Saturday, March 8, 2025

Bible Study and Cornbread Wedges

good morning from my neck of the woods.          yesterday was a good day.        we are hoping for an equally good day today.           I'm sure it will be, because God is the author and finisher of this day, so I'll be happy in it.         I got 6 of my little dollar tree stackable tower tiers filled with soil yesterday and I hope to get them filled with strawberry seeds today.         I'm gonna try to start them from seeds and see what I can do with them.          hopefully, I can them to germinate and grow.         probably won't be any strawberries this year, but it will be the foundation for strawberries for next year.          I must have more patience than I actually believe I have.          I want strawberries this year!!!         hahaha          too bad, I should have gotten them started about 3 or 4 months ago, but I didn't, so, I'll have strawberries when and if these grow.          hahaha          they are not large strawberries.          they are small and they don't produce runners.         I have 3 different varieties that I got from Baker Creek.          a yellow variety, a yellow variety and a red variety.          so I'm doing 2 tiers of each color and then I'm going to mix the tiers as I stack them.          I may even make 2 short tiers with all 3 colors of berries for each short tier.    anyway, we'll see how they do and it might even be possible to get a few before the end of the fall season, we'll see.          I hope you have fun plans for your garden this year.        I plant and pray and let God do the rest.        that's all I know to do.         He's good!!!!


lets go to the kitchen for another "2 minutes in the kitchen with me".         we love cornbread.       I used top make the big corn pones all the time.         they were and still are delicious.         but a few years ago our Ace hardware  had a  coupon in their ad for the black friday sales and the coupon was for 1 item, 50% off.         when I seen that, I knew what I wanted.          I had seen it back in the summer, but it was too expensive and I wouldn't even mention it to my husband because I knew he would just get it anyway.

so, I told him about the coupon and that's where he got a lot of his work tools and I knew that he could use the coupon if he found a tool or if he knew there was something he needed for work.        so I insisted that we go and for him checking the tool aisle to see if there was anything he needed.         well, after about an hour of him looking and thinking about what he might have needed for work, he just couldn't  come up with anything.          he finally  said, "honey, there  just isn't anything I need right now".           I said, "awesome!!!" and I ran with breakneck speed to the cast iron area and grabbed my cast iron wedge skillet and got that precious thing at 50% off!!!!!          that's unheard of!!!         my husband got caught up to me and seen what I had and asked how long I had been wanting that.        I told him, "ever since I seen it back in the summer!!!"           this happened about 20 years ago and I have loved that this wedge skillet ever since.         hahaha         we love crispy crunchy cornbread and this is perfect.         if you like crispy crunchy, this may just be the cornbread ticket for you.       as much as I enjoy using it, I would replace it in a heartbeat if I ever needed to, regardless of the price.        that's how much we enjoy it.        it's also good to make wedge scones in.         I'll have to do that sometime and share them too.


giggle for the day:

Q - What do cakes and baseball teams have in common? 

A - They both need a good batter.


so does cornbread.       hahahahaha      


we are picking back up with Proverbs 25,  this chapter has a little bit of everything.       we see humility, and this is where a lot of people have trouble.         for me, I remember that God made us from dirt, so one sack of dirt is no more special than the next sack of dirt and I think we all need to remember that.     we need to practice a little bit of self control in all situations.         it's not always easy, but sometimes we just need to remain quiet, (she said biting her tongue).         it's hard but it's a lesson to learn.        sometimes remaining quiet can avoid conflicts.         we never remain silent when it's a matter of going against the word of God, but state your case and let God deal with the rest of it.          we see that treating people like we want to be treated can go a long way in making peaceful situations.        and one of the things that really bugs me is people talking behind other peoples backs.        it happens every day, doesn't make it right though.         think through your actions before you make rush and hasty decisions and never presume you know everything.         we don't.       we just need to be the people that God created us to be.       

Proverbs 26,  there is lots to be said about foolishness, just like this: "Like a dog that returns to its vomit, so is a fool who repeats his foolishness."           then the writer goes into laziness.       there is no excuses for being lazy.       there is no excuses for meddling in other peoples business, that can get you into a lot of unnecessary trouble.        you can't teach a fool anything, you can't argue with a fool, just leave them to their own foolishness.          basically, some of these chapters are showing us how to treat fools.       

Proverbs 27,   do you have a tendency to brag about things that you literally have no control over?        like bragging about what your plans are for tomorrow, well, we're not guaranteed tomorrow.         do you brag about yourself and what you have accomplished.         well, you've accomplished nothing on your own.          any accomplishment has been because God has allowed it.         let others brag about you, but don't let your lips brag about yourself.        are you an honest person?          honesty will be shown one way or another.          real, true friends are one of the best gifts from God.          I'm happy to say that I have some 4 or 5 wonderful ladies in my life that truly make a difference in me.        our true friends can help hold accountable for our actions.         and we have to realize that God has entrusted us with responsibilities such as our families, our finances, the way we live our daily lives.        how do other people see you living your lives?        integrity is something we have or we don't have it.

Proverbs 28,   "Better is a poor person who walks in his integrity, than a person who is crooked, though he is rich."           wow, see how important integrity is.         it may be the only thing that some of us have in this world.        if so, let's hang on to it with a death grip.         do you have a clear conscience or a guilty conscience in the way you live your life and treat others?

Proverbs 29,    "Arrogant people inflame a city, but wise people turn away anger."           wow, who knew????           well, some of us did and do.          so who is it that's always stirring a ruckus if possible by causing riots?           I always knew, but if those that have been out stirring up trouble over the last few years, knew this, they would probably agree and think this is a good thing.        but they are arrogant, they are full of themselves.       they are evil and wicked people.  

Proverbs 30,     wow, how humble are we?      after reading this chapter, we should be very humble, simply because apart from God, we can do nothing.           we live in a awesome creation, created by God and when we take the time to notice nature around us, it should help us to be a little more humble.

