good morning from my beautiful neck of the woods. we've had a couple of gorgeous days and yesterday was one of those days. I pray that today will be another one of those gorgeous days. I hope to get out and get some lettuce sown and hopefully be eating fresh lettuce sometime soon. I have a few peppers to maybe get set out too and then get some hot peppers started. I got some stevia and a few herbs started the other day and hoping to get more started. I'm really getting the garden itch. hahaha it's gonna be a good year.
let's do a "2 minutes in the kitchen with me", sounds like a plan. I went to aldi the other day and picked up a few things. we was out of turkey burgers, so I got a couple of pkgs of ground turkey with low fat. it was 93/7 grind. that's what we prefer. so when I got ready to make it into patties, I just cut the meat as you see in the picture.
then I started making the patties and I put them in fliptop sandwich bags.
once I got all 8 of them done, I put them in vac seal bags and they are now tucked away nicely in the freezer. 2 to a bag.
these are so good and quick to toss in the air fryer. yes, I toss them in the air fryer. I'll sprinkle a little salt and pepper on them and sprinkle on some liquid smoke and let the air fryer do it's deal. about 15 minutes on high and flip once half way thru and sprinkle that side with salt, pepper and liquid smoke and let it finish cooking. not pink in the center at all and it doesn't turn into a ball like a lot of ground meat will when you put it in a skillet. I've had burgers actually swell to the point of looking like 2 pieces of meat pressed and if you're not careful, you'll get spewed with the juices that have collected in the center. that doesn't happen in the air fryer with ground beef, ground turkey or ground chicken. so if you haven't tried a burger in the air fryer, give it a try, you just may enjoy it.
let's do our little "giggle for the day":
Q - What did the shark say when he ate the clownfish?
A - This tastes a little funny.
😂😂😂 I never said it would be a tasteful joke, kinda fishy to me though. 😂😂😂
today we pick up with Psalm 42. this Psalm starts out with a mental picture of a deep thirsting for water, that how the writer thirsted for God. oh that all of God's people would thirst for God just like that. what a beautiful thought. for us all to long for our true God. the writer call on God as his rock and strength. this is a common theme thru the Psalms and it continues to be.
Psalm 43 the writer is asking God to vindicate him against his foes. he will wait for God and will praise Him. a lesson to be learned is to wait on the Lord.
in Psalm 44 the writer is talking about how the God had protected His people from their enemies. we need to always remember the past, how God has been with us, made a way for us, protected us and keeps on protecting us. the writer is asking God to rise up and redeem them because of His great mercy.
Psalm 45 describes God as a mighty king and His throne is forever. because of who He is people will praise Him forever. I know I keep saying this, but should keep seeking after the heart of God.
in Psalm 46 we see again that God is our refuge and strength, our stronghold. stop striving, or relax and know that He is God.
Psalm 47 shows us that God is great and greatly to be feared.
Psalm 48 speaks of God's right hand is full of righteousness. why is that? when the bible speaks of one's right hand it's usually a symbol of power and authority and a position of highest honor. the right hand is associated with strength and favor, while the left hand is associated with weakness or negativity. something to highly consider. something else that I had learned many years ago is that the right hand is also recognized as a hand of cleanliness because the right hand would be kept clean when taking care of personal hygiene. at any rate, to be under God's right hand of righteousness meant that God is powerful, He will provide protection and His is also the right hand that bestows blessings upon His people!!! Lord please keep me in the protection of Your right hand!!!!!
Psalm 49 speaks of foolishness in riches. we can't take it with us and the wealthy while living congratulate themselves for being rich. if anyone pays any attention to what's going on around them, we see that most of the rich have stolen their way to the top of the dung heap. we see many people in politics who have gotten wealthy off the backs of the working poor. God will take care of all this one day. the best we can do today, is be honest and keep trusting in God. those who are charging their way to the top of dung heap will reap their just rewards of stench. how do you know if they're lying, listen to who's screaming the loudest. who has the most sin and thievery to be uncovered, those screaming the loudest. consider the little word study done on the "right hand of God". the left hand is associated with weakness and negativity and I would say that those who are living their lives inclined to the left are definitely associated with weakness, negativity, stealing, cheating and lying to the people. it's being exposed. wait for it.
Psalm 50 is talking about God being the judge over the righteous and the wicked. God Himself will make all things right in His timing.
Psalm 51 shows us what a repentant heart should look like. he say, "create in me a clean heart, oh God". these are words that we need to keep at the forefront of our minds all the time. you know, when we drift away from God, we lose the joy of our salvation. we'll not lose our salvation if we've put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ, but we can lose our joy. that's when we must ask God to restore the joy of our salvation and that's where repentance comes in.
Psalm 52 speaks of being boastful in wickedness. I think that's something that we're all very familiar with this day and time. what I think about first and foremost is all evil and wickedness associated with all perversion that has been forced down out throats for many years and all the shameful indoctrination that has come with that. the very thing that God has called abominable in His word, more times than once, is the very thing that is now paraded around as normal and the very thing that we all need to be doing. well, it's straight from the pits of hell and even the perverts know that, they just don't care. I have been asking for many years for someone to show me just 1 verse in the bible where God or Jesus Christ is welcoming that behavior in heaven. it's not there!!!! and those who live in such a way are hell bound. that's not me hating on anyone, that's me telling the truth in love. I don't want to see anyone go to hell, but the wicked are hell bound unless they turn to the right hand of God. I will trust in the faithfulness of god.
Psalm 53, "the fool has said in his heart there is no God". God will restore His people.
Psalm 54 shows us that we are to pray for God's protection against our enemies. and if you are a Christian, just know that you have enemies and lots of them. But God!!!
next time we will pick up at Psalm 55.
well, I guess that's about all I have today. I pray that we all have a great day today and that we thank God for allowing us to be a part of it. I pray that we all keep seeking after the heart of God in all our ways. blessings of strength and power thru Jesus Christ be ours today!!!
hugs and love, patty