Friday, February 28, 2025

Bible Study and turkey burgers

good morning from my beautiful neck of the woods.         we've had a couple of gorgeous days and yesterday was one of those days.          I pray that today will be another one of those  gorgeous days.      I hope to get out and get some lettuce sown and hopefully be eating fresh lettuce sometime soon.       I have a few peppers to maybe get set out too and then get some hot peppers started.         I got some stevia and a few herbs started the other day and hoping to get more started.        I'm really getting the garden itch.        hahaha          it's gonna be a good year.  


let's do a "2 minutes in the kitchen with me", sounds like a plan.         I went to aldi the other day and picked up a few things.        we was out of turkey burgers, so I got a couple of pkgs of ground turkey with low fat.  it was 93/7 grind.        that's what we prefer.           so when I got ready to make it into patties, I just cut the meat as you see in the picture.

then I started making the patties and I put them in fliptop sandwich bags.

once I got all 8 of them done, I put them in vac seal bags and they are now tucked away nicely in the freezer.          2 to a bag.      

these are so good and quick to toss in the air fryer.         yes, I toss them in the air fryer.         I'll sprinkle a little salt and pepper on them and sprinkle on some liquid smoke and let the air fryer do it's deal.       about 15 minutes on high and flip once half way thru and sprinkle that side with salt, pepper and liquid smoke and let it finish cooking.         not pink in the center at all and it doesn't turn into a ball like a lot of ground meat will when you put it in a skillet.         I've had burgers actually swell to the point of looking like 2 pieces of meat pressed  and if you're not careful, you'll get spewed with the juices that have collected in the center.        that doesn't happen in the air fryer with ground beef, ground turkey or ground chicken.         so if you haven't tried a burger in the air fryer, give it a try, you just may enjoy it.


let's do our little "giggle for the day":

Q - What did the shark say when he ate the clownfish?

A - This tastes a little funny.

😂😂😂  I never said it would be a tasteful joke, kinda fishy to me though.  😂😂😂


today we pick up with Psalm 42.         this Psalm starts out with a mental picture of a deep thirsting for water, that how the writer thirsted for God.         oh that all of God's people would thirst for God just like that.         what a beautiful thought.       for us all to long for our true God.       the writer call on God as his rock and strength.        this is a common theme thru the Psalms and it continues to be.

Psalm 43 the writer is asking God to vindicate him against his foes.       he will wait for God and will praise Him.          a lesson to be learned is to wait on the Lord.        

in Psalm 44 the writer is talking about how the God had protected His people from their enemies.       we need to always remember the past, how God has been with us, made a way for us, protected us and keeps on protecting us.         the writer is asking God to rise up and redeem them because of His great mercy.     

Psalm 45 describes God as a mighty king and His throne is forever.         because of who He is people will praise Him forever.         I know I keep saying this, but should keep seeking after the heart of God.

in Psalm 46 we see again that God is our refuge and strength, our stronghold.        stop striving, or relax and know that He is God.

Psalm 47 shows us that God is great and greatly to be feared.  

Psalm 48 speaks of God's right hand is full of righteousness.        why is that?        when the bible speaks of one's right hand it's usually a symbol of power and authority and a position of highest honor.         the right hand is associated with strength and favor, while the left hand is associated with weakness or negativity.          something to highly consider.          something else that I had learned many years ago is that the right hand is also recognized as a hand of cleanliness because the right hand would be kept clean when taking care of personal hygiene.         at any rate, to be under God's right hand of righteousness meant that God is powerful, He will provide protection and His is also the right hand that bestows blessings upon His people!!!         Lord please keep me in the protection of Your right hand!!!!!

Psalm 49 speaks of foolishness in riches.         we can't take it with us and the wealthy while living congratulate themselves for being rich.        if anyone pays any attention to what's going on around them, we see that most of the rich have stolen their way to the top of the dung heap.        we see many people in politics who have gotten wealthy off the backs of the working poor.       God will take care of all this one day.          the best we can do today, is be honest and keep trusting in God.         those who are charging their way to the top of dung heap will reap their just rewards of stench.        how do you know if they're lying, listen to who's screaming the loudest.         who has the most sin and thievery to be uncovered, those screaming the loudest.         consider the little word study done on the "right hand of God".          the left hand is associated with weakness and negativity and I would say that those who are living their lives inclined to the left are definitely associated with weakness, negativity, stealing, cheating and lying to the people.          it's being exposed.        wait for it.     

Psalm 50 is talking about God being the judge over the righteous and the wicked.         God Himself will make all things right in His timing. 

Psalm 51 shows us what a repentant heart should look like.            he say, "create in me a clean heart, oh God".          these are words that we need to keep at the forefront of our minds all the time.        you know, when we drift away from God, we lose the joy of our salvation.         we'll not lose our salvation if we've put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ, but we can lose our joy.          that's when we must ask God to restore the joy of our salvation and that's where repentance comes in.         

Psalm 52  speaks of being boastful in wickedness.          I think that's something that we're all very familiar with this day and time.         what I think about first and foremost is all evil and wickedness associated with all perversion that has been forced down out throats for many years and all the shameful indoctrination that has come with that.        the very thing that God has called abominable in His word, more times than once, is the very thing that is now paraded around as normal and the very thing that we all need to be doing.       well, it's straight from the pits of hell and even the perverts know that, they just don't care.        I have been asking for many years for someone to show me just 1 verse in the bible where God or Jesus Christ is welcoming that behavior in heaven.         it's not there!!!!        and those who live in such a way are hell bound.         that's not me hating on anyone, that's me telling the truth in love.        I don't want to see anyone go to hell, but the wicked are hell bound unless they turn to the right hand of God.         I will trust in the faithfulness of god.

Psalm 53, "the fool has said in his heart there is no God".          God will restore His people.

