good morning from the deep dark tundra this morning. with all this crazy weather and the snow in Louisiana yesterday, I don't know what to expect any more. hahahaha but we'll take what we get and like it. that's my Momma used to tell us. you'll take what you get and like it. so we'll hang in there with that. hahahaha the lowest I seen this morning was 2 degrees and at 7:40am, it's now a whopping 8 degrees. who knows, it may get to 20 degrees today. I'll take what we get and thank God for it. right about now, I'd like to ask someone about their global warming theory. what's up with that? I don't know about anyone else, but I do know for sure that God knows what He's doing. the global theorists, nah, I don't they know what they're doing. but what do I know. I know that God is in control, that's what I know. what about you, what do you know?
this is one our favorite sides to go with any meal. so, let's do this quick "2 minutes in the kitchen with me". this is one of the easiest sides for me to make and it's also one of the most delicious. I take a bunch of russet and sweet potatoes and peel and dice, then I put them in a bag, separately, and put about a tablespoon of avocado oil in with them and a dash of salt and a dash of pepper and than about a good palm full of dehydrated minced onions and dehydrated minced garlic.
I put them on a sheet pan lined with parchment. it prevents sticking and easy cleanup. I'm all over that. I pop that in a preheated 400 degree oven for 45 to 60 minutes, just depending on the size of the dice that I make with the potatoes. for us, the darker they are when I take them from the oven, the better. the sweet potatoes doesn't get as crunchy as the russets, but they are like eating candy!!!
once they are done, I let them cool for a bit and than I scoop them off the sheet pan and into my lock and lock containers they go and they are good for a week. I wouldn't keep them any longer, but if you're like us, you won't have to worry about that. they'll be gone all too soon. hahaha
this is just one more dish that I use to try to keep from buying ready made of something that has bad oils in it and other things. so, as long as I make these, I no longer have to use store bought frozen fries, I use these instead.
when I get ready to use them, I'll put a scoop of each in the air fryer and heat them up. they will get even darker than they are now and more crispy. they are so good!!!! all I have to do is make sure I have russets for hubby and sweet taters for his sweet tater, me. hahaha yes, it's a little more work, but it's worth it. at least as long as I'm able to do it, I'll keep doing it. and I also love that I'm using my own dehydrated minced onions and dehydrated minced garlic. it's wonderful way to use these. what are you making from scratch that's healthier for you, that you are no longer buying ready made? I hope you're doing something like this. maybe this will the inspiration that you need. I hope so.
next time I throw some in the air fryer, I'll try to remember to take a pic and show you the difference.
we're at Deuteronomy 9 this morning and we can see that Israel is already at it again. God is reminding them, thru Moses, that any victories they have, is NOT because of their righteousness, but because of the pagan countries wickedness. that's exactly the way it is now. anything God does for us is based on God's righteousness only. we are stubborn just as they were stubborn. we are still stubborn, even after accepting Christ as our Lord and Savior. Moses is continuing to remind them of God's faithfulness thru everything they had been thru. Moses told them that God expected them to fear God, walk with God, love God, serve God with their whole being and to keep His commandments and statutes. Moses is reminding them of what they have witnessed with their own eyes. they had lived thru all that Moses was telling them and he was reminding them to remember how faithful God is. he was telling them to remain faithful to God. he was telling them to stay strong in the face of what was waiting for them. it was going to be difficult for them, but not difficult for God. Moses again tells them to remember what God has done. tie the words God has spoken, to their hands and to their forehead. for their hands to put the work in and for the heads to remember God and all He has done for them to this point. Moses was also telling them to pass all this down to the generations after them. keep telling the stories of how God saved the Israelites. keep passing down the legacy of God's provision and protection and promises. instead of telling fairy tales and jokes, pass down the legacy that God had given to them first hand. the more we tell of the goodness of Jesus Christ in our lives, the more people will come to know Him. when we tell others, we're planting seeds of hope. once again Moses is telling them tear down any and all forms of false god worship that they see in the land that they are to possess. if they don't, they will be cursed, just like the pagans that worship the false gods. Moses keep reminding them NOT to do as the pagans have done. are we still reminded today to not live as the world around us lives? we are. we have been called out and set apart to live different lives to that of what we see in the culture. but so many are drawn to the temptations of the culture. when a Christians life looks just like the worldly life around us, something is wrong and more than likely, that so called Christian probably isn't a Christian. just a wolf in sheep's clothing. so, we still have to be aware today. do we need to be reminded today to reject idolatry? we sure do!!! there will always be people in our lives that are trying to pull us away from the truth of the word of God. don't let them. there is a church here in my community and their tag ling on the their church sign says "we are a welcoming and affirming church". that tag line came about when they joined cahoots with another church that was mostly from Sodom and Gomorrah. that tag line is saying that we will welcome and affirm you right straight to hell. that's not a church. it's a cult at best, maybe even a club, but it's not a church. they did not heed scripture at all. are you strong enough to get up and walk out of a church like that and never look back? are you strong enough to try to take a few people with you as you leave? this is what Moses is telling the people, do not let paganism infiltrate all that we know to be true, by the hands and words of God. are we strong enough to stand firm? I ask these questions for myself as much as anything. because, the time will come when I will have to stand up for something and I pray that I am strong enough to stand for God!!! Moses goes back into some of the same laws already discussed and goes over them again. why is that? because most humans have a very short memory and we need to be reminded again and again of what God has done for us. again, Moses tells them to observe the Feast of Passover, Feast of Weeks and Feast of Booths. these are 3 feasts that they were to celebrate as a reminder of the goodness of God forever. we would do well as Christians, if we could figure out how to observe these today. some churches actually try to do this. it's very meaningful for them and symbolic of what God has done for HIs people. and again, Moses is telling them about justice and administering justice. he also told them that "when" they decided they wanted a king for themselves, and they eventually would, that the king was to copy all of the laws and all of what Moses was going over them with. that would be one of the duties of their king to copy all of this and then study it for the rest of their lives. that sounds like a good idea. wonder how that would work for today? yeah, right.
next time well pick up on Deuteronomy 18, till them God bless you all.
I guess that's about it for the day. I pray we all have a great day and that we keep God first place in all the we do. hugs, love and warm blessings to all, patty