Monday, February 24, 2025

Bible Study and bell peppers and onions

well howdy, good folks!!!         guess what, we are on a warming trend in my neck of the woods and I am as pleased as punch about that!!!        woohoo!!!!         yippee!!!!!!!         yes indeedy, I'm mighty thrilled about that!!           we have a busy week ahead of us, but I'm hoping to get a lot of, if  not all of my  tomatoes put in solo cups so I can get more started in my small hydroponics systems.         I have 2 that holds 12 pods each.          I'll try to remember and share pictures of them sometime.         it's a great way to get good starts.        you just have to remember that when you take them from the hydro units and put them in starter mix, you have to keep them pretty wet for about a week or so then you can start watering them like you normally would any seed starts.       you have to acclimate them from water to soil.       it's really pretty easy, or was last year.       I also want to get some dollar tree stacking 3 pocket containers together and get them filled to put some strawberry seeds in.     I have 3 different small type strawberries; red, yellow and white; that I'm pretty excited to try and get started this season.        I'll get them planted and then take them to the garage and put them in my little sprout house in there.     that gives me something to really look forward to.


let's do a "2 minutes in the kitchen with me" right about now.      hahaha          this is a project that had been on my "to do" list all week.         I had wanted to do it before today, but my arms and wrists hurt so bad that I just couldn't.         but I decided today was the day.          so I got my game plan going and got it done.          6 lbs of onions and 2 and a half pounds of snacking bell peppers, all from aldi.        the bag of onions that I got this week at aldi had several rotten ones in it.          I have to say that this is quite unusual for aldi.       I'm just happy that I processed them now instead of using some of the others that was in the fridge.        anyway, I got them cleaned up and chopped.      as per me, I forgot to take pics of the early process.        but as I was getting ready to vac seal these, I did remember to take a few pics so I could show you a little bit anyway.

there is 1 cup onions and 1/2 cup bell peppers per flip top sandwich bag.          I ended up with 13 bags.     I rolled the flip top bags and got as much air from them as I could.         then I got my vac seal bags and slid 4 flip top bags down in the vac seal bag and sealed it and then vac sealed it.        I put labels on them and dated them and put them in the freezer.      

I wanted to show you the little gizmo that made this process a lot faster for me than it would have been otherwise.           I wouldn't have even done it, if I didn't have this little chopper.          to be more  specific, I couldn't have done it.           but when I got the onions peeled and cleaned, I sliced them in 1/2 inch slices.          I'm pretty good at eyeballing it.         then I put the slices in this chopper and just hit it with my hand and it chops right thru.          making a very quick time of something that would have taken me hours otherwise.         I done the same thing with the bell peppers.         I'd cut the stem off and slice it down the middle and pick the seeds out and then I actually put 4 or 5 slices of peppers in the chopper at a time.        it took maybe 45 minutes from start to finish with this project and if I would have had to dice everything by hand, it would have taken me hours.          

and just some more info on this chopper, if you can't hit it with hand hard enough to make it cut thru the onion or pepper, I have learned that I can rest my forearm across the top of the chopper; put my other arm across the one on the chopper and lean onto it with my upper body weight and that works well.        that's how I usually do it, but my husband was outside yesterday when I was chopping, so I could give it a good whack and chop.      when he's inside, I try to make as little noise as possible, because noise really hurts his head.       so we try to help each other in every way possible and that's one way I help him, by trying to keep the noise down.

this is what my chopper looks like from the top view.

this is the brand.    it's an oxo brand.         they have good little pieces of kitchen gadgets and this is one of my faves.         and I think they do have  stuff for people like me, that have problems with their hands and arms. 

this is what it looks like opened up.            there is a red-ish liner like thing on the top.         that is what pulls all the stuck bits out of the little nibs that you see that pushes the food down on the blades to be chopped.          you could live without it, but why would you want to?        hahaha          I tell you that because if you ever get one of these, you want to make sure you don't throw it away.        it's a smart piece of the chopper.         it pulls right out and then you can wash it all and put it back in the top.

I put a damp towel under it so you could see the blades better.   

this is a good sideview of this sweet little chopper.

this is the rear view.            when it gets full, just empty it out in a bowl and go back to slapping and knocking until you get the job done.          hahahaha           you can see the hinge area where the top will come off very easily.            then the part with the blade section pops out easily.          it's very easy to take apart, wash and put back together.         I can't remember what I gave for it.       but you can find it on amazon.           just type in oxo chopper and look for something that looks like this and that's it.      hahaha          I don't remember how I came about the info on this or if I just was searching amazon and found it.        I knew I didn't want one of those that had a ton of separate pieces.         I just wanted a one piece, use as is, type chopper.          and this has been a great tool in my kitchen for a few years now.