Psalm 54 shows us that we are to pray for God's protection against our enemies.         and if you are a Christian, just know that you have enemies and lots of them.        But God!!!

next time we will pick up at Psalm 55.


well, I guess that's about all I have today.         I pray that we all have a great day today and that we thank God for allowing us to be a part of it.        I pray that we all keep seeking after the heart of God in all our ways.         blessings of strength and power thru Jesus Christ be ours today!!!

hugs and love, patty

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Bible Study

good morning sweet friends.             it sprinkled a little bit over night, but the sun is shining nicely right now.          we had temperatures of 77 degrees yesterday.          we sure did.         it was nice too.         I transplanted all my tomatoes yesterday and put them in my little sprout house in the garage.         I got stevia and herbs in my hydroponic system.         I'm going to take out the 8 peppers that have sprouted and doing good and get them out in the sprout house and then I can start my hot peppers.        woohoo.

I had gone to aldi the other day and got our grapes for the week.        so we'll do a quick "2 minutes in the kitchen with me" and I'll show you how I take care of my grapes.        I'll run a bowl of water and put my grapes in the water and let them soak for a while.          

then I'll pick the grapes and and put them in my lock and lock box with a paper towel in the bottom.  

I love having them easy to grab as a snack and so does my hubby.

quick, easy and good.          we love them, along with the mandarin oranges


let's have our little "giggle for the day":

Q - What has four wheels and flies?

A- A garbage truck!

well, that stinks!!!!   😂😂😂😂😂


we pick up in Psalm 35 with David praying for rescue from his enemies.          have you ever prayed for God to rescue you from your enemies?           more than like, not in the means that David prayed, but I've we've all had people in our lives that we wanted protection from.         if not before today, we probably will at some time in the remainder of lives.        let us take a lesson from David and pray for God to help us.         and then praise God for His salvation all day long.

Psalm 36, David talks about the wickedness of humanity.         and as bad as it was in David's time, it seems like it's even worse now.         it probably isn't, we just have more ways of hearing about it and seeing it, than they had in Davids day.       that's the absolute worst thing about mass media, we see and hear about all the evil stuff going on and makes me wonder if there's anything good at all.       Yes, there is, and that's the goodness of God!!!         even with as wicked and evil as the heart of man is, God is faithful and God is good and David will always praise God!!!         do I praise God as much as I should?  probably not, but David is a good reminder that I need to praise God more.       what about you?

in Psalm 37, David is talking about the security of those who trust in the Lord.         where does your security come from?         your job, your status in life, your vehicle, your bank account?        our security comes from God alone!!!!         all the things I mentioned and everything I didn't mention, comes from God alone.       none of us are good enough to provide our own security.        David said "rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him".         who knew we needed to have patience?         well, we do and sometimes life will help us develop patience, when we rest in the Lord.        did you know that the Holy Spirit in you irritates the devil in the wicked?         well it does, and that's why the wicked are always trying to hurt God's people.       trust the Lord and wait patiently on Him.

in Psalm 38, David is grieving over his sin and seeking forgiveness and telling God how anxious he is over his sin and that he admits his guilt.        another good lesson for us.        does our sin actually grieve us?         does it make us willingly admit our guilt to God without any "but" this or "but that's?         we always have a way of trying to justify our sin.       David just says "I'm guilty".       and he asks God not to abandon him.         we can see again that David is seeking the heart of God.       may we do also.

in Psalm 39, David was desperate and felt like he had nothing to live for.         have you ever felt that way?          I pray we haven't, but I also pray that if we ever do that we take it to God, just like David did.         he said his was in the Lord.       so is mine and yours.        keep seeking the heart of God no matter how desperate we become.

Psalm 40, in David's waiting on God, God sustained him.         God gave David a new sone in his heart!!!        God gives all a new song of praise.      I love it!!!          God's mercy and truth continually watched over David.         may it be so with us today.         mercy and truth is what changes lives.

Psalm 41, David says, blessed is the one who considers the helpless.        wow, I wonder how many consider the helpless today?         I don't the helpless are being considered at abortion clinics.        I don't the helpless are being considered when parents want to turn their children in something that they weren't born as.        I pray that all that stops.        I pray that it's considered as child abuse and will be treated as such.       I pray that God intervenes in all the heinous activities taking place over the planet and puts a stop to it.       there will be a day of reckoning.

next time we pick up Part 2 of the book of Psalms with Psalm 42.


well, I guess that's about all I have today.          I hope we all continue to seek after the heart of God in all that we do.         blessings of truth and mercy be ours today.          hugs and love, patty

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Bible Study and bread continuation

good morning beautiful ones!!!!!           let me tell you something, it got up to 73 degrees here yesterday!!!         oh yes it did, and it felt might fine, mighty fine indeed.        I pray that its a sign of good stuff to come.          come on spring, we're ready for ya!!!          got up and took the car to have the oil changed and tires rotated, then went to the park and got our walk in and just got in and we're eating breakfast as I type.         we have a lot to do today and I have 2 post it notes full of what I need to do.      it will feel pretty good to start crossing them off.        the sun is shining beautifully and I hope it stays that way.        it will help me stay in the mood for getting some tomatoes put in solo cups.       I hope I can get that done too.         if I can get those out of the hydro unit, I can get more seeds started.        I want to get some lettuce started, but I can actually start those outside, so I may do that.         we need to make a run to lowes and get some container soil so I can get my strawberry pots filled and ready to start some strawberries.        I have red, white and yellow strawberry seeds and looking forward to all of them.        oh well, let's get on with our day and we'll make it a good one.


let's got to the kitchen and do another "2 minutes in the kitchen with me".            it seems I'm stuck on bread, but what can I say, we eat bread.           we love bread.            we enjoy bread.          I've not bought bread in many years because I can make pretty much what I want.            this was some of the last batch of cornbread swirls I made here back and put in the freezer.         I took these out as frozen dough and let rise then bake them.        having the dough in the freezer is so wonderful!!!        I would make the suggestion for you to try it if you haven't.           it makes having fresh bread so easy.          when we get ready to have a cornbread swirl with a meal, I'll pop it in the toaster over to warm it up and once it get's warm, I'll put a think pat of butter on it to let it melt into the bread.          it's so good, we just love it so much. 