Proverbs 31,    this is one the chapters of the whole Bible that should make women know that we have an elevated place in this world, just like God created us to be.         when we fight to give that elevation away, then we prove ourselves to be fools.        women prove themselves to be fools when they fight for abortions and so called women's health.        women prove themselves to be fools when they claim they are a man.         women prove themselves to be fools when they want to live and work in the mans world.         this chapter shows how real women are an asset to their families and communities and they help their husbands.          her family will rise up and call her blessed!!!!!         to be honest, there are very few women that can really be called blessed, because there's not a lot of virtue to be found in a lot of women today.     that's a terrible shame too.        the last chapter of this book was devoted to the virtues of women, the way God designed them.        I pray that we can get back to being who God created us to be.

next time we'll start in Ecclesiastes.


well I guess this is where we'll call this blog post finished.         we wrapped up another Book in the Bible.         we kinda sailed thru this one, and if you're reading along, you will learn much more than what I shared.         I just kinda share what hits me and makes me take notice.         next time I go thru the bible, it will probably be totally different things that stick out.        it always is.        it's always what I need at the time I'm going thru it.         I love how God does that.        I hope He's showing you a lot of things too.         I hope He is showing you who He is in your life.        that can be very powerful and very impowering.         just knowing that we're not alone makes all the difference in our everyday lives.        He makes a way, when there isn't a way.         I just have to say that He has been very good to me.          I also have to say, that I don't deserve His goodness, but I'm very thankful His goodness is based on who He is, and not on me in any way.         Praise God!!!!!!          blessings of kindness and integrity be ours today.

hugs and love, patty

Friday, March 7, 2025

Bible Study and Cheeseburger taco bowls

good morning beautiful friends.           I hope you are ready for a great day.        I am.        it is a hefty warm morning with 39 degrees right now!!!!         a-ma-zing!!!!!       woop woop, I'll take it!!!!      I hope I can get some containers filled with soil and be ready to plant when the time comes.         with the warmer days ahead, it will be good to get my hands in some good dirt.         hahaha          it's been a little cooler and just plain cold over the last few days, so a warming trend is really wonderful and I'm ready for it.     


let's do a big "2 minutes in the kitchen with me" today.         I call this my cheese burger taco salad.        I start by getting my tortillas turned into bowls.         I just noticed that a couple of my pics are out of sync, but it's ok.          I'll take my tortillas and use a fork on them all over to keep them from swelling up.          then I'll lay the tortilla over one of the metal bowls turned up side down.         next I'll the other bowl and put it on top of the tortilla already on the bottom bowl.        I'll flip them, open end up, and set this down in my airfryer on 400 degrees for about 10 minutes.       we love the really dark, not burned, but dark. 

this is all the fixings that I use to make our salads.

this is showing how I stack the tortilla bowl makers.

this shows all the holes that I make in the tortillas before stacking them between the bowls.

this is showing the bowls upright and how I set them down in the airfryer.

this is after the bowl is taken from the airfryer and I've got the other one in there now.

this is what our salads ended up looking like.           it works well with steak bites too.        I like to get all the fixings ready, get the meat cooked and just have the bowls to make and then its very easy to put together.       these are delicious and we love them.          I hope you love them too.    use any meat or any ingredients you want to make these.          it will be great.


time for our little "giggle for the day":

Q - What did one ocean say to the other? 

A - Nothing, they just waved.


waving, see ya!!!!    hahahaha

picking up with Proverbs 11, again we see that seeking after fairness, wisdom, humility, trust, graciousness, generosity is what is always for the betterment of God's people.         avoiding all wickedness at all costs is wise.         a person who is wise gains souls for the kingdom.        who doesn't want to gain souls for the glory of God!!

Proverbs 12,   the very first verse says it all!!!!        "One who loves discipline loves knowledge, But one who hates rebuke is stupid."          reading thru this chapter, makes you ask yourself how can there be so many stupid people in this world.         

Proverbs 13,  this chapter shops us that we need discipline in every area of our lives.         without discipline we lie, cheat, steal, and are lazy just to name a few.         everyone will not have everything, this is where contentment comes in.         are you satisfied with you have materially?        if you are, there is a lot of wisdom in that mindset.

Proverbs 14,  we see there are always 2 choices, wisdom and foolishness.       with those choices come the consequences.           every choice or decision we make will either be good or bad.       wisdom will  help us make good choices.          a wise person is  cautious and a fool is arrogant.        that speaks for itself.

Proverbs 15,  gentle and harsh and contrasted and the very last verse says it all.   there is power in words and how we deliver those words says a lot about us.        we can beat someone up with words or we can calm someone down with words.      "The fear of the Lord is the instruction for wisdom, and before honor comes humility."      

Proverbs 16,  did you know that God examines our motives when we do something.        the "why" we do what we do is more important than "what" we do.        most of have that in reverse.         we do what we do to be seen.         if that's why we do anything, then we are a fool.         there are consequences to our actions.        good or bad, there are consequences.

Proverbs 17,   "Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is considered prudent."           I had a teacher in school tell another student one time that it was better to remain silent and let people think you're a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.       I have thought many times that this must have been where he got.        it was good enough that I remembered it and have used it several times myself.

Proverbs 18,  there is lots of good stuff in this chapter.          we are not isolate ourselves, God made us to be in relationship with others and Him.         there is power in our words.         being a responsible person is important.         having discernment is very important.         lots of wisdom in this chapter alone.

Proverbs 19,  integrity and discipline are 2 things that are hard to come by and you don't want lose them once you have them.         integrity is the one thing that you take with you everywhere you go and it doesn't but one second to lose your integrity.        lack of discipline will put your integrity in jeopardy if you're not careful.       integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching you.       God always knows what we do even if human eyes doesn't see us.

Proverbs 20,  this is one of those chapters that show us that how we live our lives matters.          it is of the utmost importance.         among other things mentioned in this chapter, how many of you know a drunkard?          probably all of us knows at least one.         most of us know more than one.        what good does drinking do?         living a good life involves working hard, being honest and maintaining integrity.        those are not characteristics that you'll find in drunkards.        

Proverbs 21,  we usually do our thing without taking into consideration, others.          but the Lord always looks at our intentions and motives of the heart.         I think I said it earlier the "why" is more important than the "what".          sometimes we forget that.        do you the "what" just to be seen?      if so, then that's foolish.

Proverbs 22,   do you have a good name?           oh, that's about your actual name, Bob or Sally.        it's about integrity again.          have you ever had someone say to you "remember who you are and who's name you have"?          my dad used to tell my brothers that.        remember who you are, they were his sons and he expected them to remember that in all situations.       this is the way it with being a Christian.         I need to remember who I am, who's I am and the name I represent, at all times.  

Proverbs 23,  one of the things that stands out in the chapter is being captivated by evil and wickedness.   it boils down to the choices we make.        

