because God is the author and finisher of this day, so I'll be happy in it.         I got 6 of my little dollar tree stackable tower tiers filled with soil yesterday and I hope to get them filled with strawberry seeds today.         I'm gonna try to start them from seeds and see what I can do with them.          hopefully, I can them to germinate and grow.         probably won't be any strawberries this year, but it will be the foundation for strawberries for next year.          I must have more patience than I actually believe I have.          I want strawberries this year!!!         hahaha          too bad, I should have gotten them started about 3 or 4 months ago, but I didn't, so, I'll have strawberries when and if these grow.          hahaha          they are not large strawberries.          they are small and they don't produce runners.         I have 3 different varieties that I got from Baker Creek.          a yellow variety, a yellow variety and a red variety.          so I'm doing 2 tiers of each color and then I'm going to mix the tiers as I stack them.          I may even make 2 short tiers with all 3 colors of berries for each short tier.    anyway, we'll see how they do and it might even be possible to get a few before the end of the fall season, we'll see.          I hope you have fun plans for your garden this year.        I plant and pray and let God do the rest.        that's all I know to do.         He's good!!!!


lets go to the kitchen for another "2 minutes in the kitchen with me".         we love cornbread.       I used top make the big corn pones all the time.         they were and still are delicious.         but a few years ago our Ace hardware  had a  coupon in their ad for the black friday sales and the coupon was for 1 item, 50% off.         when I seen that, I knew what I wanted.          I had seen it back in the summer, but it was too expensive and I wouldn't even mention it to my husband because I knew he would just get it anyway.

so, I told him about the coupon and that's where he got a lot of his work tools and I knew that he could use the coupon if he found a tool or if he knew there was something he needed for work.        so I insisted that we go and for him checking the tool aisle to see if there was anything he needed.         well, after about an hour of him looking and thinking about what he might have needed for work, he just couldn't  come up with anything.          he finally  said, "honey, there  just isn't anything I need right now".           I said, "awesome!!!" and I ran with breakneck speed to the cast iron area and grabbed my cast iron wedge skillet and got that precious thing at 50% off!!!!!          that's unheard of!!!         my husband got caught up to me and seen what I had and asked how long I had been wanting that.        I told him, "ever since I seen it back in the summer!!!"           this happened about 20 years ago and I have loved that this wedge skillet ever since.         hahaha         we love crispy crunchy cornbread and this is perfect.         if you like crispy crunchy, this may just be the cornbread ticket for you.       as much as I enjoy using it, I would replace it in a heartbeat if I ever needed to, regardless of the price.        that's how much we enjoy it.        it's also good to make wedge scones in.         I'll have to do that sometime and share them too.


giggle for the day:

Q - What do cakes and baseball teams have in common? 

A - They both need a good batter.


so does cornbread.       hahahahaha      


we are picking back up with Proverbs 25,  this chapter has a little bit of everything.       we see humility, and this is where a lot of people have trouble.         for me, I remember that God made us from dirt, so one sack of dirt is no more special than the next sack of dirt and I think we all need to remember that.     we need to practice a little bit of self control in all situations.         it's not always easy, but sometimes we just need to remain quiet, (she said biting her tongue).         it's hard but it's a lesson to learn.        sometimes remaining quiet can avoid conflicts.         we never remain silent when it's a matter of going against the word of God, but state your case and let God deal with the rest of it.          we see that treating people like we want to be treated can go a long way in making peaceful situations.        and one of the things that really bugs me is people talking behind other peoples backs.        it happens every day, doesn't make it right though.         think through your actions before you make rush and hasty decisions and never presume you know everything.         we don't.       we just need to be the people that God created us to be.       

Proverbs 26,  there is lots to be said about foolishness, just like this: "Like a dog that returns to its vomit, so is a fool who repeats his foolishness."           then the writer goes into laziness.       there is no excuses for being lazy.       there is no excuses for meddling in other peoples business, that can get you into a lot of unnecessary trouble.        you can't teach a fool anything, you can't argue with a fool, just leave them to their own foolishness.          basically, some of these chapters are showing us how to treat fools.       

Proverbs 27,   do you have a tendency to brag about things that you literally have no control over?        like bragging about what your plans are for tomorrow, well, we're not guaranteed tomorrow.         do you brag about yourself and what you have accomplished.         well, you've accomplished nothing on your own.          any accomplishment has been because God has allowed it.         let others brag about you, but don't let your lips brag about yourself.        are you an honest person?          honesty will be shown one way or another.          real, true friends are one of the best gifts from God.          I'm happy to say that I have some 4 or 5 wonderful ladies in my life that truly make a difference in me.        our true friends can help hold accountable for our actions.         and we have to realize that God has entrusted us with responsibilities such as our families, our finances, the way we live our daily lives.        how do other people see you living your lives?        integrity is something we have or we don't have it.

Proverbs 28,   "Better is a poor person who walks in his integrity, than a person who is crooked, though he is rich."           wow, see how important integrity is.         it may be the only thing that some of us have in this world.        if so, let's hang on to it with a death grip.         do you have a clear conscience or a guilty conscience in the way you live your life and treat others?

Proverbs 29,    "Arrogant people inflame a city, but wise people turn away anger."           wow, who knew????           well, some of us did and do.          so who is it that's always stirring a ruckus if possible by causing riots?           I always knew, but if those that have been out stirring up trouble over the last few years, knew this, they would probably agree and think this is a good thing.        but they are arrogant, they are full of themselves.       they are evil and wicked people.  

Proverbs 30,     wow, how humble are we?      after reading this chapter, we should be very humble, simply because apart from God, we can do nothing.           we live in a awesome creation, created by God and when we take the time to notice nature around us, it should help us to be a little more humble.

Proverbs 31,    this is one the chapters of the whole Bible that should make women know that we have an elevated place in this world, just like God created us to be.         when we fight to give that elevation away, then we prove ourselves to be fools.        women prove themselves to be fools when they fight for abortions and so called women's health.        women prove themselves to be fools when they claim they are a man.         women prove themselves to be fools when they want to live and work in the mans world.         this chapter shows how real women are an asset to their families and communities and they help their husbands.          her family will rise up and call her blessed!!!!!         to be honest, there are very few women that can really be called blessed, because there's not a lot of virtue to be found in a lot of women today.     that's a terrible shame too.        the last chapter of this book was devoted to the virtues of women, the way God designed them.        I pray that we can get back to being who God created us to be.

next time we'll start in Ecclesiastes.


well I guess this is where we'll call this blog post finished.         we wrapped up another Book in the Bible.         we kinda sailed thru this one, and if you're reading along, you will learn much more than what I shared.         I just kinda share what hits me and makes me take notice.         next time I go thru the bible, it will probably be totally different things that stick out.        it always is.        it's always what I need at the time I'm going thru it.         I love how God does that.        I hope He's showing you a lot of things too.         I hope He is showing you who He is in your life.        that can be very powerful and very impowering.         just knowing that we're not alone makes all the difference in our everyday lives.        He makes a way, when there isn't a way.         I just have to say that He has been very good to me.          I also have to say, that I don't deserve His goodness, but I'm very thankful His goodness is based on who He is, and not on me in any way.         Praise God!!!!!!          blessings of kindness and integrity be ours today.

hugs and love, patty

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