these are buns from the last batch of yeast bread I made.           they are not the brioche buns that I make all the time, these are the antique white bread with some whole wheat thrown in.          but these are so soft and nice and smell wonderful.  these are the ones that my husband loves so much.         he has one for breakfast every morning with a egg, sausage, cheese pattie on the bun.         these are delicious!!!         

when I get these baked, I'll prop the bun up on the edge of the pan so they don't sweat while they're cooling down.            if I leave them in the little divot the will sweat and will get wet.          we don't like soggy bottoms, so I'll do this till they cooled down and then they get bagged up and put in the fridge.      these are wonderful hamburger buns too.        so give these a try.     they are very versatile.          you can even leave them round in a ball and make dinner rolls.          we just prefer them as buns.

well, I guess that's about it for the bead caper this time.          hope you enjoyed it.

let's have our little "giggle for the day":

Q - Why were the fish’s grades bad?

A - They were below sea level.

hahahaha  bad fish, bad fish!!!

let's pick up at Psalm 21.    king David is praising God for His strength and salvation!!        we need to praise God for His strength and salvation also.        David felt blessed forever.          David also knew that God would take care of his enemies and we will sing and praises God's power.         the power that David knew is the same power today.        God hasn't changed one iota, He takes care of us and we can sing praise about God's strength and power.       amen!!

in Psalm 22 we see that David has turned to anguish and fear.          why have You forsaken me?        have you ever asked God that?          we all probably have at some time or another.      yet David trusted God and said that You have been my God since my mothers womb.         what a faith David had.   at his lowest, he said he would tell his brothers about God.        David would always find a way to sing God's praise.          I pray that when I'm at my lowest, that God will help me find a way to praise Him.

in Psalm 23 David praised God for being His shepherd.         and meeting all his needs.      probably one of the most familiar Psalm and most people reading my blog probably memorized it many years ago.     does your cup overflow?          if you know Jesus Christ as you Lord and  Savior, your cup certainly does overflow.         goodness and mercy follows us.        praise HIs name!!!

Psalm 24 tells us whom the earth belongs to.          it is the Lords and everything in it.        who can stand in His holy place?        the one who has clean hands and a pure heart.         who is the King of glory?       the Lord of armies is the King of glory!!!         praise Him!!!

in Psalm 25, David was wanting God to teach him His ways.        teach him His paths and  lead him in His truth.         David was a man seeking after the heart of God.       I want God to teach me his ways and lead me in truth.         guard my soul and save me was David's prayer.        it's mine too.

Psalm 26, David is asking God for protection because he had walked in integrity.         he had trusted the Lord without wavering.        he didn't have anything to do with deceitful people, pretenders, or the wicked.        with a voice of thanksgiving, he would declare all Gods wonders.         these are very powerful praises to God.        I am almost overwhelmed when I read these Psalms of praise.  

in Psalm 27 David said that with God as his defense, who should he, David dread?         absolutely no one.        be strong, take courage and wait for the Lord.  

Psalm 28 is another plea for help and God  heard David and answered.         the Lord is my strength and my shield.         and with my song I will thank Him.         do we thank God with our songs?       we should.         

in Psalm 29 David is recognizing God in the storm.         do we recognize God in our storms?         I know that when my life is a storm, I'm not alone.        God is with me and He keeps me.        God gives strength and peace to His people.

in Psalm 30 is one of my favorite verses, "weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning"!!         sometimes it's hard just to make it thru the night, but once I do, there is great joy that seems to come with morning dawn.        I praise God for those mornings of joy!!

Psalm 31, David asked how great is God's goodness?         when he called to God, He helped David.       be strong and let your heart courage, all who wait on the Lord.          our strength comes directly from the Lord, let's sing His praises.

Psalm32,  David said that when he confessed his sin, God forgave his sin.        that is something that we can count on.         unconfessed sin eats away at us, but once we confess it, it's forgiven.          God is our hiding place.          what could be more comforting than that?         absolutely nothing!!

Psalm 33, again David is praising God as creator, He spoke it all into being and He is our help and our shield and we trust in His holy name.

Psalm 34, David says, taste and see that the Lord is good!!!          fear the Lord, for those who fear the Lord will have no want for anything.         want to know how to gain God's favor, fear Him.       have reverence for Him.      

next time we pick up at Psalm 35.
I guess this is where call it good.          I pray that we'll all continue to seek after the heart of God in all things we do today.          David wasn't perfect, but he repented, he praised God in all things, he asked God for His protection, and he kept on seeking the heart of God.         he set a good example for us, being sinful people.         repent, praise, seek God in all things, and keep on seeking the heart of God.    let's all have a great day and praise God that we are a part of it.      blessings God's strength and favor be ours today.         hugs and love, patty  

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Bible Study and tomatoes

good morning my awesome friends!!!!            I pray that each and every one of you are doing fabulous today.           I hope that you have a great day ahead.           I already know that we have a busy week ahead.          a lot of it will be outside and I do look forward to that.        we both have been cooped up in the house and eating a lot of wonderful meals.         doesn't sound too bad does it?          well, it's great if you can be active and burn a  few calories.        hahaha          but a snow week is not the time to eat everything in sight.        we didn't overindulge, we're just usually more active than we were this past week.        so, I'm hoping to get the activity level a little higher.         I need to pay a visit to aldi, I need to get the utility bill paid, get some meds refilled, we need to go to the bank, a dr's appt, have the oil changed in the car and the tires rotated.         it seems everything piles up when it snows.        just like a snow drift, it all piles up.          so it will be good to get all this behind us and do some fun stuff outside. 


so this will be a little different "2 minutes in the kitchen with me" today, but it should be a good one.      I know I have been talking about my tomato plants in my hydroponic unit, well, I thought I would introduce you to my little toms!!          they are doing soooooo good and I hope to get them put in solo cups this week and out in the little sprout house in the garage where I have grow lights and heat pads for them to sit on.        it will keep the warm at night.         then if for some reason, it's going to turn off colder than we have planned on, my husband has another area fixed up where we can move them to and it will keep them much warmer.         so I think it will be ok to go ahead and get them put in the graage with the grow light and heat mats.  