Proverbs 24,  lots more just good old life lessons.          don't be envious of evil people.        wisdom is the key to success.           don't hang out with people that are jealous of other peoples wealth, jealousy rubs off on us.          help others when we have the opportunity to.         

next time well pick up with Proverbs 25.


well, I guess we'll call it a wrap on this one today.          I pray that we all continue to seek after the heart of God in all that we do.         I pray we all have a good day today and that we'll take the time to thank God this day.         may blessings of discipline and integrity be ours today.         hugs and love, patty

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Bible Study and breakfast patties

good morning wonderful friends.         I hope you had a great night of refreshing rest and ready to make a difference in your part of the world today.        rest is something that's hard to come these days.        it seems like there are more things than ever to steal our time and also our rest time.         we tend to think we can rest anytime, but when we leave no time for rest, that's when we fall apart.       so I hope we all make rest a priority and that we can make better decisions about our time.       I have a hard time saying no and even putting myself on my list of things to take care of.       but I have to say, I'm getting better at it.        I realize not that I don't have to do everything in a days time.        it will get done when I get to it, I'm not being lazy at all.        just trying to give myself some time to rest.         you do the same.          I heard the train go by earlier, and I found myself wondering if the conductor of that train ever rests while on the train.        then I found myself stressing over it hoping that he stays alert and watches what he's doing.    that makes for a stressful morning for me.      no rest for me all day.        hahaha         so instead of worrying about the conductor, I started praying for him.        may not have done anything for him, but it sure made my morning better.         just speaking life over him made me feel better.        sometimes it's just that simple to change ones perspective.          now, I can move on with my day.       hahaha


let's do it, "2 minutes in the kitchen.......".              I couldn't remember if I had shared these or not, but if I have, I'm sorry.          if not, then I hope it's something you can use.          these are my 4 inch walfos muffin tops pans from amazon.          I use these for a lot of things and this is one of them.           I'll cut up cheese slices and put 2 strips in each divit.         3 whole slices per tray.          with half of a cheese slice in each divit, cut into  6 pieces and spaced evenly on the bottom.           then I'll use 9 sausage links cut into 4 pieces per link.      I'll put 6 pieces per divit.          then I'll scramble 3 eggs and 4 tablespoons of water and pour over the cheese and sausage and bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 25 minutes and let them cool.         then I'll bag them in fliptop sandwich bags and then put 2 per ziplock freezer bag and put in the freezer.          easy to thaw and pot in a skillet and heat them up while the bread is toasting in the oven.         they are delicious.

I hope this is something that might come in handy for you.


it's time for our little "giggle for the day":

Q - What do you call a lion with no eyes? 

A - Lon.


you know you giggled just a little bit.   I know you did.     hahahaha


we're starting with the book of Proverbs today.     

Chapter 1 tells us the purpose of this book is for wisdom and understanding.           without these 2 things, we'll never know the heart of God.           without wisdom and understanding we'll never have a firm grasp for what truth is.         truth is NOT what I say truth is.         truth is what God says truth is.  we can't live righteous lives without wisdom and understanding.         the world is always trying to set snares for us to get trapped in and if we don't know what truth is, then we'll get caught in the devils snares.        if our parents are Christians, they can be counted on for wise counsel.         seek friends that will share wisdom and knowledge and truth with you.    

Chapter 2 tells us to look for wisdom like we're looking for treasure.         it's important for us to know the value of wisdom and knowledge.        wisdom and knowledge usually comes from making mistakes or if we're blessed, it can come from learning from other peoples mistakes.        it's important to seek it and not stop till we find it.       are you listening to the word of God in your life?         this is the treasure, the word of God, which is more valuable than anything else on the planet.   

Chapter 3, in verse 5 we see this: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding."       why?       why do you think we see this?        because if our understanding is not based solely on the wisdom and knowledge from God, our understanding can and will get us in trouble, not just a little trouble, but a lot.        our understanding changes from one breath to the next and sometimes, even when we are trusting in God with our whole heart, we can still get ourselves in trouble when we go by how we feel about something.        our feelings change, the word of God never changes,  that's something I know.        do you live by how you feel or by what you know for a fact?        the answer to that is very important.

Chapter 4, shows that if we are chasing after wisdom we will be guarding our heart from evil and wicked ways.        it seems as if the world is chasing after evil and wicked ways.        our lives will mirror what we invest our time in.        wisdom is the guiding force of our lives, or it should be.       if it isn't, we're seeking after the wrong things.        most fathers can and will pass on wisdom to their children, but the children have got be teachable or inclined to learn from their father.        I realize some people don't have earthly fathers worth listening to for life instruction.         seek out someone you know who does have godly wisdom and try to learn from that person.

Chapter 5, this is where the rubber meets the road for a lot of people.       lots of people have fallen victim to adultery.        even David did.         that doesn't make it right.        however you look at it, it's a sin and nothing less than that.       if you're married, you took those wedding vows.        sexual immorality is of the enemy and he knows how to seduce people.        so, we have to guard our heart and forget our own understanding.        we will get ourselves in trouble every time.

Chapter 6, is telling us about working and making a living and not being lazy and slothful.        also about not backing other peoples financial deals.       work hard, earn what you have, pay your debts, don't co-sign other peoples debts unless you want to be left paying it off.       

real life case example: many years ago, I took a young lady that I worked with to the local furniture store.        I knew the owner of the store, and had known him all my life because that's where my parents shopped and all my brothers that had gotten married and then even my husband and I after we got married.        she wanted to go, and I took her one evening when we got off from work.        she was looking a small little stereo and she wanted it so bad.       the owner tried his best to get me to co-sign for her.        I told her, "look, I love you, but you can save the money and pay cash for it, or you can get it with your own name".        the man heard everything I said, and I looked at him and said, "I'm not signing for her. I have my own debts to pay and I'm not going to pay off someone else's debt".        I just told her to take her time and I'll be in the car when she makes her decision.        had I not just a little bit of wisdom, I would have co-signed for her and then been responsible for her payments if she decided not to make them.       this man even told my father what had happened.       he thought I should have signed for her.         but my father said that I, his daughter, had learned well.          

Chapter 7, shows us the and warns us against temptation and how dangerous it is when we give in to temptation.         one of the best ways to avoid temptation is to not let ourselves get in a place where we can be tempted.         a scripture in the New Testament says to avoid all appearance of evil.       if something is tempting to you, more than likely it's not what you should be doing.        even if it's not tempting to you, why would want to risk it becoming a temptation.       temptation can lead to death.      seek after the heart of God in all that we do.       I don't drink.      I'm not a goody 2 shoes, I just know I don't need to be around alcohol because of the temptation.         so if I go somewhere with a friend, I need to know up front if there will be alcohol, if the friend I'm with will be drinking and so on.       if that friend says they might drink, I don't go.         the people in my life that know me, will not ever put me in a situation where I might be tempted.       when I became a Christian, it became very apparent that I would have to change friends and I did.       a lot of people in my life have come and gone over the years, but the ones who have stayed there are the ones who look after me and the ones who I can look after, by avoiding the temptations that we each have in our lives.        we all need people who help us, but who will also help us quietly.       we don't to have to tell another soul that this friend has a problem or could possibly have a problem.         I'll tell on myself before I'll tell on a cherished friend.