I just checked on the price of it at amazon and it's $20.99.          I did not pay that much for it, I think I paid less than $10 for it, but that was a few years ago.         but I would pay $20.99 for it, it's worth every penny.          there's a lot more that's fancier and has a ton of swap outs that comes with them and if that's what you want, they have them, plenty of them.         but if simple is your style, this is it.        it's worth every penny.

and, by the way, while we're still in the kitchen, those hot dog buns I made are deeee-licious!!!!     we each had an aldi apple and chicken sausage one and wowzers, it was delicious.        a little bit of mustard and a little cheese, it was purrrrr-fection in a hot dog bun!!!       so, don't be afraid to try something different!!


let's have a "giggle for the day":

Q - What did the triangle say to the circle?

A - You’re pointless.



let's look at the book of Psalms again.           do you ever feel like you have more enemies than any one person should ever have?         David felt the same way.         one of his enemies was his own son.     notice the word "selah" at the end of a stanza.        that word means "think on these things".         any time you see this word in scripture, it means to give considerable thought to what you just read.       give God the time to show you what He wants you to glean from it.         I love how David says that God is the lifter of his head in Chapter 3.          has God ever been the lifter of your head?         He sure has been for me, many times.        He is and has been and will always be my shield.        when God is our protector, we can lay down and sleep.        

Chapter 4 tells us that God has set apart the godly for Himself, think about that.           even before I was born, I know that God had me set apart for Himself.        it took quite a few years to get me to that point, but as read and reread, I can where God was working ahead of me, working my salvation out for me, thru the shed blood of Jesus Christ.       thank You God!!!

Chapter 5 tells us that God not take pleasure in wickedness.         we can see that theme starting all the back to Genesis and moving forward.         we can see how we as God's greatest creation, has always missed the mark.         God hates boasters, lairs, injustice, bloodshed and deceit.        this is just a short list of the things that God finds abominable.        David recognizes this and prays that God will make the way straight for him.         David also asks for God to make his enemies pay for all their wickedness and he prays for God to shelter those who rejoice in Him.

in Chapter 6, David implores God to be merciful to him and to rescue his soul.         he confesses that the Lord has heard his weeping and pleading and prayers and will put his enemies to shame.        praise God that He hears our prayers!!

in Chapter 7 David continues his pleas with God.       asking to be saved from those who pursue him.   David pleads for the wicked come to an end and replace it with righteousness.        that sounds like something we need to praying for today.       notice too that David always praise God for his righteousness and sings praises to His holy name.         may we always be found doing the same!!

Chapter 8, David says some of the most beautiful praise words about God.         majesty, splendor , strength, to name a few.         simply beautiful.        why we would not want to read these back to God in the form of prayer and praise His name with some of the most beautiful praises ever written.         have you ever considered the grandness of God's creation?     David did and his description of creation is simply breathtaking, it truly is.        God created a beautiful earth, everything that man could possibly ever need and use thru the ages since the beginning of time.        we reach this day and age, and humanity is trying to turn everything back about 5 thousand years because they think we're running out resources.          my friends, if we trust God, we'll NEVER run out of the natural resources that God has provided.        a lot of the stuff that we hear people screaming about is stuff that's been made up by people that want to be relevant.        even they know that they are lying thru their teeth.         why would God create what He has created and then take natural resources away from us?         He wouldn't and He hasn't!!!          it's the unbelievers and the evil hearted people that have risen to power that is spewing this propaganda and indoctrination.          God provides it for us and He expects us to use it.         He put man over every thing on this planet, He created man as His greatest accomplishment, now man has knocked humanity lower than the lowly earthworm.        the earthworm has more significance than humans.           and I'll have to agree, that earthworms has more value than the humans that have been trying to remove God from society.        I just pray that God will open eyes, and hearts, and brains with the ability to reason and think for themselves and remove the indoctrination that has taken place for so long.        I pray for God to stir the hearts of humanity once again for truth.

next time, we'll pick up at Psalm Chapter 9.


well, that's a wrap for today.        I think we're gonna get out and enjoy a little bit of warmth, while it warms up even more.         I pray that we all have a fantastic day and that we keep God at the forefront of all we do.        let us always be found seeking after the heart of God.        nothing could be better than that.        blessings of wisdom and perseverance be ours today and every day.        hugs and love, patty

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