I just pray that they all make it.           this pic was taken a week or more ago, so they have grown a lot more now.          I'm looking forward to good tomatoes from these and they should produce well, we'll just have to wait and see.         what all are you growing this year?


I think it's time for our "giggle for the day":

Q - What does corn say when it gets a compliment?

A - Aw, shucks!

😂😂😂  I know, I know, it was a little corny!!   bada bing bada boom!!  hahaha


let's pick back up in the book of Psalms with Psalm 9.         I don't know of any other person in the bible that praised God as much as David did.         we would all do well to strive to praise God like David did at all times.          David was continuously asking God to see those who hated him and done evil towards him.          he was thankful for God's justice.         he referred to God as a stronghold for the oppressed and a stronghold in a time of trouble.       I have found that to be true, and I'll just imagine you have found that to be true also.       He is always faithful and just.       He makes Himself known and He always executes justice.        praise Him!!!   

Psalm 10 is talking about the wicked people.        how they desire the wrong things, they curse, oppress and lie.           the lurk around and pull people into their snares.        David cries out to the Lord to help the humble, the orphan and to strengthen them and vindicate the orphaned and the oppressed.        David asks Him to seek the wicked till no more could be found.         I agree with David, Lord seek the wicked till no more can be found.

Psalm 11, David is talking about the Lord being a place to take refuge.        I find comfort in that and a sense of peace that knows we need His comfort and He makes Himself our refuge, a place of comfort away from the evil.        the Lord loves the righteous and we who are righteous will see Him.       I look forward to seeing all that God is.    

Psalm 12, David reminds us that God is our helper against the treacherous.         people speak only lies and have flattering lips and a double heart.        and a double heart is not a good thing.         hypocrisy and deceit are on their tongues.        they say one thing while they mean something else.       sounds very familiar.        from all the power houses across this planet we see hypocrisy and deceit at it's best.        it's in all the government, in every government across this planet.         they are not genuine and they have hidden agendas.          does this sound familiar at all?          it should.       we all see it play out all across this earth.       wicked people in high places.         we just have to remember that God is judge and He is just.

Psalm 13, David asked the Lord if He will forget him forever.          have ever wanted to ask the Lord that same thing?          I'll bet you have.       David said he would trust God's faithfulness.        that's good for me to remember.         do you ever sing to the Lord?         David did, and I do too sometimes.       when I'm in the kitchen, I'm usually singing out loud to Lord, or silently in my heart, but either way, I'm singing to the Lord.

Psalm 14, the fool has said in his heart, there is no God.         it truly is a fool that says that.      are there any who act wisely and seek God?         but the Lord is the righteous persons refuge.  

Psalm 15, tells of the unshakable person.         there is no deceit in him, a person of integrity, righteous, speaks with truth in his heart, no slander, no harm to his neighbor, no shame to his friend, despises despicable people, he honors those who fear the Lord, doesn't change, doesn't take a bribe.      these are the people who will settle on His holy hill!!

Psalm 16, David has put the Lord before him continually.       he thinks on the Lord both day and night and because God is at His right hand, he will not be shaken.        David was seeking after the heart of God and he found it.         David wasn't perfect, he sinned, but he repented and he kept seeking after the heart of God.        God didn't remember David for his sin, he remember David because he was continuously seeking after the heart of God.

Psalm 17, David had asked God to keep him as the apple of his eye and to keep him in the shelter of his wings.         these are two very comforting things to think about.

Psalm 18,  God had rescued David from Saul and David wrote a most beautiful song of praise to and for God.         there are some very powerful words in this song.          strength, rock, fortress, savior, shield, horn of my salvation, stronghold, and worthy to be praised.       do a word study on "horn of my salvation" sometime and see what all that encompasses.      this is a very powerful song of praise to be read back to God during a time of trouble.

Psalm 19, and David tells the Lord that the law of the Lord is perfect, restores the soul, makes the simple wise, makes the heart rejoice, enlightens the eyes, sweeter than honey, purer than gold and endures forever.         he desires the words of his mouth and meditations of his heart be acceptable in the sight of the Lord.       that is my desire also.       I love the words of David in this psalm.

Psalm 20, David was praising God for victory and he said some praise their chariots, some praise the horses, but David will praise the name of the Lord.        what a powerful statement.         in all of David's success, he stayed humble.         that's why he could praise God in such a mighty way.          with a lot of people, a little popularity goes to their head, David remained humble.

next time we pick up with Psalm 21.


well, I guess that's about it for this morning.          I pray that we all have a great day today and that we can be seen seeking after the heart of God.       what better way to spend our time.        we have some things to get done today and I hope we can find time to praise God for being the lifter of our head, for being our rock, our fortress, our strength and all the other many attributes we learned about Him today.    I think it's fair to say that God, thru the shed blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, is enough!!!         He's enough to meet our every need.         the world tells us we need more of whatever there is to get more of.         but God is enough!!!         blessings of peace and grace be ours today.         hugs and love, patty