Chapter 8, "The  fear of the  Lord is to hate  evil; pride, arrogance, the evil way, the perverted mouth.......", these are evil.        the writer tells us that wisdom is to be sought after!!!!         those who seek after wisdom hate evil.          what about the perverted mouth?         my take on that is this: if you keep on telling nasty, hateful, despicable, cursing, blasphemous things with your mouth after you have say you have accepted Christ as Savior, you may  need to rethink whether you actually got saved or not.

Chapter 9, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom!!!       there is a big difference between the wise and fools.         wise seek after understanding and knowledge from God, the fool has said in his heart there is no God.         the godly person has to make a decision between being wise and being a fool.

Chapter 10, notice all the contrasts between righteousness and wickedness.        just one prime example is the fact that a righteous person knows how to build another person up with the words they speak.      the wicked person only tears people down with their words.         there is either life or death that comes from out mouths.        who we belong to determines whether we speak life or death.         may we be found speaking life over people instead of death.         do you make fun of people?        you may be speaking death over someone then.        that's how easy it is to be a fool.

next time we pick up at chapter 11.


I guess that's it for the day.          I hope and pray that we are all seeking after wisdom and knowledge from God.         I pray that we will all be found seeking after the heart of God in all things.         we won't go wrong, that's for sure.         I hope we all have a great day that we remember to thank God for allowing us to be a part of it.          blessings of favor and wisdom be ours.

hugs and love, patty

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Bible Study and Up-potted Tomatoes

good morning wonderful friends.           we had a good day yesterday and plan on today being good one today as well.          God made it, so it will have to be a good day.        yesterday, we went to Lowes and I finally got some more container soil, so I'll be working on getting some of my containers filled and ready to plant seeds in or set my starts in when the right time rolls around.        the wind has howled and it's rained some.          it was a really windy night and this morning is starting to be windy also.       lots of trees came down in the county last night, taking out electricity across the county.      so I don't know what all else it will do, but I just hope it calms down today.         we got our walk in yesterday morning early and while we was walking, there was wood pecker that was really making a lot noise trying to get at his early morning snack.       I'm always hearing them and mentioning them, but I do love hearing a wood pecker.          when we still lived in another state, there was a metal grain bin in the far back corner of where the yard and the farm started, and the crazy wood peckers would land on that grain bin and sit there pecking on it for hours at a time!!!!        I wish I could have taken a recording of it, but I didn't think about it at the time.        but if you ever hear it, it's hilarious.       I'll tell you what I'd love to hear tonight.        an owl.      we used to have 2 pairs of owls that hung out in the trees close by, and it was an awesome sound to hear them calling to each other.        the 2 pairs of owls were different.       so their calls to each other were different sounding and it was such an awesome experience to hear their calls to one another.        I love the sounds of nature and birds.          it just seems they help to make all the turmoil going on around us all the time, a little more bearable.   


so, lets do "2 minutes in the kitchen with me" and we'll talk tomatoes.            so I had started tomatoes in one of my Dak Ride hydroponic systems I had gotten form amazon last year.         I started these on Feb 3rd.           I took them from the hydro unit on Feb 26th and put them in solo cups with holes in the bottom so the seed starter soil can soak up water.           to do this, I have to keep the tomatoes very wet for the first week or so, to transition them from water to soil.          these are my small ones, mini, dwarfs, and tom thumb types.        they won't get very large at all, but they will produce like nobody's business.  

the ones below are the full sized tomatoes that I'm growing.          they were really big, should have been taken out of the hydro about a week or so ago, but weather wasn't permitting that.         

I got all of my tomatoes out in the sprout house in the garage with the grow lights and heat mats and everything is set.         I hope it's enough to protect them from any severe cold that we may have coming up before spring arrives.

this is a great way to start your own seeds and they will quickly pay for themselves when you check out the prices of seed starts at some of the places that sell them.        plus you have a great satisfaction knowing you grew them yourself.         I always say that I plant, then I pray and let God do the rest.      

it's time for our little "giggle for the day":

Q - Where do you learn to make banana splits? 
A - At sundae school. 

well, now I want ice cream!!!!😂😂😂😂😂


starting at Psalm 120,  have you ever cried for deliverance?     false accusations, lying tongues, deceitful people are ruthless and relentless, but God hears our cries and He answers those who call out to Him.

Psalm 121, this is one of my absolute favorites.   kjv says "I will lift mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help!!"       help comes from no one but the Lord!!!!    such a beautiful psalm and we should be confident that God will do what He has said He'll do!!!      He is our help!!!

Psalm 122, there is joy in worshiping God together with others of like minded faith.     when we gather with others and worship God, we share in the unity among brothers and sisters in Christ.     

Psalm 123, praying to God is always the best place to start when in a time of trouble.       when we keep our eyes on God, we're looking in the right place.   we can be encouraged when we call on God because we know He hears us.

Psalm 124, guess what, makes no difference how strong we may be, were if not for the Lord on our side, we will not be successful!!      it's always God's victory, not ours.

Psalm 125, we need to remember that wicked people will only be around for while.      their rule is temporary and we will not affected by them forever.      they will meet their demise.      God is our protector.

Psalm 126, we can rest assured that God will restore everything that the enemy has taken from us.     God is the one turns tears to joy!!       I need to remember this.

Psalm 127,  this psalm shows us just how dependent on God we actually are.      unless God is in what ever you may be doing, it's all useless and a waste of time.     

Psalm 128, do we fear the Lord?         do we walk in His ways?        are loving our families and neighbors and good citizens of the community in which we live?         if so, then we are living our lives based on how important God is to us.      we are living a life that honors God.      

Psalm 129, are you excited when problems come your way?         probably not, but need to remember and have confidence that the justice of God will set things straight.

Psalm 130, in the Lord and only in the Lord, we will find redemption!!!!!     Praise God!!!!

Psalm 131, trusting in God will soothe the soul, just like a loving Momma can soothe a child.       such a beautiful picture of the presence of God in our lives.

Psalm 132, we can trust God to fulfill the promises that He has made to His people!!!       our hope is in the Lord and Him alone!!

Psalm 133, we can worship God in unity.        unity among God's people is something that He will bless in a mighty way.

Psalm 134, may we serve the Lord regardless of any circumstances and may we ask the Lord to bless others, even while we're in difficult times ourselves.  

Psalm 135, in this psalm we see it all.         God is good.       God is great.       God is faithful.        God is greatly to be praised!!!!

Psalm 136, do you ever wonder about the goodness of God?       if so, this is the psalm for you.       it's definitely a favorite!!!          His faithfulness is everlasting!!!!

Psalm 137, this world is not our home.      we're just passing thru.        if you ever feel like you're not at home in this world, guess what, you're not.       our salvation and safety and our home is with the Lord!!

