good morning my awesome friends!!!! I pray that each and every one of you are doing fabulous today. I hope that you have a great day ahead. I already know that we have a busy week ahead. a lot of it will be outside and I do look forward to that. we both have been cooped up in the house and eating a lot of wonderful meals. doesn't sound too bad does it? well, it's great if you can be active and burn a few calories. hahaha but a snow week is not the time to eat everything in sight. we didn't overindulge, we're just usually more active than we were this past week. so, I'm hoping to get the activity level a little higher. I need to pay a visit to aldi, I need to get the utility bill paid, get some meds refilled, we need to go to the bank, a dr's appt, have the oil changed in the car and the tires rotated. it seems everything piles up when it snows. just like a snow drift, it all piles up. so it will be good to get all this behind us and do some fun stuff outside.
so this will be a little different "2 minutes in the kitchen with me" today, but it should be a good one. I know I have been talking about my tomato plants in my hydroponic unit, well, I thought I would introduce you to my little toms!! they are doing soooooo good and I hope to get them put in solo cups this week and out in the little sprout house in the garage where I have grow lights and heat pads for them to sit on. it will keep the warm at night. then if for some reason, it's going to turn off colder than we have planned on, my husband has another area fixed up where we can move them to and it will keep them much warmer. so I think it will be ok to go ahead and get them put in the graage with the grow light and heat mats.
I just pray that they all make it. this pic was taken a week or more ago, so they have grown a lot more now. I'm looking forward to good tomatoes from these and they should produce well, we'll just have to wait and see. what all are you growing this year?
I think it's time for our "giggle for the day":
Q - What does corn say when it gets a compliment?
A - Aw, shucks!
😂😂😂 I know, I know, it was a little corny!! bada bing bada boom!! hahaha
let's pick back up in the book of Psalms with Psalm 9. I don't know of any other person in the bible that praised God as much as David did. we would all do well to strive to praise God like David did at all times. David was continuously asking God to see those who hated him and done evil towards him. he was thankful for God's justice. he referred to God as a stronghold for the oppressed and a stronghold in a time of trouble. I have found that to be true, and I'll just imagine you have found that to be true also. He is always faithful and just. He makes Himself known and He always executes justice. praise Him!!!
Psalm 10 is talking about the wicked people. how they desire the wrong things, they curse, oppress and lie. the lurk around and pull people into their snares. David cries out to the Lord to help the humble, the orphan and to strengthen them and vindicate the orphaned and the oppressed. David asks Him to seek the wicked till no more could be found. I agree with David, Lord seek the wicked till no more can be found.
Psalm 11, David is talking about the Lord being a place to take refuge. I find comfort in that and a sense of peace that knows we need His comfort and He makes Himself our refuge, a place of comfort away from the evil. the Lord loves the righteous and we who are righteous will see Him. I look forward to seeing all that God is.
Psalm 12, David reminds us that God is our helper against the treacherous. people speak only lies and have flattering lips and a double heart. and a double heart is not a good thing. hypocrisy and deceit are on their tongues. they say one thing while they mean something else. sounds very familiar. from all the power houses across this planet we see hypocrisy and deceit at it's best. it's in all the government, in every government across this planet. they are not genuine and they have hidden agendas. does this sound familiar at all? it should. we all see it play out all across this earth. wicked people in high places. we just have to remember that God is judge and He is just.
Psalm 13, David asked the Lord if He will forget him forever. have ever wanted to ask the Lord that same thing? I'll bet you have. David said he would trust God's faithfulness. that's good for me to remember. do you ever sing to the Lord? David did, and I do too sometimes. when I'm in the kitchen, I'm usually singing out loud to Lord, or silently in my heart, but either way, I'm singing to the Lord.
Psalm 14, the fool has said in his heart, there is no God. it truly is a fool that says that. are there any who act wisely and seek God? but the Lord is the righteous persons refuge.
Psalm 15, tells of the unshakable person. there is no deceit in him, a person of integrity, righteous, speaks with truth in his heart, no slander, no harm to his neighbor, no shame to his friend, despises despicable people, he honors those who fear the Lord, doesn't change, doesn't take a bribe. these are the people who will settle on His holy hill!!
Psalm 16, David has put the Lord before him continually. he thinks on the Lord both day and night and because God is at His right hand, he will not be shaken. David was seeking after the heart of God and he found it. David wasn't perfect, he sinned, but he repented and he kept seeking after the heart of God. God didn't remember David for his sin, he remember David because he was continuously seeking after the heart of God.
Psalm 17, David had asked God to keep him as the apple of his eye and to keep him in the shelter of his wings. these are two very comforting things to think about.
Psalm 18, God had rescued David from Saul and David wrote a most beautiful song of praise to and for God. there are some very powerful words in this song. strength, rock, fortress, savior, shield, horn of my salvation, stronghold, and worthy to be praised. do a word study on "horn of my salvation" sometime and see what all that encompasses. this is a very powerful song of praise to be read back to God during a time of trouble.
Psalm 19, and David tells the Lord that the law of the Lord is perfect, restores the soul, makes the simple wise, makes the heart rejoice, enlightens the eyes, sweeter than honey, purer than gold and endures forever. he desires the words of his mouth and meditations of his heart be acceptable in the sight of the Lord. that is my desire also. I love the words of David in this psalm.
Psalm 20, David was praising God for victory and he said some praise their chariots, some praise the horses, but David will praise the name of the Lord. what a powerful statement. in all of David's success, he stayed humble. that's why he could praise God in such a mighty way. with a lot of people, a little popularity goes to their head, David remained humble.
next time we pick up with Psalm 21.
well, I guess that's about it for this morning. I pray that we all have a great day today and that we can be seen seeking after the heart of God. what better way to spend our time. we have some things to get done today and I hope we can find time to praise God for being the lifter of our head, for being our rock, our fortress, our strength and all the other many attributes we learned about Him today. I think it's fair to say that God, thru the shed blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, is enough!!! He's enough to meet our every need. the world tells us we need more of whatever there is to get more of. but God is enough!!! blessings of peace and grace be ours today. hugs and love, patty
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