Monday, February 24, 2025

Bible Study and bell peppers and onions

well howdy, good folks!!!         guess what, we are on a warming trend in my neck of the woods and I am as pleased as punch about that!!!        woohoo!!!!         yippee!!!!!!!         yes indeedy, I'm mighty thrilled about that!!           we have a busy week ahead of us, but I'm hoping to get a lot of, if  not all of my  tomatoes put in solo cups so I can get more started in my small hydroponics systems.         I have 2 that holds 12 pods each.          I'll try to remember and share pictures of them sometime.         it's a great way to get good starts.        you just have to remember that when you take them from the hydro units and put them in starter mix, you have to keep them pretty wet for about a week or so then you can start watering them like you normally would any seed starts.       you have to acclimate them from water to soil.       it's really pretty easy, or was last year.       I also want to get some dollar tree stacking 3 pocket containers together and get them filled to put some strawberry seeds in.     I have 3 different small type strawberries; red, yellow and white; that I'm pretty excited to try and get started this season.        I'll get them planted and then take them to the garage and put them in my little sprout house in there.     that gives me something to really look forward to.


let's do a "2 minutes in the kitchen with me" right about now.      hahaha          this is a project that had been on my "to do" list all week.         I had wanted to do it before today, but my arms and wrists hurt so bad that I just couldn't.         but I decided today was the day.          so I got my game plan going and got it done.          6 lbs of onions and 2 and a half pounds of snacking bell peppers, all from aldi.        the bag of onions that I got this week at aldi had several rotten ones in it.          I have to say that this is quite unusual for aldi.       I'm just happy that I processed them now instead of using some of the others that was in the fridge.        anyway, I got them cleaned up and chopped.      as per me, I forgot to take pics of the early process.        but as I was getting ready to vac seal these, I did remember to take a few pics so I could show you a little bit anyway.

there is 1 cup onions and 1/2 cup bell peppers per flip top sandwich bag.          I ended up with 13 bags.     I rolled the flip top bags and got as much air from them as I could.         then I got my vac seal bags and slid 4 flip top bags down in the vac seal bag and sealed it and then vac sealed it.        I put labels on them and dated them and put them in the freezer.      

I wanted to show you the little gizmo that made this process a lot faster for me than it would have been otherwise.           I wouldn't have even done it, if I didn't have this little chopper.          to be more  specific, I couldn't have done it.           but when I got the onions peeled and cleaned, I sliced them in 1/2 inch slices.          I'm pretty good at eyeballing it.         then I put the slices in this chopper and just hit it with my hand and it chops right thru.          making a very quick time of something that would have taken me hours otherwise.         I done the same thing with the bell peppers.         I'd cut the stem off and slice it down the middle and pick the seeds out and then I actually put 4 or 5 slices of peppers in the chopper at a time.        it took maybe 45 minutes from start to finish with this project and if I would have had to dice everything by hand, it would have taken me hours.          

and just some more info on this chopper, if you can't hit it with hand hard enough to make it cut thru the onion or pepper, I have learned that I can rest my forearm across the top of the chopper; put my other arm across the one on the chopper and lean onto it with my upper body weight and that works well.        that's how I usually do it, but my husband was outside yesterday when I was chopping, so I could give it a good whack and chop.      when he's inside, I try to make as little noise as possible, because noise really hurts his head.       so we try to help each other in every way possible and that's one way I help him, by trying to keep the noise down.

this is what my chopper looks like from the top view.

this is the brand.    it's an oxo brand.         they have good little pieces of kitchen gadgets and this is one of my faves.         and I think they do have  stuff for people like me, that have problems with their hands and arms. 

this is what it looks like opened up.            there is a red-ish liner like thing on the top.         that is what pulls all the stuck bits out of the little nibs that you see that pushes the food down on the blades to be chopped.          you could live without it, but why would you want to?        hahaha          I tell you that because if you ever get one of these, you want to make sure you don't throw it away.        it's a smart piece of the chopper.         it pulls right out and then you can wash it all and put it back in the top.

I put a damp towel under it so you could see the blades better.   

this is a good sideview of this sweet little chopper.

this is the rear view.            when it gets full, just empty it out in a bowl and go back to slapping and knocking until you get the job done.          hahahaha           you can see the hinge area where the top will come off very easily.            then the part with the blade section pops out easily.          it's very easy to take apart, wash and put back together.         I can't remember what I gave for it.       but you can find it on amazon.           just type in oxo chopper and look for something that looks like this and that's it.      hahaha          I don't remember how I came about the info on this or if I just was searching amazon and found it.        I knew I didn't want one of those that had a ton of separate pieces.         I just wanted a one piece, use as is, type chopper.          and this has been a great tool in my kitchen for a few years now.

I just checked on the price of it at amazon and it's $20.99.          I did not pay that much for it, I think I paid less than $10 for it, but that was a few years ago.         but I would pay $20.99 for it, it's worth every penny.          there's a lot more that's fancier and has a ton of swap outs that comes with them and if that's what you want, they have them, plenty of them.         but if simple is your style, this is it.        it's worth every penny.

and, by the way, while we're still in the kitchen, those hot dog buns I made are deeee-licious!!!!     we each had an aldi apple and chicken sausage one and wowzers, it was delicious.        a little bit of mustard and a little cheese, it was purrrrr-fection in a hot dog bun!!!       so, don't be afraid to try something different!!


let's have a "giggle for the day":

Q - What did the triangle say to the circle?

A - You’re pointless.



let's look at the book of Psalms again.           do you ever feel like you have more enemies than any one person should ever have?         David felt the same way.         one of his enemies was his own son.     notice the word "selah" at the end of a stanza.        that word means "think on these things".         any time you see this word in scripture, it means to give considerable thought to what you just read.       give God the time to show you what He wants you to glean from it.         I love how David says that God is the lifter of his head in Chapter 3.          has God ever been the lifter of your head?         He sure has been for me, many times.        He is and has been and will always be my shield.        when God is our protector, we can lay down and sleep.        

Chapter 4 tells us that God has set apart the godly for Himself, think about that.           even before I was born, I know that God had me set apart for Himself.        it took quite a few years to get me to that point, but as read and reread, I can where God was working ahead of me, working my salvation out for me, thru the shed blood of Jesus Christ.       thank You God!!!