Psalm 138, our thanks, praises and worship is given to God because of His mercy and faithfulness, even in the midst of troubles and trials.

Psalm139,  where can go to get away from God?     absolutely no where!!        we are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator of all things, God!!!       there is nothing He doesn't know about us.    He knows it all, praise Him!!!

Psalm 140, we all need to rescued and protected from the wicked people around us.      God is who will give us that protection.

Psalm 141, do you ever feel like you need a guard over your mouth and your heart protected?      we all do and God the is One we call on!!!

Psalm 142, when we are living in fear, we can call out to God for His help!!!        do you ever feel afraid and alone?        David knew that feeling and he cried out to God.

Psalm 143,sometimes we need to meditate on all that God done for us and ask Him to teach us His ways.

Psalm 144, rock, fortress, stronghold, shield, a new song to sing........ what a mighty God we serve!!!!

Psalm 145, great is the Lord and greatly to be praised!!!!!!  we can never praise Him enough for all He has done for us.

Psalm 146, Praise the Lord, O my soul!!!!!   God is the only One we can trust!!!!!

Psalm 147, God is creator of all and in Him is redemption.       praise God!!!

Psalm 148, all of creation is called on to praise the Lord!!!     

Psalm 149,  sing praises to God, sing new songs, make music on the tambourines, praise God in all circumstances!!!

Psalm 150, do you want to know when and where to praise God.        at all times and where ever you are.        anywhere and everywhere and at all times is the perfect time and place to praise God!!!

well, we made a whirlwind trip thru the Psalms.      next time we'll start on Proverbs.


well, that's a wrap for today.       if you're in harms way of weather rolling thru your area, stay alert and stay safe.         I pray that we will praise God at all times and that we continue to be seeking after the heart of God in all that we do.         I pray that we all have a great day today and that we remember to be thankful to God for it.       blessings of peace and mercy be ours today.

hugs and love, patty

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Bible Study and Oxo Brand Slicer, Grater and Shredder

good morning beautiful friends.          I pray that we are ready to have a great day today.        we are under a threat of bad weather here today and tomorrow, with rain and possibly tornadoes.        so we would appreciate prayers of safety for our area.       while we was out getting our walk in for the day, we heard a woodpecker working on getting his next snack.        hahaha         I'm happy they have hard heads.          having said that, people might say that I could be a woodpecker.         I sure don't have beak, so it must be the other "thang", you know, hard headed.         hahahaha       well,  I hope to get more container soil in a few days and start filling some of my containers that doesn't have any soil in them.          if I can get them ready, then when the time is right, I can start planting!!!         woohoo!!!

so I had shared about my oxo brand grater and I thought I would show you the whole thing today.        it came from amazon, so if you're interested, just type something like "oxo slicer, grater, shredder and you should see something exactly like this pop up.        this is all the pieces it comes with.           the white part is the base that everything else sits in.        the clear thing in the base with the black spot on it is the gripper that you use when slicing, to keep your fingers safe. 

this is the brand emblem on the clear top of the whole thing and every piece has a small oxo imprinted on it.           it's a really nice collection in one easy store piece.

this is the shredding blade.         I keep the blue tape on the blade when I'm not using it.         once I get it washed and dried, the blue tape goes back on it.     

this is the slicing blade and it also has the blue tape on it.          as with the shredder, when I'm done with the slicer, the blue tape goes back on it.        I don't like getting cut and scraped when I'm getting the blade that I want to use, taken from the base, so I use the blue tape.

this is how it all fit together.            it has a very small foot print, so it doesn't take up much space in storage.     

it's also large enough that I have a couple of other non essential items in the box, I just didn't want to  toss the items yet, but probably will at some point.          I just looked it up on amazon and it's about a $23 item.          I didn't give that much when I got, but I certainly would now, knowing how good it actually is.         
it's time for our little "giggle for the day":

Q - What do you call a cold dog? 
A - A chili dog.


now that's something to howl at!!!


picking up at Psalm 102 we the psalmist pleading with God.         he is suffering, but he also knows that God is in control of all things.        where do we turn to when we are suffering?         the world doesn't offer much hope, but the Lord does.        the psalmist also wants future generations to know the goodness of God.        the only way they'll know is if we share it thru scripture and thru what God has done for us in our lives.

Psalm 103, what a praise song!!!!!!         sing this back to God and thank Him for mercy and protection over our lives.       this is one of the most powerful praise Psalms and one of the most beautiful.       "bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name!!!"         as far as the east is from the west, that's how far He puts our sins aways from us!!!!!       thank You God for your mercy!!!!

Psalm 104, do you ever wonder if God cares for His creation?         well, this is proof that He does.      He cares for the animals, the mountains, the streams, the heavens and us, His most prized creation.      He is merciful and loving.      "I will sing to the Lord as long as I live, I will sing to my God while I have my being!!"

Psalm 105, this Psalm goes back and tells of all the times that God kept His promises to Israel.       we count of God to keep His promises and we need to remember to praise God and worship Him for all of His faithfulness.      

Psalm 106, this is a reminder that we all sin and we all need forgiveness.        it's hard to praise God when we actively participating in sin.       we need to repent and then we can praise God.        we serve a merciful God who wants to forgive us.       I know, for myself, personally, when I've needed forgiveness, at the first movement that I make trying to get back to where I belong in my relationship with God, the instant I start moving forward towards Him, He's right there.       I don't have to turn from my sin and walk thru the desert of shame for a month hoping to find Him.         absolutely not, I turn around and He's right there.        I can't help but cry a little bit, at just knowing how faithful He is to me and how unfaithful I am to Him, yet He loves me and always wants me back.         that's my God!!!!       thank You God for being so faithful, loving and merciful to someone so undeserving!!!!        

Psalm 107, who makes a way for you when there is no way?       God does!!!        are we grateful to God for all that He does for us?         we surely should be.        we are considered wise if we pay attention to the mercy of the Lord.        if we are thankful, our lives should reflect that.       if our lives doesn't reflect what God has done for us, maybe we're not very wise.   

Psalm 108, we find that it is only with God and through God that we will have victory!!!         we will never have victory by ourselves, it is only with and through God that our enemies are overthrown.      praise God for His victorious deliverance.

Psalm 109,  I found it interesting that this is one of the strongest Psalms where curses are actually called down upon the enemies of David.          he is begging God to curse his enemies.        he is also praying for God to deliver him from his enemies, because of God's mercy.  

Psalm 110, this Psalm is the most quoted psalm in the New Testament.         it is a prophetic psalm pointing directly to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, our Messiah!!!         praise God!!!!!

