good morning beautiful ones!!! I hope that today is as spectacular as yesterday was. yesterday was a stellar day and I thank God for it. I got a lot done in the house and then I got a lot done outside. woohoo!!!! it actually got up to about 73 or 74. I could go for days like that everyday. hahaha but who couldn't, right. anyway, we'll see what today brings and we'll enjoy this day too and thank God for it and thank Him for allowing us to be a part of such an amazing day. I always say if my feet hits the floor of the morning, then that's a good day. let's do all we can to make it a good day and enjoy it. God is good all the time.
well, let's just go ahead and head to the kitchen for another segment of "2 minutes in the kitchen with me". I had been wanting to make this for the longest time. I used to get a version of this at the amish store we used to visit, but since becoming a home body, I prefer to make as much from scratch as I can. I had looked for something already made up, but the prices was unbelievable, so I said scrap that idea and set out to find the ingredients I needed. I had gotten everything but the ground cardamom and once it finally arrived, I got everything together.
you can see the recipe on the side of the jar, and you can just use that as your starting place. omit what you want to, add other ingredients if you want to. I already know the next batch won't have the french vanilla coffee creamer and it may not have the regular creamer. I don't know. but if I need vanilla, I'll add real liquid vanilla when I make my cuppa. this was just a hurried batch, but it's pretty good. but I noticed I have more pain in my body this morning than I normally do and I've been finding out over the last few years that certain things causes inflammation. those things will make any inflammation in my body worse. so this morning I'm worse.having said that, I'll use it another time or two and see what the results will be. it may be a fluke or it may be a problem for me. I was really hoping to get something figured out for this mix and maybe just leaving the coffee creamer out all together may be the remedy and put more powdered whole milk in it. the jar is a quart and a half jar, so you can see how much the recipe makes. I may cut the recipe down into a forth or a fifth of the recipe, just do a small batch, and see how that works for me.
I don't like to be wasteful at all and this may end up being a waste. I sure hope not. I was hoping that I would be able to put a spoon full in my morning chia and oat bowl, but I sure can't do that if it makes my body hurt.
but remember, this is just a recipe, it's just a starting place for your creativity to kick in. just put what ever you think you would like in it and go from there. I hope if you try this or a form of this, that you'll let me know how you like it.
picking up with 1 Kings Chapter 3. Solomon is now king. Solomon loved the Lord but he was sacrificing and burning incense in high places while he was building the house of the Lord. the Lord told Solomon to ask for what he God to give him. Solomon asked for wisdom to discern from right and wrong and good and evil. this was very pleasing to God, so God gave Solomon what he asked for. if we want to please God, let's ask for something that God wants to give us. He is ready willing and able to give us wisdom to discern between good and evil. God was pleased to give Solomon what he asked for and God also gave Solomon what he didn't ask for and that was riches and honor. there would be no other, ever, as wealthy and as wise and honorable as Solomon. people came from all over the nations to hear the wisdom of Solomon. the house for the Lord was finished and Solomon held a feast at that time and dedicating it to the Lord. Solomon was the greatest king on earth and all the other kings wanted his attention, to hear the things that God had put in his heart. as with everyone else, all this notoriety went to his head and Solomon sinned against God. why is this not surprising? because we all sin. we do. we may not set out to sin, but when fame and fortune and notoriety come together, that's a good place for sin to fester and become a problem and it did for Solomon. Solomon started worshiping the gods of his wives and building idols and places of worship for them. God had told him that as long as he and his sons served God, He would make sure that an heir would always be on the throne. since Solomon had strayed from God, God raised up adversaries and Solomon dealt with them till his death. Solomon reigned for 40 years.
next time we pick up in1 Kings Chapter 12.
sin is always wrong. no matter who we are and no matter rich we are and no matter the fame we have, sin will get us in trouble. God wants to bless us, but He can't bless us while we are sinning against Him. have we ever felt distant from God? of course we have. but it's never been because God has moved from us. it's always because we have moved from God. it truly is an eye-opener when we stop and think about how God told them all, that if they stayed close to Him, He would stay close to them. and how many times do we them draw away from God? every single time. we just can't help ourselves. if we stay close to God, He will stay close to us.
Lord help me to stay close to you. help me to not sin against You. if and when I do sin against You, please help me to recognize if immediately and help me to repent of my sin quickly. I want to always do the right thing, but when I fail, please help me quickly, to get back in right relationship with You. amen and amen.
I hope and pray that we all have a most wonderful today. keep God first and foremost in all that we do. may the Lord bless and keep us all today. hugs and love, patty