Chapter 5 tells us that God not take pleasure in wickedness.         we can see that theme starting all the back to Genesis and moving forward.         we can see how we as God's greatest creation, has always missed the mark.         God hates boasters, lairs, injustice, bloodshed and deceit.        this is just a short list of the things that God finds abominable.        David recognizes this and prays that God will make the way straight for him.         David also asks for God to make his enemies pay for all their wickedness and he prays for God to shelter those who rejoice in Him.

in Chapter 6, David implores God to be merciful to him and to rescue his soul.         he confesses that the Lord has heard his weeping and pleading and prayers and will put his enemies to shame.        praise God that He hears our prayers!!

in Chapter 7 David continues his pleas with God.       asking to be saved from those who pursue him.   David pleads for the wicked come to an end and replace it with righteousness.        that sounds like something we need to praying for today.       notice too that David always praise God for his righteousness and sings praises to His holy name.         may we always be found doing the same!!

Chapter 8, David says some of the most beautiful praise words about God.         majesty, splendor , strength, to name a few.         simply beautiful.        why we would not want to read these back to God in the form of prayer and praise His name with some of the most beautiful praises ever written.         have you ever considered the grandness of God's creation?     David did and his description of creation is simply breathtaking, it truly is.        God created a beautiful earth, everything that man could possibly ever need and use thru the ages since the beginning of time.        we reach this day and age, and humanity is trying to turn everything back about 5 thousand years because they think we're running out resources.          my friends, if we trust God, we'll NEVER run out of the natural resources that God has provided.        a lot of the stuff that we hear people screaming about is stuff that's been made up by people that want to be relevant.        even they know that they are lying thru their teeth.         why would God create what He has created and then take natural resources away from us?         He wouldn't and He hasn't!!!          it's the unbelievers and the evil hearted people that have risen to power that is spewing this propaganda and indoctrination.          God provides it for us and He expects us to use it.         He put man over every thing on this planet, He created man as His greatest accomplishment, now man has knocked humanity lower than the lowly earthworm.        the earthworm has more significance than humans.           and I'll have to agree, that earthworms has more value than the humans that have been trying to remove God from society.        I just pray that God will open eyes, and hearts, and brains with the ability to reason and think for themselves and remove the indoctrination that has taken place for so long.        I pray for God to stir the hearts of humanity once again for truth.

next time, we'll pick up at Psalm Chapter 9.


well, that's a wrap for today.        I think we're gonna get out and enjoy a little bit of warmth, while it warms up even more.         I pray that we all have a fantastic day and that we keep God at the forefront of all we do.        let us always be found seeking after the heart of God.        nothing could be better than that.        blessings of wisdom and perseverance be ours today and every day.        hugs and love, patty

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bible Study and bread, again

good morning beautiful people!!!!           guess what we got?        warming temps!!!!         woohoo!!!    yay, yes, I'm so thrilled.         maybe all this snow will get blasted outta here.        I sure hope so.        I'm ready for the sun to shine and I'm ready to get my tomatoes put in solo cups so I can start some more seeds.       I'm just ready for a little bit of warmth and heat.      like they say, if you don't like the weather, just wait 15 minutes and it will change.       so I've been waiting, and waiting, and waiting and I'm ready for it already!!         hahaha          we'll probably have one last hoorah of winter around the middle of march, we usually do in my area.         but by then, it won't last long.        I'm just itching to get my hands in the dirt.       hahaha        it will happen, it will happen, it will happen.       hahaha  


ok, are you ready for the "giggle for the day"?        ready or not, here it is:

Q - Why did the bicycle fall over?

A - Because it was two tired.

😂😂😂😁😁😫😫😒😒  well, I did say "ready or not".      hahaha


and we have another "2 minutes in the kitchen with me", who knew.       hahaha       I think I had mentioned  that snow days were good day to bake bread.        hahaha         well, they are, so I got another batch made.           this is a batch of sourdough bread.          I fed the starter very early in the morning.          later on about 10 am I made the dough and let it rise till about 3 pm.      then I punched it down and weighed it and made 2 mini loaves and 4 hot dog buns.         I let them rise till about 8 pm and then I baked them and got them out of the over and this is the finished produce.     tada!

I really like making the mini loaves.          I can slice lengthways and get 6 slices and then I make panini sandwiches from them and they are so good.          I'll do that about once a week.        we love them and could eat them every day, but my goodness, I sure don't need it.        I want it, but don't need it.       hahaha

these buns will be super too.         I like to put an aldi brand apple chicken sausage on these.        they are so good on these buns.         I'll be making more of the buns too.        

these are sourdough buns.          the next hotdog buns I make will be from my brioche bread recipe.        I love that bead recipe better than any recipe I have, other than my sourdough recipe.     

I hope if you don't make homemade bread from scratch that you'll give it a try.         it's very rewarding!!


let's take a look at the book Psalms today.         it's a very long book with a lot of songs of praise, poems and prayers.         it's pretty easy to find something good in this book.          because every page of it has praise to God.         the very first Psalm starts by telling us that whoever reads and thinks on the word of God is blessed.        if for no  other  reason, reading  the  bible each day can and will be a blessing for us.   when we focus on it and try to glean from His word, what God wants us learn, that in itself is a blessing.       how else will we ever know the heart of God.         this is where we will see what pleases God.        if we don't know how to pray or what to pray, find a Psalm and read it.        read it to God.      the bible says that His words do not return void to Him.         when we pray and read God's own words back to Him, He will act upon those words.         one of the ways to seek after the heart of God is to develop a life long habit of prayer.         without prayer and God's word, how else can we know the heart of God?         it's impossible.       I can certainly tell you that the world will not ever point you in the direction of God.     we will only find Him in His word.          do you readily know a lie when you hear it?         can you spot a fake when you see a fake?         that's where wisdom and discernment come into the picture.       Solomon prayed for wisdom and discernment and God gave it to him.        those are 2 characteristics that God is more than happy to give His true seekers.          