Psalm 111, this is a beautiful hymn of praise, thanking God for all His great works.       "Great are the works of the Lord!!"        "I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart!!"        this should be our song of praise and thanksgiving to God!!

Psalm 112, "blessed is the person who fears the Lord!!"          when we have proper fear, awe, and respect for the Lord, we'll not have fear of anything that this world has to offer.       I have to repent from time to time, because I let things of this world cause me fear and that's not what God wants.       He wants me to trust Him.  

Psalm 113, we are to praise the Lord at all times for everything, especially for caring for the poor and needy.         who are the poor and needy, all of us!!!!!!!        we are to praise Him and let out lives reflect that God cares for us, we should care for others.

Psalm 114, God is our rescuer!!!         the presence of God makes nature act in magnificent ways.       the verbal picture is absolutely beautiful.

Psalm 115, where is the god of the heathen?       our God is in heaven, He is our trust and shield!!!      

Psalm 116, gracious, righteous and compassionate is our Lord!!!!       this psalm shows us what gratitude to God should look like.       "Praise the Lord!!"

Psalm 117, simple and short, praise the Lord, all nations!!!      sing His praises because of His mercy and truth!!

Psalm 118, this psalm is one that can help us to remain faithful to God even during hard times.         give thanks to the Lord, for His mercy is everlasting.        give God our gratitude!!!

Psalm 119, the character of God is seen in every stanza of this psalm.        God is good, gracious, honest, trustworthy, merciful, strong,  and we can walk in God's path.     we can trust God with everything, from aleph to tav.

next time we pick up with Psalm 120.
 well, I guess we'll call it a wrap on todays post.         I hope and pray that we will all keep seeking after the heart of God.         we have seen just how mighty our God is, and He is worthy for us the be seeking after His heart.         let us praise God with every breath we take.         let's keep focused on God as the world around us swirls with wickedness.          God is in control, let us never forget that.        we will turn our agony over to God and let Him have victory over all our enemies.        blessings of strength and mercy be ours.      

hugs and love, patty

Monday, March 3, 2025

Bible Study and Grated Cheese

good morning beautiful ones.           I hope you are doing well this fine morning.        I don't know what the week bring but we'll praise God thru it.          does that sound like a plan, I think it does.        I must say that I'm still looking forward to spring and getting my garden growing.        we had some nice warm days last week and I'm telling ya, just that little taste spoiled me big time.        hahaha       because it turned cold again.        it sure did.        we walked yesterday morning with a temp of 22 degrees.      this morning is the same, 22 degrees.     we had had a few mornings of 45 degrees and then getting way up in the upper 70's.        so yeah, I got a little spoiled.         hahaha        well, we'll just have to take what we get and be thankful for it.        I do know that God is in control  and while I don't have any idea what I'm doing, He knows what He's doing.       so we'll go with that.


you know the drill.         let's go to the kitchen for our daily episode of "2 minutes in the kitchen with me".           I shared an oxo chopper the other day, today I want to share my oxo grater.        it's simple and it's self contained.         I love that!!!!          the top of the grater when everything is together, becomes the base for the grater when using it.         once you're done with it, wash the pieces used and put it back together and it's out of sight till the next time I need to use it.   

I grate my cheese and put it in a vac seal box and it stays fresh and good till the last little bit is gone.

here it is, the cheese grated, the half block of cheese is vac sealed and ready to go back in the fridge.    I use my ziploc vac sealer on the handi vac bags.         it works fine on those.

this is a close up of the cheese using the large grater blade.

this is the cheese in the vac seal box with the little vac sealer for this set of boxes laying on it.

sometime, I'll share all the blades that come with this compact oxo grater, slicer, and shredder.        it's a neat set.        it takes up very little space and very cost effective.

well, let's do our little "giggle for the day":

Q - What did the buffalo say when his son left? 
A - Bison!

aw, come on now, you know got a little giggle outta that!!!      well, I did anyway.       hahaha

today we'll pick back up with Psalm 81.        sing, shout, raise a song, blow a trumpet!!!!!        what do all of these represent?         praise and worship of the might God that we serve.        praise and worship of the mighty God that protects us and keeps us and lavishes blessing after blessing upon us, even after we disobey Him.      do we really praise and worship God?         do we know how to?         I pray that while going thru these Psalms that we learn how to praise God in a real way.     God will meet our needs, we just need to be obedient to call of God on our lives.      

Psalm 82 tells us that God will bring justice for the weak, fatherless, needy, afflicted, and destitute.       He will save them all from the wicked.         God is the judge of all and He is just.

Psalm 83 finds the writer asking God intervene in the plans to destroy Israel, asking God to deliver just punishment on pagan nations and to give Israel victory, so that they would know that God is Lord and reigns over all the earth.        

Psalm 84 is such a beautiful song of praise to God.        the Lord gives grace and glory.        such a beautiful Psalm to sing God.      He withholds no good thing from those who walk in integrity.      sometimes I wonder if people even know what integrity is these days.          we serve a mighty God!!!

Psalm 85, do you need hope?     if so, this the Psalm for you, and me.        graciousness and truth, righteousness and peace abound.   God will give what is good to His people.

Psalm 86, have you ever pleaded with God?        David did.       this is one of those time that David spilled his guts so to speak and pleaded with God  for protection and for mercy and he had lost his joy and he even pleaded for his joy.       do you even tell God exactly what want?        David did.    David knew that God was great.         and he was so grateful to God for all He had done for him.    

Psalm 87, do you need an identity?        if you and I can find our identity right here, as citizens of Zion. 

Psalm 88 shows us that life is not always roses, sometimes there are bad endings to our life.      that in no way means we should stop praising and worshiping God.       it's easy to praise God in good times, how easy is it to praise God in hard times?        praise Him anyway.       this is for me!!!      praise Him anyway!!!        may I remember this.

Psalm 89 shows us that God's love stands forever and that God is mighty.      praise God that He loves us with an everlasting love.

Psalm 90 shows us that God is just in His judgements and that we are guilty of our sins.      we are guilty, but God is just to forgive.      the only way our lives have meaning is by doing God's work.        everything else is useless.        when we serve the Lord, we will have an eternal home with Him.

Psalm 91   "I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!”"       this is one of my favorite verses right here.      thank you God for being faithful and trustworthy.      we can trust Him in times of trouble.    

Psalm 92  celebrates the faithfulness of God.        it also encourages us to live a life of gratitude to God for all He's for us.         may we live a life of gratitude. 

Psalm 93 is proclaiming God as creator and sustainer over all the earth!!!         Praise Him!!!!

Psalm 94 shows us that God is our only hope in this life.       without Him, we would have no hope.      God has already won over evil and wickedness.      

Psalm 95 tells us of joy, thanksgiving, and praise to a great and mighty God.  

