good morning sweet friends. it sprinkled a little bit over night, but the sun is shining nicely right now. we had temperatures of 77 degrees yesterday. we sure did. it was nice too. I transplanted all my tomatoes yesterday and put them in my little sprout house in the garage. I got stevia and herbs in my hydroponic system. I'm going to take out the 8 peppers that have sprouted and doing good and get them out in the sprout house and then I can start my hot peppers. woohoo.
I had gone to aldi the other day and got our grapes for the week. so we'll do a quick "2 minutes in the kitchen with me" and I'll show you how I take care of my grapes. I'll run a bowl of water and put my grapes in the water and let them soak for a while.
then I'll pick the grapes and and put them in my lock and lock box with a paper towel in the bottom.
I love having them easy to grab as a snack and so does my hubby.
quick, easy and good. we love them, along with the mandarin oranges
let's have our little "giggle for the day":
Q - What has four wheels and flies?
A- A garbage truck!
well, that stinks!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
we pick up in Psalm 35 with David praying for rescue from his enemies. have you ever prayed for God to rescue you from your enemies? more than like, not in the means that David prayed, but I've we've all had people in our lives that we wanted protection from. if not before today, we probably will at some time in the remainder of lives. let us take a lesson from David and pray for God to help us. and then praise God for His salvation all day long.
Psalm 36, David talks about the wickedness of humanity. and as bad as it was in David's time, it seems like it's even worse now. it probably isn't, we just have more ways of hearing about it and seeing it, than they had in Davids day. that's the absolute worst thing about mass media, we see and hear about all the evil stuff going on and makes me wonder if there's anything good at all. Yes, there is, and that's the goodness of God!!! even with as wicked and evil as the heart of man is, God is faithful and God is good and David will always praise God!!! do I praise God as much as I should? probably not, but David is a good reminder that I need to praise God more. what about you?
in Psalm 37, David is talking about the security of those who trust in the Lord. where does your security come from? your job, your status in life, your vehicle, your bank account? our security comes from God alone!!!! all the things I mentioned and everything I didn't mention, comes from God alone. none of us are good enough to provide our own security. David said "rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him". who knew we needed to have patience? well, we do and sometimes life will help us develop patience, when we rest in the Lord. did you know that the Holy Spirit in you irritates the devil in the wicked? well it does, and that's why the wicked are always trying to hurt God's people. trust the Lord and wait patiently on Him.
in Psalm 38, David is grieving over his sin and seeking forgiveness and telling God how anxious he is over his sin and that he admits his guilt. another good lesson for us. does our sin actually grieve us? does it make us willingly admit our guilt to God without any "but" this or "but that's? we always have a way of trying to justify our sin. David just says "I'm guilty". and he asks God not to abandon him. we can see again that David is seeking the heart of God. may we do also.
in Psalm 39, David was desperate and felt like he had nothing to live for. have you ever felt that way? I pray we haven't, but I also pray that if we ever do that we take it to God, just like David did. he said his was in the Lord. so is mine and yours. keep seeking the heart of God no matter how desperate we become.
Psalm 40, in David's waiting on God, God sustained him. God gave David a new sone in his heart!!! God gives all a new song of praise. I love it!!! God's mercy and truth continually watched over David. may it be so with us today. mercy and truth is what changes lives.
Psalm 41, David says, blessed is the one who considers the helpless. wow, I wonder how many consider the helpless today? I don't the helpless are being considered at abortion clinics. I don't the helpless are being considered when parents want to turn their children in something that they weren't born as. I pray that all that stops. I pray that it's considered as child abuse and will be treated as such. I pray that God intervenes in all the heinous activities taking place over the planet and puts a stop to it. there will be a day of reckoning.
next time we pick up Part 2 of the book of Psalms with Psalm 42.
well, I guess that's about all I have today. I hope we all continue to seek after the heart of God in all that we do. blessings of truth and mercy be ours today. hugs and love, patty
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