the days we are living in actually requires some wisdom and discernment to maneuver around all the lies we've been told for so long.        some of those lies are actually being exposed now and the devil in the liars, is getting very upset.       just so know you, those who scream, yell and kick  are the ones who have been liars for many years and are trying to keep from getting exposed.        some of us knew all along, but some are just now seeing the lies being exposed.         I pray that God will keep exposing the liars in high places until they're all exposed.        if they have been guilty of wasting tax payers dollars, I pray they get exposed.         if they are guilty of stuffing their pockets or their friends pockets, I pray they get exposed.         I pray that we'll see the days of them all paying the tax payers back of all they have stolen from us.      I pray God's will be done in all of this.        when we have a relationship with Him thru the shed blood of Christ, then we really know and see what's going on, even when people are telling us differently.          we've listened to news media and anyone can see how biased they are.        they are doing everything they can to destroy this nation.        I've said for years that most of them need to be shut down.        and that they are being paid off and that's been found out to be true.        so with the grace of God, lies are being exposed.         I pray that we keep seeking after the heart of God in all that we do.         my prayer is for the ones that are Christians, to stay strong, stand firm and don't be afraid, because God is with them and us and He will fight for them  and us and we're seeing some of that even as I type.   

in order for us to remain  strong, we  need to pray and read these Psalms daily.       king David wrote a lot of these to God himself.        David wasn't a man without sin, but he was a man after God's own heart.         none of us are without sin either, but we can be people after God's own heart.        what are you seeking after?          let's seek after the heart of God and find Him in every one of these Psalms.


well, I guess we'll wrap it up here for the time being.          I pray we all have a blessed day and that we can be found seeking after the heart of God.        may peace and wisdom be ours today.          

hugs and love, patty

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Bible Study and more bread, yay!!!

good morning my beautiful lovelies!!!!         after a high of 21* yesterday, we had a low 14* this morning and that's pretty cold.         I'm concerned about my garlic, but I'll not know anything about whether it even survived until it gets warm enough to see if it starts growing or not.        I did get some to replace it, so I hope it starts putting out sprouts soon.        hahaha         next week, we're supposed to have a little warmer weather.       so I'm looking forward to that.       we have to take the car in next week to get the oil changed in it and the tires rotated, so that will be a chore, but it will be nice to get it done and not have to worry about it.       I'm looking forward to sunshiny day, warm days and days that we can get back out and get our walks in.        that's what I'm looking forward to.        what are you looking forward to?


well, guess what?          looks I got in some more bread making time!!!         I sure did and I'm as pleased as punch over that!!!          I made another batch of my doctored up antique white loaf bread turned into buns.        this first pic here shows how I made my dough balls by weighing out each ball.        I can't remember to get a shot of the original dough ball, it's after the fact, that I think of it.        hahaha        oh well, I did remember this much.         I put 6 of this batch in one of my muffin top pans to let them rise and bake in a little bit, after they have doubled in height.        they won't get any larger than the 4 inches in width, but I don't know yet, how tall they'll get.        we'll find out before this post is done.       each dough ball weighed 70 grams.

I think I had mentioned that I put 1/2 cup of whole wheat flour in the first batch I made and also in this one too.          we just prefer a little whole wheat to plain flour.          they are in the oven right now and they are smelling really good!!

this batch made 16 also.            I used 3 of my other trays to put the rest of the rolls on.          they look funky, not really pretty, but when I thaw them out in the muffin top pan and bake them, they will be gorgeous!!!

this is what they looked like just after getting them shaped and in the muffin top pans.

this is what they looked like just before I popped them in the oven.  they rose up really good.

this is what they looked like after about 20 minutes in the oven.           next time I'll just give them about 17 minutes.           but they are beautiful and smell wonderful!!

I raised them to the edge of the pan so they won't sweat on the bottoms and make them soft and wet.    two of these will be for supper tonight when we have turkey cheese burgers.        yum yum!!!        the rest will be for my husband's breakfast each morning.          he will love them.        yay!!!         my next goal for snow day bread making is sourdough.        we'll see, I should be able to make that happen too.


it's time for todays "giggle for the day", so let's do this.       get your little giggle box turned on, ok.

Q - Why do cows wear bells?

A - Because their horns don’t work.

😂😂😂😂   I told you to get ready for it.   hahahahaha


let's see if we can finish up with Job today.         with friends like Jobs', he didn't need any enemies and sometimes that's the way we are.         we may not have the best friends.     friends that want to lead us astray with our thoughts and actions.      I have to say that I have some of the best friends that I've ever had in my life and I'm so proud to be able to say that.       Job's friends had beat him  up pretty good verbally and just knew everything happened because he had sinned.         They talked through several chapters.       he finally  got tired  of addressing  his friends  and took his complaint right straight to God.       Job was in agony and pain.        at one time he was actually covered in boils and I can't imagine the pain of that and neither could his friends.       Job had come to the conclusion that God was fair and just.      but he still couldn't understand why all these bad things had happened to him, nothing made sense and he just wanted God to explain it to him.        I don't know if anyone else can relate, but I sure can.        I haven't experienced anything like Job experienced, but sometimes we just want answers as to why.       

so God visited Job in a storm and throwed a bunch of questions at him.      one of the questions that God asked Job and this is me paraphrasing, "where were you when I created everything?"          "did you put the sun, moon and stars in place?"         "would you like to have My job for one day Job?"        "do you want to take care of the weather for one day?"        "have you ever woke the sun up one single time?"

questions that I don't think anyone would ever want to try to answer, when asked by by God.        I have to admit, reading this kinda hits home for me and I did find myself wiping a few tears, and wiping them again as I type this.        who am I, in the grand scheme of things, to even think about questioning God, much less actually doing it, like Job did.        