Psalm 96 did you know that when we belong to God, He gives us a new song to sing to Him.        He changes all the old stuff about us to completely new and we have a new song to sing.         God is a fair and righteous judge and deserves to be worshiped.

Psalm 97 says that if we love the Lord we will hate evil.         ask yourself, "do I hate evil?"       if you support the things that God has called abominable, you do not hate evil.       and you do not love God.    to love God means we have to hate evil.      there are no gray areas.        if God calls it wicked, evil, abominable, then we must hate those things or we hate God.  

Psalm 98 shows us that God alone has done all this.         He has done nothing with your help or with my help, because He doesn't need our help.         He alone has sustained the earth since He spoke it into existence and He alone will continue to sustain the earth and all things.       we saved from death and hell by what Christ has done for us thru His shed blood on the cross.

Psalm 99 teaches us how to worship!!!   Exalt Him!!!!    praise Him!!!  

Psalm 100 shows us that we need to praise God with joy!!!     in sight of just the first few words of this Psalm, a form of joy is mentioned 3 times.     may we praise Him always with exuberant joy!!

Psalm 101, how easy is it to live a godly life in this world we live in?         it's tough and God knows it's tough for us.         that's why we can call on Him to help us.         we can NOT live a godly life without His help.       so we sing of His mercy and justice.        keep it in our minds at all times.

next time we'll pick up at Psalm 102. 

well, that's about all I have today.       let's all have a good day and be thankful and grateful for it.     let's   pray for the ones who are hurting.    I pray that we will be seeking after the heart of God in all that we do.        let's remember how mighty our God is.      may we all be blessed with His mercy and justice.  

hugs and love, patty   

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Bible Study and Breakfast Jars and Baked Buns

good morning beautiful friends!!!!          I hope and pray that everyone is doing well today.          I pray that we all have a victorious day, a great day, and day that will be filled with praise and adoration for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.         yesterday was a cooler day than I expected it to be.         I was hoping for a little higher temps, but we got what we got.         the high was 52 degrees.         it wasn't bad at all, but I was just wanting a little warmer.           and.........this morning it was a spicy hot 19 degrees!!!!         who knows what it will be in the morning??        but,  you know me, always wanting warmer temps till I'm wanting cooler temps.          hahaha          well, at least I can admit it.     


well, I guess it's all in a weeks work, but we'll go to the kitchen again for a quick "2 minutes in the kitchen with me".            it was time to bake buns again.         that time rolls around pretty quickly when we have hamburgers or turkey burgers.          as a general rule, most of the buns are for my husband's breakfast.         but we've been enjoying a burger or tow, so I have to bake more often.        that's ok too.    I put them in the muffin top pan, frozen, let them thaw, rise and bake.  so good.

in the pic below, you see my breakfast jars.        I make 10 at a time and let me tell you, they are delicious!!!         it is time consuming, but it's worth it.        peanut butter powder, old fashioned oats, ground flax, chia seeds, cranberry and citrus powder, lots of powdered ginger, a pkt of stevia, real vanilla flavoring, water to mix it all together with.       then the morning I eat it, I'll put a little more ginger in it and a splash of coconut milk.           stir that together really good and wow wee, it's good.         

so now you know what I start my day with.        hahaha          but it is good.          it's also good for ya too.      


todays little "giggle for the day":

Q - Do you want to hear a pizza joke? 

A - Nahhh, it's too cheesy! 


oh now, come on, the cheesier the better, right!!  hahaha


we pick up at Psalm 65 with God's favor on everything.           Gods favor is on mankind as well as all the earth.         God controls the mountains, the seas, and the turmoil of the nations!!        God makes the sunrise and the sunset shout for joy!!!

in Psalm 66 we see the writhe proclaiming "How awesome and mighty are Your works!!!!        God is in control of all things.         regardless of what it looks like with human eyes, God is in control.    

in Psalm 67, nations are encouraged to praise God.          what a wonderful world it would be if all nations did praise God.       I can't imagine what that world would be like.

in Psalm 68, we see those who hate God are fleeing from Him.          the wicked will perish, but the righteous will rejoice in the Lord.       the righteous will be found seeking after the heart of God.      the Lord is the God who bears our burdens!!!          thank You God for bearing my burdens!!!

Psalm 69, we see David once again in anguish over the guilt of his sin.         he knew God to be a merciful God and he was pleading for God to rescue him from the mud, where there is no foothold.     he was pleading for mercy that could only come from God.

Psalm 70 finds David asking the Lord to hurry and help him.         when I read these Psalms, I am reminded once again that it's ok for us to plead with God on our own behalf.        sometimes, I think we have a bit of guilt for asking on our own behalf.       but God want's us to seek His help and He also wants us to be thankful for His help.

Psalm 71, the writer has taken refuge in God.         what better place to refuge!!!         God is our rock and our fortress and we can dwell in Him and not fear.         he said his tongue would tell others of His righteousness.       do we tell others of the righteousness of of our Lord and Savior?        we sure should be.

Psalm 72 is a Psalm that is calling for leaders to be godly.       wow, wouldn't that be awesome if all leaders were godly!!!!          we have no idea what it means or what it would look like if our world leaders acknowledged God in all things and lived accordingly.   

Psalm 73 is a struggle with faith and doubt.        we can't look forward without thinking eternally.       if just see what we see, and never look to the eternal, we are doomed.         everything we do should be pointing to our eternal destiny in His presence.        we see things short sighted and we should know that the  wicked will eventually get their rewards.

Psalm 74 is the struggle with our faith while there is suffering and evil all around us.        I don't know if anyone can relate to this, but I sure do.       I can't reconcile it in mind, but I know that God is control of it all.       I don't have to understand, because He does.

Psalm 75 declares God as the judge!!!      there is a scripture in Genesis that says something like this, "shall not the Judge of all the do what it right!"         I'll never be able to think like God, so I trust Him to what is right at all times.         I may never understand it all, but I'll do the best I can, with His help, to try to understand.          I will try to praise Him, even when I don't understand.

Psalm 76 is a call to  celebrate God's victory and protection.        as we celebrate God's victory in our lives it should cause us to fear God and also honor God.         God is mighty and deserved to be praised, we could never praise Him enough for all He's done for us.

Psalm 77 is about remembering all the works of God in our lives in order to find comfort when the next troubles come along, and they will.         we just have to look back on everything God has done for us in the past, to know that He will help us in the future.  

