these are buns from the last batch of yeast bread I made. they are not the brioche buns that I make all the time, these are the antique white bread with some whole wheat thrown in. but these are so soft and nice and smell wonderful. these are the ones that my husband loves so much. he has one for breakfast every morning with a egg, sausage, cheese pattie on the bun. these are delicious!!!
when I get these baked, I'll prop the bun up on the edge of the pan so they don't sweat while they're cooling down. if I leave them in the little divot the will sweat and will get wet. we don't like soggy bottoms, so I'll do this till they cooled down and then they get bagged up and put in the fridge. these are wonderful hamburger buns too. so give these a try. they are very versatile. you can even leave them round in a ball and make dinner rolls. we just prefer them as buns.
Q - Why were the fish’s grades bad?
A - They were below sea level.
hahahaha bad fish, bad fish!!!
let's pick up at Psalm 21. king David is praising God for His strength and salvation!! we need to praise God for His strength and salvation also. David felt blessed forever. David also knew that God would take care of his enemies and we will sing and praises God's power. the power that David knew is the same power today. God hasn't changed one iota, He takes care of us and we can sing praise about God's strength and power. amen!!
in Psalm 22 we see that David has turned to anguish and fear. why have You forsaken me? have you ever asked God that? we all probably have at some time or another. yet David trusted God and said that You have been my God since my mothers womb. what a faith David had. at his lowest, he said he would tell his brothers about God. David would always find a way to sing God's praise. I pray that when I'm at my lowest, that God will help me find a way to praise Him.
in Psalm 23 David praised God for being His shepherd. and meeting all his needs. probably one of the most familiar Psalm and most people reading my blog probably memorized it many years ago. does your cup overflow? if you know Jesus Christ as you Lord and Savior, your cup certainly does overflow. goodness and mercy follows us. praise HIs name!!!
Psalm 24 tells us whom the earth belongs to. it is the Lords and everything in it. who can stand in His holy place? the one who has clean hands and a pure heart. who is the King of glory? the Lord of armies is the King of glory!!! praise Him!!!
in Psalm 25, David was wanting God to teach him His ways. teach him His paths and lead him in His truth. David was a man seeking after the heart of God. I want God to teach me his ways and lead me in truth. guard my soul and save me was David's prayer. it's mine too.
Psalm 26, David is asking God for protection because he had walked in integrity. he had trusted the Lord without wavering. he didn't have anything to do with deceitful people, pretenders, or the wicked. with a voice of thanksgiving, he would declare all Gods wonders. these are very powerful praises to God. I am almost overwhelmed when I read these Psalms of praise.
in Psalm 27 David said that with God as his defense, who should he, David dread? absolutely no one. be strong, take courage and wait for the Lord.
Psalm 28 is another plea for help and God heard David and answered. the Lord is my strength and my shield. and with my song I will thank Him. do we thank God with our songs? we should.
in Psalm 29 David is recognizing God in the storm. do we recognize God in our storms? I know that when my life is a storm, I'm not alone. God is with me and He keeps me. God gives strength and peace to His people.
in Psalm 30 is one of my favorite verses, "weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning"!! sometimes it's hard just to make it thru the night, but once I do, there is great joy that seems to come with morning dawn. I praise God for those mornings of joy!!
Psalm 31, David asked how great is God's goodness? when he called to God, He helped David. be strong and let your heart courage, all who wait on the Lord. our strength comes directly from the Lord, let's sing His praises.
Psalm32, David said that when he confessed his sin, God forgave his sin. that is something that we can count on. unconfessed sin eats away at us, but once we confess it, it's forgiven. God is our hiding place. what could be more comforting than that? absolutely nothing!!
Psalm 33, again David is praising God as creator, He spoke it all into being and He is our help and our shield and we trust in His holy name.
Psalm 34, David says, taste and see that the Lord is good!!! fear the Lord, for those who fear the Lord will have no want for anything. want to know how to gain God's favor, fear Him. have reverence for Him.
next time we pick up at Psalm 35.
I guess this is where call it good. I pray that we'll all continue to seek after the heart of God in all things we do today. David wasn't perfect, but he repented, he praised God in all things, he asked God for His protection, and he kept on seeking the heart of God. he set a good example for us, being sinful people. repent, praise, seek God in all things, and keep on seeking the heart of God. let's all have a great day and praise God that we are a part of it. blessings God's strength and favor be ours today. hugs and love, patty
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