God tells Job that we live in a dangerous, beautiful world.         danger exists and beauty exists and things don't always happen as we think it should..        we can see that, clearly, every day we are blessed with sight.       some of the danger, is more of a hidden danger.          when God was telling this to Job, He mentioned a leviathan, which I think was an ocean dwelling creature and behemoth, which I think was a land dwelling creature.       both were symbols of danger.          the world we live in is both beautiful and dangerous, but God doesn't explain why it's that way.        and by the time that God was done talking to Job, he was convinced that he couldn't understand God's explanation, even if He did try to explain it to Job.         I think that was a pretty smart conclusion on Jobs part. 

Job came to the conclusion, who was he to judge God?        we don't have knowledge or the reasoning to pass judgement of God's reasoning and actions.         my mind can't comprehend the mind of God.      we are finite and  God is infinite.         we  are limited in  our  knowledge  and  wisdom, God is all knowing.       Job finally came to the conclusion that he doesn't understand anything about God, but he will make the decision to trust Him and have faith in Him.       we still have all the unanswered questions, but we don't need the answers, we just need to trust God and have faith in Him that if He allows it, there's a reason.       I don't  have to  know all  the reasons, I  just  have to trust that God has my best interests at heart at all times.        is that easy?         when everything is going smooth, yes, it's easy.         but when the rubber meets the road, is where we have to dig deep during the struggle, the difficult, painful times, to remain faithful to God and trust that He has plan and He will see it thru.  

in the end, God restores Job and blesses him with more than he had lost.         God also puts his friends in their places and defends Jobs' character to them.        his friends was wrong to blame God and Job finally turned from listening to his friends and listened to God.

sometimes we need to get better friends.        a lot of times, those so called friends are waiting for us to fall, not so they can help us up, but so they can beat us with a stick while we're down.        I've had a lot of those friends in my lifetime.        I'll be satisfied with 2 or 3 really good friends than to have a bunch of fair weather friends who talk about me behind my back.       God was pleased with Job's humility, and honesty  in admitting  his struggle and  remaining faithful even though he didn't understand all the whys.        we'll never understand  it all, we're not capable of understanding all there is to know about God.       but we can know that He is just in all that He does.       and I believe that some of these days, when Jesus comes again, that all these questions will be answered.        till then, we'll remain faithful and trust His ways and know that everything He does is right and just.

next time we'll start in the book of Psalm.          it's a long one y'all, get ready for the ride.       again, I don't know how we'll go thru this one, but we'll do something.    


well, that'll just about wrap this one up for the day.        I hope and pray that we all have a great day and that we keep seeking after the heart of God.        there's nothing better that we can be doing.        asking God to break our heart over the things that breaks His is one of the ways we can be seeking after heart of God.        there's been a lot of pain and hurt due to weather circumstances all across the country here lately.       people are hurting, may we be found looking for ways to help these people.       may blessings of grace and wisdom be ours today.        hugs and love, patty

Friday, February 21, 2025

Bible Study and more bread making

good frosty morning from my neck of the tundra!!!        hahaha        it was a nice cool 3 degrees this morning!!!           but, right now, it's a toasty 5 degrees.         I am not ashamed to admit that I am hooked on the luxury of heat.         if the power went off on a morning like this morning, it would be difficult to deal with.         so while I'm in luxury this morning, my heart breaks for the ones who are flooded, snow covered and without electricity.          I pray that God makes a way for all of them.        it's bad enough when it's just cold, but when people have been flooded and piled up with snow and now the bitter cold, it's like 3 strikes against them.        so when I find myself complaining, I'll start praying for those folks.     ------------------------

let's do our "giggle for the day": 

What do you call a pile of cats?

A meow-ntain.


what can I say, the cold and snow is getting to me.  hahaha


let's go to the kitchen for a "2 minutes in the kitchen with me".            snow days are great for baking bread.         if you don't believe me, try it for yourself.         this morning I used a new recipe for me.      I had been wanting to try the antique white bread recipe, but I just never did.        but since eggs have gotten to be like chunks of gold, I decided this morning was the morning to try it.        I wish I had gotten a pic of the dough ball, but I didn't.        while I was getting the ingredients together, I did change the recipe a little bit.         I put some whole wheat flour in my dough and I put some vital wheat gluten and a little more yeast than the recipe calls for.        it works for me.       hahahaha         recipes are just a starting place for ones own creativity.       hahaha        you heard it here first.     

so after about 25 minutes, I took the dough ball out and weighed it in grams and then I divided that number 16.        I tried it with 20 first, but the buns would be too small.         so dividing the overall weight by 16 will give me good sized buns.

I used the same trays for these that I used yesterday to freeze my cornbread swirls.          all I could get in them was 4, but as it turned out, that was perfect.         I can't wait bake some and see how big they get and what they taste like.

this is just a closeup of some of the balls.         you can see that they are all very uniform in size.         so when I put these in my 4 inch muffin top pans, if they rise well, they only reach 4 inches across.      they will be the perfect size for the egg, cheese and sausage patties that I make for my husbands breakfast.

this is all 16 of them ready to go in the freezer to flash freeze and then I'll put them in a freezer ziplock bag and they'll be great.         I need to another batch of these made this afternoon.        I'll either make these or get a new batch of sourdough mini loaves started.       I'll do that closer to be time so the dough will ferment overnight and then divvy out the dough and out in the mini loaf pans in the morning.      anyway, winter snowy days are good for making or baking bread.       anyway, I hope you are inspired to make and or bake some bread.    

I guess that's about all we have today.         I pray that we all have a great day today and that we keep seeking after the heart of God in all that we do.         I pray that we see the situations around us thru the eyes of God.         I pray that we won't fall for the lies and trash that the enemy throws at us.       I pray that we strive to do the right things even when so called friends may be telling us not to trust God.        I pray that we seek new friends instead of hanging on to the ones that are dragging us down.       I pray that we see reality around us instead of the indoctrination that is thrown at us from every direction.      hugs and love, patty