Psalm 78 is a reminder that we fail, but God doesn't.     we make mistakes, God doesn't.        God's love is everlasting and He helps mankind thru miracles.       we are to trust God and obey Him.        when we keep repeating the same mistakes, we face the consequences.          what are we passing on to the younger generations?          we need to be passing on our faith in God, thru the shed blood of Jesus Christ.         if we're not passing that on, we're failing these younger generations, miserably.        I think we can look around in today's society and see that we have failed miserably in passing on our faith in a mighty God, to the younger generations.        we see a sorry lot of people these days, doing abominable things and we've taught them that it's ok to go against God.        we are leading these generations right straight to hell, while holding their hands.       shame on us.  

Psalm 79 shows us what sorrow over our sin should look like.        we should be devastated by our sin, enough to turn form our sin and do better with God's help.       if you're not grieving over your sin, why?

Psalm 80 is showing us what repentance looks like.        we should be begging God to intervene in our lives, in our country, in our world and give us all the hearts to seek after God's heart.       God, please save us from our trouble, please save us from ourselves, please save us from the ones who would do harm to Your people.

next time we pick up at Psalm 81


well, I guess we'll call it warp and close up shop today.         I hope and pray that we all have a great day today and that in everything we do, we'll remember to seek after the heart of God.        I pray that with my last breath, I'll be found seeking after the heart of God.         sometimes I struggle with the little land mines that the enemy throws at my feet for me to stumble over.        but I do try to turn it all over to God when I recognize what's going on.         I know some of y'all are going thru the same thing.       so we'll just pray for each other daily.          blessings of favor and victory for us all today, in the name of Jesus Christ.

hugs and love, patty

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Bible Study and March-ing right along

good morning my friends.          I hope we're all doing well today and that we are ready to March right on along in this year.          it seems we have to be ready for it, whether we are or not.        hahaha        well, the quicker we get into March, the quicker we'll be able to start getting our hands in some serious dirt.       so I'm good and ready to get March-ing right along.         I have 12 tomato plants in my little sprout house and I was in the garage a little bit ago and they are looking fabulous!!!!          I' so tickled.   I had checked on my garlic in one of my grow towers on the deck and it looks like the greenery on the ones I checked has died back.        I just hope the garlic itself isn't dead.         it's ok for the greenery to die back, if it's still alive, it will come back as soon as it warms up.        but if the garlic itself froze, it will be a bust and I won't have any garlic.        I'm not going to let the weather defeat me with my garlic.        I'll just try to figure out another way.        that's the name of the game with gardening, if one thing doesn't work, try something else.        we have to stay flexible and ready to do whatever it takes, and I am determined.          what are you determined to grow?


let's go to the kitchen for a "2 minutes in the kitchen with me".            so I've been busy in the kitchen here lately trying get a few things squirreled away for later on in the spring and early summer when we get busy outside.           one of those things I'm trying to get in the freezer is lots of already oven roasted russets and sweet potatoes.

in the picture along side the turkey burgers that I recently shared is 4, 1 gallon ziplock bags with 4 fliptop sandwich bags of potatoes, 2 of each type per gallon bag.        since they are already fully cooked, they are easy to pop in the air fryer and heat them up and crisp them up.       these are so good.        as long as I can keep these in the freezer, I'll not have to buy any more french fries in the frozen section at the store.       what you are looking at is about 12 lbs before peeling.          and then I put avocado oil on them and dehydrated minced garlic and dehydrated minced onion.         that flavor combo is absolutely wonderful, even on the sweet potatoes too!!!          I hope you'll give it a try.          

I bake them in  a 400 degree oven for about 40 minutes, till they are fork tender.         then to freeze them, once the trays cool down, I'll pop them in the freezer on the trays and flash freeze them, then bag them up and put them in the ziplock bags.        they don't stick together once flash frozen.         and if they happen to stick a little, just drop the fliptop bag on the counter and they will pop right apart.         easy peasy.


 let's do our little "giggle for the day":

Q - Why were the fish’s grades bad? 

A - They were below sea level.



today we pick up Psalm 55 and  David is praying for God to take away the evil and wicked ones who are trying to kill him.           he hid from them and ran from them and he wanted to God to deal with them.         sometimes I feel the same way with all the wicked politicians that are destroying the world and getting rich off the backs of the poor.       verse 22 says to cast our burden upon the Lord and He will sustain us.          do we need hope?        yes, and this is the hope we need.         God will deal with them and we can trust God.

in Psalm 56 the writer is pleading for God's help and so thankful that he can trust God.        we too can trust God.         He sees it all.        the writer says that God has put all his tears in a bottle and they are accounted for in His book!!!         just know, that not a single tear falls that God doesn't see.        even as I type this, I wipe a few.        we can put our trust in God and not be afraid.

in Psalm 57 we see David praising God yet again.          after fleeing from Saul David said that in the shadow of God's wings he would take refuge.        how beautiful this word picture is right here.        but David knew that God was his protection.           we too, can know that God is our protection.

in Psalm 58 David is praying for the destruction of evil and wicked people.          he says that there is a God who judges the earth and there is reward for the righteous.          amen and amen!!!!

in Psalm 59, David is again praying for God to protect him from  Saul's men who are seeking to kill him.           David sings of God's strength and for being a place of refuge when he was distressed.        we can sing of God's strength too!!

here in Psalm 60, we see David asking God to save them with His right hand.          we looked at that the other day.         a hand of strength and truth and righteousness.

Psalm 61, David has confidence in the protection of God.           do we have confidence in God?        I sure hope we do.         David knew that God was his tower of strength, his rock, and his shelter.        we look at  David's  life and see that he was a sinner, but he also repented.        that gives me a lot of hope and confidence that though I'm a sinner, thru the shed blood of Jesus Christ, I too can have confidence in the protection of God.

Psalm 62 finds David yet again praying to God and recognizing that He alone is his rock and his salvation, his stronghold; and he will not be shaken.         again, he has confidence in God and God alone.

in Psalm 63 we see David declaring that God's favor is better than life itself!!!!         I have to let that sink in to realize what he is saying.         my take on this is that God's favor over my life may lead to hardship, and things that can and will eventually take my life.         but with God's favor, once this life is over, I'll be where He is.         that's favor!!!          again, this is what it means to me.      

Psalm 64 we are reminded that we have secret enemies.            those people that smile to your face and stab you in the back every chance they get.        reminds me of a bunch of politicians.          also a few real life friends I've had in the past.        I know they meant more to me than I did to them.       just be aware.         God knows about it all and He'll take care of it.

next time we'll pick up at Psalm 65.


well, I guess that's about it for today.          let's try to keep focusing of seeking after the heart of God in all we do.           there's not another better activity for us to do.         the world throws so much filth and trash at us that's it's hard to stay focused on the things of God.       but let's see if we can keep our eyes focused on Jesus and what He alone has done for us.         tell someone you know that God's favor is better than life.        blessings of God's favor and protection be ours today.     

hugs and love, patty